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Veng's 20L - Black Friday Madness!


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Oh, I figured out how to afford the 105 rimless I want. I buy the tank and set it on the floor (can't afford the stand), then I use non-ro/di water so it fills with algae, I introduce aptasia, and then I put in a couple of emeralds and pepperment shrimp after the algae and aptaisa have taken over the tank and then I sell them to LFS to pay off the debt of the tank. In 10 years I'll be able to start buying corals for it!


Sounds like a plan. :lol: I will even donate for a few 2x4s to build you a skeleton stand. That way you can get 80 or so gallon sump up and going where you can keep just aptasia. I will even send you a few jars of them. I can't get rid of them for the aptasia for the life of me. My peperments always die after a few months. Not sure why, they just do.


Hey you could also load the aptasia in glass jars and threaten LFS that if you don't get free coral frags from time to time you are going to break the jar in their display tank. :naughtydance:


Also that horse photoshop thing is creepy.

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Sounds like a plan. :lol: I will even donate for a few 2x4s to build you a skeleton stand. That way you can get 80 or so gallon sump up and going where you can keep just aptasia. I will even send you a few jars of them. I can't get rid of them for the aptasia for the life of me. My peperments always die after a few months. Not sure why, they just do.


Hey you could also load the aptasia in glass jars and threaten LFS that if you don't get free coral frags from time to time you are going to break the jar in their display tank. :naughtydance:


I want a 105 rimless, but I'm not willing to pay the 5-10K that I'd spend if I bought one, equipment, and livestock to fill it. If I ever win the lotto I'll probably get one. Until then I'll settle with the 20L. At least till I have kids, then I'll sell it off to pay for diapers like everyone else.


Also that horse photoshop thing is creepy.
Not a photoshop, that's real. Well, a real mask anyways. For some reason the horse mask (sold on amazon) has become an internet meme. You can't make this #### up.


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Just start farming aptasia to buy dipers ;)

I still think the glass jar threat would be viable way to stock that tank. :lol:


I wondered if that was a mask.


That second picture... :huh: man I hope he doesn't show up in my dreams. Speaking of which it is time to try and sleep.

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Sorry about that birdsnest. It's STN, not RTN. With RTN the thing would be gone in a couple of hours to a day.you can try to smear super glue to stop the progression but at this point you could try to frag off tips that are healthy.


The cause is certainly the tank mve and resulting shock. New water would have required acclimation, and then another acclimation o new lights. sPS are sensitive like that.


I'm in agreement with belac, dont glue those green plays down,they are a curse. Get rid of them Or throw them in the fuge.




Is this the bribe?

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Not a photoshop, that's real. Well, a real mask anyways. For some reason the horse mask (sold on amazon) has become an internet meme. You can't make this #### up.


I assume you've seen this thread: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1636...ight=horse+mask





And the customer images on Amazon are flat-out amazing. http://click.project-kb.com/?url=http%3A%2...ex%3D2&id=1

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In my experience with killing coral, and I'm gaining a lot lately, the birdsnest has the ability to fully recover and grow over dead areas, or have areas that look dead come back to life. I thought I had completely lost mine and now it's turning pink again and looking better each day.

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I was thinking about the birdsnest, if possible can you frag a couple of branches that show the problem. dip one in lugols, sip another in peroxide, a 3rd in revive or coral RX. let's see if any of those make a come back.

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Is this the bribe?


Yes. Yes it is. We'll let you play with the puppy if you fly out to DFW with macro. Actually Max might eat the macro so yeah. You can pet the puppy anyways. :lol:


I'm thinking that the green palys are going into the fuge. And I think you're absolutely right about STN and the cause. :( Oh well. At least now we'll have room for a centerpiece blue something.


Do we need to add a little bit of sand before we get a clam or would the clam be ok on bare bottom?

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Sand is good for clams. If you get a crocea or Maxima, they like to be on the rocks. But you can have the clam attach to a little rock and then it will be happy on a bare bottom and easy to move around. That is what I did for the baby clams I have.


There are clam cradles available, made of acrylic

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In my experience with killing coral, and I'm gaining a lot lately, the birdsnest has the ability to fully recover and grow over dead areas, or have areas that look dead come back to life. I thought I had completely lost mine and now it's turning pink again and looking better each day.


Oh that makes me feel so much better!


I was thinking about the birdsnest, if possible can you frag a couple of branches that show the problem. dip one in lugols, sip another in peroxide, a 3rd in revive or coral RX. let's see if any of those make a come back.


We'll keep holding onto the birdsnest. I think Veng is going to get some stuff for dips so maybe we can try the 3 different solutions and see which one, if any work. We probably need the dip on hand anyways.

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I've been careful with the light, which was over the old tank for a week or so before the move anyways and it showed no signs of bad things before entering the new tank. I carefully matched temp and SG before moving as well.


We move corals from old lights to new lights, old water to new water, every time we ship something. We first send it through a day of no light and an off temp cycle. By all accounts this should have been less stressful than even simply bringing something home from the LFS, and much less shipping it over night.


I dunno, maybe it's all just a roll of the dice and in this case the dice turned up craps. If we say there's a 10% chance to lose something when shipping is that 1% human error and 9% unpreventable or is it 9% human and 1% unpreventable? In either case I suppose it doesn't really matter as you can still get unlucky with the unpreventable.


Silly part about this hobby is we all read and read and then repeat what has worked for us in the past.


I'm going to do a lot of reading on dips today. Not really sure what I'll end up doing.


Then again, the world is suppose to end on friday, so not really sure it matters. So does that mean I can buy a 105 rimless and stock it tomorrow? I mean the fish won't have a chance to die from not having a cycle. Of course I suppose it's too late to get stuff over nighted in time to get here and open before the world would end anyways.




Oh, and screw the Mayans. They couldn't even predict the Spanish.

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I need to remember to sharpen my Katana tomorrow just in case, need to be prepared for the end of the world. ;)


I actually like the green palys they have stayed where I put them. They do look pretty neat under heavy blue lighting. They are also almost bullet proof, which is why every one has to many of them...


Seeing as the world is ending maybe I should bounce a check and go buy that 80+ gallon tank with stand that is at the thrit store right now for 150$... I don't know where I am going to put it or how I am going to keep it running when all the power in the world goes out but I will cross that issue when it happens. :lol:

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Ok, I don't have photoshop. Hrmm looking around it looks like they at some point released a "home use" version called elements. Is that right? I might have to look into getting a copy of that since it seems to be in the 70-80$ price range. I figured everyone was still just pirating the full version like they use to. Guess I'm a bit out of touch, I don't mess with photos too much.


We should talk!

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Yes. Yes it is. We'll let you play with the puppy if you fly out to DFW with macro. Actually Max might eat the macro so yeah. You can pet the puppy anyways. :lol:


I got Marco's and more coming from LA Reef and Jedi Ben if you need any B)

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Yeah I'm pretty sure we're going to have to get together and trade some things. I need to get a picture of our new macro up. It's in the plastic sump of redneckness so I think I've been unconciously avoiding looking at it back there.




The 15 second delay time between posts in nagging. The in ability to start the second post by quoting someone for 15 seconds after you post is annoying. But I think the one that's going to make me want to right a nasty letter to someone is the 2 minutes between PMs!


I understand spam and all, and it's bad, but if you've got 1,000 posts, and a 6+months of forum membership I don't think those people are going to be doing much spam!

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So reefs to go has several specials going on right now. As a result I could get the following for ~150$ shipped. I'm tempted but I know I should wait on the mandarain as I've got too much going on right now to train one, no matter how many pods they'd send me.


1 green mandarain (10$ w/ pods)

1 red brittle (16$)

3 Blue Knuckles (8$ ea)

2 sexy shrimp (13$ ea)

6 blue leggeds (0.50$ ea)

1 sally light foot crab (9$)

2 coraline incrusted magarita snail (1.70 ea)

1 blue ricordia (20$)

5 polyps Bblueberrry hill Zoa (20$ total)


5 polyps candy apple zoa (20$ total)


750 copepods (free)

10 polyps of random zoa (unsure what this is, is free)


Zoas are probably on the high side, mandarain is 20$ off, some of the other stuff is in the middle. Not sure I could even keep all that in my tank, lol. Probably too many electric blues. I was just slapping things in the cart to reach 150$ for free ship, lol. Didn't buy this of course.


Oh, and did you see the acros that went up at LA yesterday? HUGE acros. You could make an overnight reef with those things for the end of the world party on friday!

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