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laguna's 40 breeder


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Wow that stylophora completely changed. What are you dosing?

Bionic two part. But I think I accidentally got the turkey baster in the alk container after it was in the ca container because the #1 alk formula solidified, it like frozen but not. So I went back to good ole kent super dKh combined with b-ionic calcium #2. When I took the top pictures in jan, I had a kalk reactor going and was using seachem reef salt. Out of the bucket before adding to tank seachems salt was at 6 dKh 525 ca.. My tank was wrecked through that entire bucket. Now back on reef crystals (which seems like they've improved their product since my small break) and everything looks a lot better. My water chemistry is solid again.

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Wow! Amazing colors. Great tank.

Thanks, l'm looking forward to your build. Read a bit of the your thread.




Hey this tank is sick! What's ur fish stock list?

thanks, you ever find that giant crab?? I have a hippo tang, tiger goby, lawnmower blenny, potter's angel, pair of black ocellaris.

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Thanks, l'm looking forward to your build. Read a bit of the your thread.





thanks, you ever find that giant crab?? I have a hippo tang, tiger goby, lawnmower blenny, potter's angel, pair of black ocellaris.

Haha I guess that crab made me famous here lol. Nope, never found him. Either he doesn't exist or he's a ninja. Never found any of the missing fish and the two that survived are still living happily together. I still haven't mustered up the courage to add another fish tho haha. U should put some pics of the potters angel up on here. They're beautiful. How long have u had ur hippo tang and how big is he? Seem like he's doing ok in a 40B?


I want to upgrade to something 40B size but I really wanted rimless. Don't think I wanna fork over the extra couple hundred to get that done tho, and your tank proves u can have a rim and still have a beautiful tank! The rim bother u?

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I traded some coral for the hippo tang. He was about an inch when I got him and in bad shape - lateral line and ich. He's doing much better now and about an 1" 1/2. He gets along well with all of the other fish, isn't the least bit shy, basically never hides. He comes right to the glass when I'm at the tank, begging for food -eats a ton and is super active. The lateral line is slowly going away, I've been feeding him vitamin M and brightwell's amino acids. Bunch of people on this forum probably think I'm a dick for keeping a hippo tang but 40b's not extremely small. If he seemed freaked out I would find him a better home. I keep my water parameters in check, do weakly water changes. He was in a very small tank at a LFS in town for a few months and nobody wanted him because he looked all beat up. I felt bad and took a chance, he's getting better now and seems happy. He struggled the first few weeks I had him.


The potter's angel and the hippo are good buddies, they stick up for each other. I love the potter's angel too, he is one of the prettier one's I've seen. The only thing he constantly swims at the glass looking at his reflexion (at least that's what I think he's doing). He just can't figure out it's a reflexion.


There's a guy on nano-reef that de-rimmed a petco 40b. I wouldn't do it though, you can see a slight bow. I thought about doing it for a second but it doesn't bother me. I'm with you though, I love rimless tanks too. But I couldn't pass up a $40 40 gallon breeder.

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I traded some coral for the hippo tang. He was about an inch when I got him and in bad shape - lateral line and ich. He's doing much better now and about an 1" 1/2. He gets along well with all of the other fish, isn't the least bit shy, basically never hides. He comes right to the glass when I'm at the tank, begging for food -eats a ton and is super active. The lateral line is slowly going away, I've been feeding him vitamin M and brightwell's amino acids. Bunch of people on this forum probably think I'm a dick for keeping a hippo tang but 40b's not extremely small. If he seemed freaked out I would find him a better home. I keep my water parameters in check, do weakly water changes. He was in a very small tank at a LFS in town for a few months and nobody wanted him because he looked all beat up. I felt bad and took a chance, he's getting better now and seems happy. He struggled the first few weeks I had him.


The potter's angel and the hippo are good buddies, they stick up for each other. I love the potter's angel too, he is one of the prettier one's I've seen. The only thing he constantly swims at the glass looking at his reflexion (at least that's what I think he's doing). He just can't figure out it's a reflexion.


There's a guy on nano-reef that de-rimmed a petco 40b. I wouldn't do it though, you can see a slight bow. I thought about doing it for a second but it doesn't bother me. I with you though, I love rimless tanks too. But I couldn't pass up a $40 40 gallon breeder.

wow thanks for the pics. He's gorgeous! Good for u for nursing the tang back to health! Who cares what anyone else thinks haha. U think you'll be able to keep him comfortably for awhile?


There's no way I'd be brave enough to de-rim a 40B haha, that's crazy! Either save the money and get it done right or just get one with a rim. Don't want a 40 gallon mess!

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wow thanks for the pics. He's gorgeous! Good for u for nursing the tang back to health! Who cares what anyone else thinks haha. U think you'll be able to keep him comfortably for awhile? There's no way I'd be brave enough to de-rim a 40B haha, that's crazy! Either save the money and get it done right or just get one with a rim. Don't want a 40 gallon mess!

yeah I wouldn't either, it's not worth it. I think I'll be able to keep him for a bit, if he seems to get uncomfortable I'll find another home for him with one of the members of the local reef club, no biggie. But I'll probably have a 150-200g by then, I'm getting ideas in my head and have space. I really want to go bigger and love this little tang enough to build him a better home. I think 40b is a good size to practice on and get ready for a bigger tank.

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Great growth shots! Very nice pieces you have there

Thank you!




How long have you had the potters? Picking at your sps?

I've had the potter's since October of last year. No, I think I lucked out with him, he doesn't bother anything. I've only seen him pick at the rocks.

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Great photos! Liking the digi forest. I have three now but would like some more!

They grow fast, that started with 3 frags. digi's my favorite because it grows so fast and has good color.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That potters is gorgeous!! You're pics are amazing as well :)

thanks Glenn, yes the potter's is one of the prettiest I've seen. It took me a minute to figure out how to use color balance correctly with my camera.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beautiful, nice balance. Looks like you may be buying a bigger tank in the near future, it's hard to stop buying corals and they just keep growing......

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Here are a couple examples of growth using 2 - AI sol blues - (44 days)




















New baby RBTA -



Purple hornets, grown from single polyp -



zoa garden



Cali tort or oregon tort? anyone know?



purple tip frogspawn




La Lakers





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Here are a couple examples of growth using 2 - AI sol blues - (44 days)




















New baby RBTA -



Purple hornets, grown from single polyp -



zoa garden



Cali tort or oregon tort? anyone know?



purple tip frogspawn




La Lakers





Oh my goodness this tank is gorgeous!! What ever happened to sols not being able to color up sps??


Seriously this tank is TOTM material. This thread really needs more publicity!

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Great tank! The potter's is awesome. No issues with nipping?

Thank you, not that i've noticed. He nips at rocks but never coral. I've had it for months and I think I got lucky, so far so good.




Oh my goodness this tank is gorgeous!! What ever happened to sols not being able to color up sps?? Seriously this tank is TOTM material. This thread really needs more publicity!

thanks a lot! I don't know if others have bad luck with sols but they work great for me. Although, they are running full blast - 100% a good part of the day.




Beautiful tank and inspiring :) Thanks for sharing.

thank you, most of my inspiration has come from tanks on this forum as well. It would be difficult to keep a marine aquarium without the resources we have today.

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Beautiful tank! I love the digis.

thank you, digis are my favorite. I need to get more variation, not that many LFS have them around here. sponggodes is my new favorite, love the large polyps and bright neon green/yellow.

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