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Hexadron's Nitoralis [Retired]


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I gave them full disclosure. The corals did look a lot better from the start, but how fast they declined vs my params and care just didn't make sense. Not to mention the tissue on the surviving corals has turned a swampy green color. No it's not algae either, and I can't find an explanation for that anywhere. I even stumped Albert Thiel :P



Here's one of the healthier corals, and the 'green color' I was speaking of.


I'm sorry Jordon, but this coral seems to be dead. The green that you see is algae. I know you say it is not algae, but it is. Corals don't change color like a chameleon they will change dark to light or light to dark or brown out, bleach out but change to green they do not do. Look for polyp extension as your indicator of life.

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As bad as I hate to agree with Kat on this one from this picture the only one I see that may make a recovery is #6 as it's browned out instead of green. Have you tested for ammonia or nitrites since this occurred? If there's an ammonia spike at all then it's definitely death. Also, if you are able to get your TSB and when he gets in there, starts picking at the green, that will 100% confirm it's algae and not tissue. Sucks no matter how you slice it!

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I agree, looks like they have passed, although it does look like number 6 is still going. Same thing happened to me when a few frags dissolved over a weekend I wasn't home. Went from colour to white and green algae in the space of 36-48 hours. Give one a sniff, it's easy to tell if they have died.

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So sorry about all this.....but i would leave them all in there with the strongest light you dare. I have seen sps come back from three weeks of looking all dead. If you think algae are growing on them you can use a soft brush on them.


Or since your are geting all new one's just toss all of them out and make them into little chess pieces......

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I have also seen corals recover from the dead, corals I was totally convinced were dead and just lazy to remove them, then like magic polyps appear. I have had dead corals I have scraped off the rock come back from nothing (guess I missed a bit). The green on the coral pictured above indicates some tissue is still present. It is in bad shape and likely wont come back however it is still alive IMEO. No harm in leaving them in at this point and see what happens.


When the next shipment arrives check the water temp of the bag(s) before doing anything. Forget floating the bags, just start drip acclimation and slowly bring water temp up. Dip (follow product instructions carefully) and put them in the display near the bottom, keep your lights on the lower side. Do nothing else, the less stress the better.




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Thanks for your replies everyone. What I will do is continue feeding, and wait and see. I am thinking to keep up with elements, to do small 10% water changes every week. If in 3 more weeks there is no sign of improvement, I will say they are goners. I will be moving them up a bit this weekend to get a tad more light.


Thanks for keeping my spirits up everyone :)

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Yoi need to feed more than that. Your not even putting 1ml of liquid food in. 10gal can process that 0.3ml of drops in probably 2 hours, also....the green is green coralline algae....

I'm with Deck. I love feeding my corals! Food food and more food!

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What are you doing with your qt tank?


I tore it down and cleaned it out for now. Wow, after all that planning, 'Remorbis' is no more :( Unless I keep it running as a fully established tank, I won't be using it the way I planned. It just wasn't practical in practice.

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I tore it down and cleaned it out for now. Wow, after all that planning, 'Remorbis' is no more :( Unless I keep it running as a fully established tank, I won't be using it the way I planned. It just wasn't practical in practice.

I would use it for fish and invert QT !

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I would use it for fish and invert QT !


I may set it up in the future, but for the amount of fish I will be adding to this tank 1 or 2, I will pass for now. I know this is taking a bit of a chance, but don't feel it necessary at this point. :)


Speaking of fish...



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Thanks :) He's such a cutie! (masculinity -100) :lol: He is just a baby too, clocking in at just under an inch right now.


He was pretty stressed yesterday after acclimation, and I could tell because he was very dark in color (nearly black) But today he is nice and coloful which is hard to tell by the shot, but he's starting to explore a bit - but no more than 6 inches from his "home" pictured above haha.


He isn't eating any of the food I fed this morning, but I see him picking at the rocks - as he is classified as herbivore.


I also picked up a Blood Red Fire Shrimp and 3 Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crabs. All which are quite cryptic right now, so hard to get any photos!

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Deleted User 4

Yeah tsb tends to do that. Btw, you should be cautious on the blood red shrimp...I had one before and it got to be matured size. By then, it would try to prey on smaller fishes, smaller shrimps in a small tank. Well I had it in a 10g tank when I started this hobby so I can't be sure on your tank lol.

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Yeah tsb tends to do that. Btw, you should be cautious on the blood red shrimp...I had one before and it got to be matured size. By then, it would try to prey on smaller fishes, smaller shrimps in a small tank. Well I had it in a 10g tank when I started this hobby so I can't be sure on your tank lol.

I'll keep an eye on him. Like I said he's not all "In your face" like some cleaner shrimps, but i'm okay with that. He seems to be munching on algae ATM, and anything in the rock. He was in the same tank as the TSB in the fish store as well. Seems to be peaceful. I will be making sure he's fed along with everyone else :)

lol @ masculinity -100! :lol:

Haha, I can't help it! :P


I also picked up some Live Rock! The horror!!! I was never against it 'per-se' but I was more scared than some horrible pests would come with it. Well boys and gals, I bit the bullet.


Some background on the rock, It has been in an established Coral Show Tank for minimum 18 months. I didn't buy it for the shape or anything, but just for the goodies living in/on it :) Here's what the pieces look like.




It's impossible for me to find a completely Coraline encrusted chunk, but this looks to be pretty full of life, maybe even some sponges look to be present as well :)

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Deleted User 4

Yeah, this will help your tank a whole lot imo. But who knows lol.


I see sponges, tiny coco worms, worms. lol

Picture of the red shrimp? :)

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He's at an angle I can't get a photo. I'm sure he'll explore soon enough. He was all over the place at the LFS, so probably still shy.

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Wow that is amazing. I feed NLS pellets everyday but I make a mixture of mysis, cyclops, & spirulina from time to time to keep the diet varied. If I get the neons ill probably feed frozen more often.


Do they eat pods at all? That would be a cool plus if they did, my pod population could use some regulating.


I am pretty sure they eat whatever is available. I have not seen them eating pods directly. The pods in the fuge for my nano have all disappeared and I have a BNG in there along with a pair of Clowns and a Green Chromis.


Jordon, this hobby is really an emotional roller coaster ride. I am sorry about the SPS shipping issues. I have been through a rough ride with fish and I just allow myself to feel frustrated and/or sad with the promise that I will not give up. You have taken this rough start with grace and strength. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I find them very valuable and informative. I know lots of other newbies reading will agree.


I love your new TSB. It is a beauty. Blennies I have discovered are so smart and very active. What have you decided to name your little fish?

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Cutie pie blenny. He still looks very stressed, those markings should go away as he gets used to the tank and the movements and shadows when you walk by. You could try spirulina enriched brine or mysis. Algae wafers are good too. Please don't name him something complicated like a disease. :slap:


The LR looks very interesting, I'm all for cool HH critters. Are you feeding the tank with corals foods?

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I am pretty sure they eat whatever is available. I have not seen them eating pods directly. The pods in the fuge for my nano have all disappeared and I have a BNG in there along with a pair of Clowns and a Green Chromis.


Jordon, this hobby is really an emotional roller coaster ride. I am sorry about the SPS shipping issues. I have been through a rough ride with fish and I just allow myself to feel frustrated and/or sad with the promise that I will not give up. You have taken this rough start with grace and strength. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I find them very valuable and informative. I know lots of other newbies reading will agree.


I love your new TSB. It is a beauty. Blennies I have discovered are so smart and very active. What have you decided to name your little fish?

Thanks :D You couldn't be more right. It's all ups and downs. I'm the type of guy who always stays positive though. If I can, Ill take it as a learning experience, and I am always willing to share. His name shall be 'Lenny' :P I thought it fitting.

Cutie pie blenny. He still looks very stressed, those markings should go away as he gets used to the tank and the movements and shadows when you walk by. You could try spirulina enriched brine or mysis. Algae wafers are good too. Please don't name him something complicated like a disease. :slap:


The LR looks very interesting, I'm all for cool HH critters. Are you feeding the tank with corals foods?

Compared to what he looked like yesterday, this is already a huge improvement. Since I posted last, he has explored even more of the tank :) I think in a few weeks he should feel right at home.


I'm feeding three different types of pellets, and a Spirulina food as well all soaked in Zeo Amino Acids for Fish. I have Wakame+ by FM which is a type of algae wafer as well, so if I don't see him eating the other foods, I will add these too. And also just to feed everything else I added a few drops each of Oyster Feast and Phyto Feast Live.


I have Amino Acids for SPS on order which I should get early next week, and have fed Reef Vitality Marine Organics twice now since adding the corals. It's 1/10 of the pill per 'feeding' and every 4 days or so. :)


I love your blenny :wub:



in before the hermits rape everything alive in your tank, though. Crabs are so naughty.

Ya I was a bit hesitant to get the hermits, but they seems to be just picking at the rocks mostly. They were $1.50 each, so if they cause trouble and won't stop, down the Porcelain Express they go :lol: Or better yet back to the LFS. haha

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Thats not a sponge its a yellow tunicate. Thank god you picked up some rock, it will lead to a much healthier system man.

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I've heard good things about fauna marin but have yet to try them myself. Maybe once my coral foods finish. For now I feed about 15-20 kinds of foods.

Thats not a sponge its a yellow tunicate. Thank god you picked up some rock, it will lead to a much healthier system man.

Naw It's a sponge, I have those and I thought they were tunicates too but they aren't.

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