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Coral Vue Hydros

Veng's 20L - Black Friday Madness!


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bleeping hell, I can just attach things. I was e-mailing them to my phone then trying to upload them to photobucket (which was failing for who knows why) to dodge the photobucket work filter.



Ok, so anyways on to the sump.



So Here's what I have so far. Overflow from tank goes in about where I've labled the "overflow from tank" for the lack of a better term. To the left will be fuge and upflow algee scrubber, then 3 baffles, then the return pump. The return pump will probably sit in a cage to keep the cheato out, although I've been thinking of trying to put some kind of cheato filter before the baffles.


To the right of the overflow is a 2" chamber who's water tight wall/baffle is 1/4" short of the lid. In the case that the sump would overflow (because I'm an idiot, whatever), it would flow in here instead of the floor. To the right of that, will be the ATO reservior. The wall seperating it from the emergency sump overflow chamber will be 1/2 from the top (1/4" from the emergency overflow chamber) so any extra volume from the ATO reservoir (say when it's half empty, etc) can be used for extra volume for the emergency sump overflow.


As drawn, the Emergency sump overflow would have a volume of 0.6G, the ATO 2.5G, and the sump proper 5.8G.


I think I may post this in the DIY section or equipment section to get a little more feedback.


And look, now my phone beeps to tell me it uploaded it >.<

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Only thing I'm worried about now is wires. With both the DT and the sump being 30", all the wiring mess will be exposed. Maybe I can make a small wooden box to hide it all in. I'm pretty sure tailes would flip if I tried to hide it all on the underside of the cabinet directly over the tank. Then again, maybe I can just do it when she's not home and she'd never notice..... Hrmm I like that idea.

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Only thing I'm worried about now is wires. With both the DT and the sump being 30", all the wiring mess will be exposed. Maybe I can make a small wooden box to hide it all in. I'm pretty sure tailes would flip if I tried to hide it all on the underside of the cabinet directly over the tank. Then again, maybe I can just do it when she's not home and she'd never notice..... Hrmm I like that idea.






Not Happening.

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Sadly, I'm not perfect and neither is my tank. So it's confession post time.


So when I moved the birdsnest it did not look well afterwards. I'm not exactly sure when/what happened, but it seems to have some form of a RTN. At this point I'm in a wait and see holding pattern as I simply don't know what else to do. I have removed it from the rock with the mushrooms as it's possible they have been causing it stress. It was also closer to a frogspawn and GSP than it was before so it's gotten relocated today as well.


Here is what it looked like when it went into the tank on saturday:


Here's what it looks like tonight:






I can't find anything wrong with it. No worms or bugs or anything, it's just shedding tissue. Every time I handle it, it seems like I break off the tips of some of the branches which sucks. A couple of the tips that were broken have been saved as frags if they had no signs of tissue loss.


Everything else in the tank other than the pavonia and the leather are looking fine.


The pavonia... well I'm guess were doing confessions tonight. The pavonia has never looked great.

Here it is circa July:





When I got the new light in, I discovered the thing was 95% dead and I didn't even realize it. Here's a pic under only the TVs which shows shocking what's a live and what isn't.



I knew instantly why it had never looked that healthy, and that was because it was 95% dead. The good news, is it seeming to like the new light and tank. I fragged the "toe" off the bottom right before it went into the new tank as I wasn't sure if I was going to keep the rest or not. Here's a new pic showing well... hope. There are polyps in the middle of the skeleton that weren't there a few days ago. I don't know if it's going to make it, or what's going to happen to it in the long run, but it at least has hope.



It's not all failures. There are of course the yellow polyps. Those wonderful bland yellow polyps that every LFS seems to want you to pay 50$ for a rock with about 10 of them on it. I wish I could get 5$ a polyp for this rock. These damn things wouldn't die if I tried :lol:



There's a green button polyp that's been doing well in the old and was opening today in the new. I need to find a place and glue this because it keeps blowing around the bottom. I think there's 6 polyps but it had blown it's self over so only 2 were facing the camera for this pic.



The new pink birdsnest and sour apple are both doing well. But I think I posted pics of those yesterday, so no new pics today.


The GSP is starting to open today. I'll be glad to have it back, I've missed not having that swaying green sheet in my tank more than I thought I would. I think I'll end up trying a rear wall mat with it as I really don't want it on the rock.

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Watch those green buttons. I have probably 100 and I started out with three. They have fully conqured the rock they are on. I keep them from spreading as well as possible. Min have gotten long sweaper tenticles for a whil then they went away. I have no ideay why they did that. Wish they would have kept the them they were nice.


I confession all the yellow polyps I had melted away. It was werid. May try them again, I can get them at about 50 cents a head.


As to your photo editor issue. You might look into GIMP its basicly an open source photoshop. It will even run most photoshop plugins. It is frustrating to get used to some times, but it really can do any thing you want it to do.

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Yeah, they're currently on a tiny piece of rubble. I will watch as they are growing for sure.


I've heard of gimp, never messed with it too much.


Back when I had a temp spike and partially cooked the tank the yellows dropped way back to only a few polyps. They've since completely regrown and then some.

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I wonder if the salinty spike I had right before I got my ATO finished was what did them in then. Because they melted away after that.


Guess I will get me some next time I have a chance. Wouldn't mind trying to get them growing on the back glass.

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Yeah, I just hope I don't lose the birdsnest. It will be somehow horrific if I keep it under PCs for 6 months or something and get amazing growth, then go to LEDs and a bigger tank with pristine water and kill it in a week.

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I'd start dipping it in Revive/CoralRX/iodine/etc.

I'm thinking about picking something up tomorrow. It seems like those thing do more stress than good half the time.


Frag it in half?

There are a few small frags off it, but it's pretty widely spread. Can't really just take the left o the right.

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Well good luck. Some times they just decide to get pissy. I have a blasto that I can't seem to get happy, I think it is starting to waist away. Time will tell with situations like this, either it makes it or it doesn't. -_-


To me that is by far the most annoying part of the hobby. Often not being able to fix the coral when it decides to take a nose dive.

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Yeah.... Oh well. We'll just have to wait and see. I've had very little death in this hobby in the last year so I can't really complain.


Oh, I figured out how to afford the 105 rimless I want. I buy the tank and set it on the floor (can't afford the stand), then I use non-ro/di water so it fills with algae, I introduce aptasia, and then I put in a couple of emeralds and pepperment shrimp after the algae and aptaisa have taken over the tank and then I sell them to LFS to pay off the debt of the tank. In 10 years I'll be able to start buying corals for it!

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I have heard that some times sps just do and there is no reason that is known for it something irrtates them and they just takes a nose dive.


It was *pissed* that I didn't get a new purse. ;)


Nah no I really believe the move stressed it. :(

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I really don't know why it stressed it though. There might have been a small uptick in dKh/Ca but nothing that should cause that... if anything it was moving to better SPS water not worse. (

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Yeah.... Oh well. We'll just have to wait and see. I've had very little death in this hobby in the last year so I can't really complain.


Oh, I figured out how to afford the 105 rimless I want. I buy the tank and set it on the floor (can't afford the stand), then I use non-ro/di water so it fills with algae, I introduce aptasia, and then I put in a couple of emeralds and pepperment shrimp after the algae and aptaisa have taken over the tank and then I sell them to LFS to pay off the debt of the tank. In 10 years I'll be able to start buying corals for it!





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