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Justice's Nuvo16. New Pics 4-16-13


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I agree. Are you running a skimmer? Also, what kind of corals aren't for BB tanks? I see your from Houston, I'm from SA. Check out MAAST.org if you haven't already.

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I agree. Are you running a skimmer? Also, what kind of corals aren't for BB tanks? I see your from Houston, I'm from SA. Check out MAAST.org if you haven't already.

I'm not running a skimmer right now, but I did order a glass gnome skimmer which will be here Monday. I took out my chaeto from the fuge basket in the back. In such a small amount I don't really think it helps much and I noticed it was collecting a lot of detritus. So the skimmer will go into that chamber. In such a small tank I don't think I really need the skimmer buuuut it's can't hurt. As far as corals go for BB, I'm not expert by any means but I think most can be kept in a BB tank. Some will work better than others as far as placement goes. Like zoas/palys if on a piece of rock or frag disc can just sit on the glass. Other things like frogspawn or torches depending on how they where frag'd may need something like pvc to keep them upright if you can't wedge them in the rocks.

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How much rock do you have in there?

15-18lbs I think. Wanted more, but realreefrock isn't cheap and the tank is so small.

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I got some new toys in today. My gnome glass skimmer and IM media reactor came in today. I will have them up and running shortly along with some more shots of the tank.









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Sweet!!!! I got my stuff in to.

Awesome, I'll check out your thread. I installed the reactor last night and really like it. It's a pretty slick design and it works great. I'm having trouble with my return pump putting tons of microbubbles in the tank though. I took it out and dialed it down some, but am still getting the bubbles, not sure what the problem is. I'm going to install the skimmer tonight! :haha:

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Awesome, I'll check out your thread. I installed the reactor last night and really like it. It's a pretty slick design and it works great. I'm having trouble with my return pump putting tons of microbubbles in the tank though. I took it out and dialed it down some, but am still getting the bubbles, not sure what the problem is. I'm going to install the skimmer tonight! :haha:

Try giving IM a call and see what they can tell you about it.

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Nice build. My 6 yr olds nuvo 16 will be here tomorrow. We're going to have some fun with it. He loves working on my tanks with my and is fascinated with rbta's and some of the designer clowns. So needless to say those will be in the mix. I'll keep tabs on this thread.

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Nice build. My 6 yr olds nuvo 16 will be here tomorrow. We're going to have some fun with it. He loves working on my tanks with my and is fascinated with rbta's and some of the designer clowns. So needless to say those will be in the mix. I'll keep tabs on this thread.

Thank you. That's awesome that your son is already into tanks. Make a thread with your build once you get your goodies in.

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Skimmer and reactor are set-up and working very well. I want to get another MP10 and then I should be done with equipment for awhile. Here are some pics.








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What size gnome did you get? Do you think the larger size would fit also f you got the smaller one?Thanks and looking great.


Ok went to the first page and saw the skimmer size. So do you think the 38mm would fit ok?

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Very nice!

Thank you.


What size gnome did you get? Do you think the larger size would fit also f you got the smaller one? Thanks and looking great.


Ok went to the first page and saw the skimmer size. So do you think the 38mm would fit ok?

Yea, I got the small one. I have it in the chamber with my heater also and there is still room, it is small. The 38 should be ok, but with the tank only being 16gal the small is more than enough.

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How's the skimmer performing? I just added the IM desktop to my sons tank.

Very well so far, I love it. It has a very small footprint and it's silent. Trying to decide what I want my last fish to be. I have a pair of clowns now and want one or two more. They have to be small of course but it's hard to decide. What are your plans for fish?

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Look into a captive bred dottyback. They are very colorful and hardy fish being captive bred. Should not pick on your clowns either. Another option my be a couple cardinals.


Good deal on the skimmer. Any vid clips? I think the IM skimmer will be really good once it breaks in. I posted a vid in the equipment forum last night. Getting skimmate yet?


My son picked out a couple designer clowns and not sure n the rest. I am thinking an ochid dottyback myself might be something he likes. The purple would look amazing under led's also. Neon dottybacks as well would be a nice colorful addition.


Also sent u a PM a few days back.


Thanks, Jeff

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Made a trip to the LFS today and got a few things.


ORA Orchid Dottyback

Short tentacle plate



Enjoy the pictures! The Dottyback is still mostly hiding so I couldn't get a picture, but my clowns love the camera.

















I have a Canon Eos Rebel T3i that I'm using but as you can see I still need work with it, lol. Need to read up on white balance.

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Tank looks amazing! I am plannig a build similar to yours!


Any updates on the skimmers performance? I ordered the 38mm can't wait for it to arrive!

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Tank looks amazing! I am plannig a build similar to yours!


Any updates on the skimmers performance? I ordered the 38mm can't wait for it to arrive!

Thanks. The skimmer is working very well. I have nothing but great things to say about it so far.

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My nem decided to kill itself the night after I got it via MP10. I knew that this was a possibility given such a small tank and that the nem would most likely move. I put the sponge shield thing on the MP10 and turned it way down over the night and still it somehow got sucked up and killed. The tank was very cloudy when I woke up the next morning. I had to be at work so all I could do was remove the foot of the nem stuck to the MP10 and change the filter floss.


I had just cleaned the skimmer and it was very nasty looking so it did a great job of pulling the gunk from the dead nem out. When I got home from work the tank actually was clear and everything looked ok. I did a 5gal water change and cleaned the skimmer which smelled like death. So lesson learned for me about nems in small tanks. I'm sure it can be done, but it didn't work out for me. No new tank pics to post but a few of another hobby I have. Just cleaned her up this morning.








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