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GTI's 55 Gallon Rimless - Retired


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So far 4 fry have died but the rest seem well. This evening I fed a little Otohime A. When I added phyto I could see there were still lots of rotifers so I didn't add any more. Looking promising so far.

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2 more fry had died today. Others seem to be doing well. Fed some more Otohime A and will tint the water again. I have some brine shrimp eggs hatching soon.


In the main tank, mom and dad laid another batch of eggs this evening (larger than the last):




I noticed in the last few days the adult clownfish have some small black dots on them. I assume they are stings from the anemone but I am not sure why. There are actually now 2 anemones there very closely grouped. The original split and both parts ended up next to each other. I assume that as one is the clone of the other that the anemones will be effectively identical but if that is the case, I do not understand the stings. Can anyone shed light on this one?

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Fry didn't seem interested in the BBS! Maybe too much of a mouthful still or maybe they haven't worked out that it's food!


I dripped in some RODI water to bring the salinity from 1.026 to 1.025 and then removed a quart of the water from the fry tank and dripped in some fresh saltwater. There was a slight film on the surface of the water so I tried to remove most of that too.

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Here you go: I dripped in a little more saltwater to increase the tank volume, scooped off some surface film, added some rots, BBS and Otohime A and retinted the water. Had about a dozen little ones that didn't make it through the day. I am amazed by the range of sizes and level of development of the fry - there is so much difference in appearance and behavior. Some of the fry are swimming around like tiny fish, even though they haven't reached meta yet, and some hang tail down from the surface of the water and seem to be less agile. At first I though some of them were dead until I touched the water and they zoomed off. I thought of the scene in Monty Python's Holy Grail where the guy is collecting all the corpses and one says "I'm not dead yet!" and imagined the fry saying that!



I tried to get a photo of the fry but they were so bad that you couldn't really see any difference between the photo a few posts back, so just imagine those but a little larger and a few less of them.

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Today I fed some Otohime, did a small water change siphoning off the bottom of the and retinted the water. I'm estimating there are 45 or so fry remaining. Some look like line backers and some not so much. One guy had such a big stomach I was amazed he could move!

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I picked up a 20L at Petco in their $/gallon sale in case any of these little guys hit meta and need a larger home. I also got them a nice fake plant for the 20L as an incentive to survive!


Ordered some more RG Complete and Otohime B1 from Reed Mariculture this morning as I was running low on RGC.


Petco didn't have ammonia badges or sponge filters so I am going to go online to order some.


I thought coral was an expensive hobby - these little boogers need a lot of stuff!

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Did the usual feeding of the fry with rots, BBS and Otohime A. Their stomachs look silver which means rots. BBS would make the stomachs pink (from what I have read). It has been 5 full days since the hatch and I think there are about 40 fry left from a starting point of around 60.


Other news - I removed the frags I bought last week from their plugs and attached them to the rockwork - photo in the next day or so. I removed the Hollywood Stunner from the top of the tallest rock - it was beginning to shade other corals. Unfortunately it didn't come off intact. There's a nice sized chunk and lots of pieces. I moved the Turbinaria off the clam rock and over to a rock with more space and put the Miami Hurricane on a low rock of its own. Things are looking tidier and less like a frag tank!

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The relocated Turbinaria and the relocated Miami Hurricane (on the new white rock):



Tricolor Valida in it's new location:



Pearl Berry (upper) and Cali Tort (lower):


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Fat little guys. :wub:

Thats a lotta rots!

I was thinking the same! I think I'll hold off putting any more rotifers in for a bit. Now they seem to be eating the Otohime and BBS, they probably don't need so many! I can't wait for meta - hopefully most of them will make it through now.

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Tonight is a full week from hatching! There are still 35-40 fry. Some are still long and thin but others have become a more oval shape with deeper bodies and are starting to swim by wiggling like the adults. I'm not sure if that is meta or if the colour change signifies meta. From what I have read, the two come closely together anyway so it should be soon.


The Tricolor Valida I glued yesterday was on the sand bed this evening and when I picked it up I managed to knock a piece off my Setosa. :furious:

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I was feeding the fry their Otohime A and BBS - one has a faint head stripe! Not very orange looking but maybe by this afternoon there will be more. Some of the fry look a long way off meta still. Couldn't get a photo (even a bad one!)

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Head stripe means it has made it past meta! Just wait, in the next few days, you'll see more with head stripes. :D:happydance:

Awesome! He was a murky orange/grey colour! Hopefully a few more will be there when I get home. Some look like they are days away!

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Awesome progress!

I caught 60 or so fry using a bowl and transferred them to their separate tank, added some phyto and rotifers. It looked like they were eating but it's really hard to tell. Fingers crossed! fingerscrossed

How did you do this?

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