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Cultivated Reef

Chrisdamage Pacific Lagoon Biotope


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Hey guys, its been a long while... I've been away from the hobby for a few years. Had a career change and a bunch of stuff going on in life that have kept me away from the hobby for a while, but now I'm back! I have had a lot of time to consider what kind of tank I want to do and the jury is still out on the exact tank I end up with but I'm pretty much settled on what I want in it.


Ever since I started down the nano reef path years ago, I was always tinkering and changing my mind as far as my set up, livestock, tank size, etc was concerned. I always found myself upgrading every couple of years because I wanted to keep more and more livestock and change my aquascape. So now I've decided to not go any smaller than 50 gallons. Especially considering the specifics of the tank I'd like to set up. Things have matured a good bit since I've been away. LEDs are far more common and affordable now (One of the major things I wish to incorporate into my tank).


I'm thinking about taking the plunge and actually going for the tank idea I've always loved the most and always wanted to do: A pacific reef lagoon complete with seagrass, clams, and an anemone/clownfish pair.


Here is what I am thinking so far:

*Oceanic 76 Half Circle 45 1/2" x 23" x 25" (This is what I want... But it could change)

*Solaris LED Light Fixture (Might go a different brand to find one that fits the tank just right)

*Sump (to be determined...)

*Deltec SC 1350 Skimmer

*Tunze Osmolator with a 7 gallon bucket




*Manatee Grass (I know this is a Caribbean species but it looks so similar to most Pacific species that it will suit me just fine... Also, it is much easier to keep than most Pacific species).


*2 or 3 Tridacna maxima Clams


*Haddon's Carpet Anemone with a mated clownfish pair


*Sexy Shrimp


*Cleaner Shrimp


*5 Bangaii or Pajama Cardinal Fish


*Watchman Goby or Jawfish


*5 to 6" of substrate


*Small pieces of liverock scatterd about the tank



My plan is to buy the pieces of this set up a little at a time and have the initial system up and running by about May of this year. I want the system to be estabished for a while before I introduce a carpet anemone so that might even be until late this year before that happens. I also plan on having some flat pieces of liverock beneath my substrate so that hopefully the anemone and the clams don't attach their feet to the bottom of the glass. Thanks for stopping by and I will post pics as I get this up and running!

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Wow, this is nearly spot-on with what I'm already working on. The only difference is that I want one or two hardy staghorn Acropora to also fill out a small islet/bommie with the clams. I'm also using 2-250w 10K halides on a shorter tank (only about 12-14 inches actual depth). Really looking forward to how this works out for you. I love my seagrasses--it's starting to be difficult for me to imagine a personal tank that does not feature them.

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