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Mark's 40B and 46 bow


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Or maybe a superman like? Store had no idea, which is frustrating. I know it's not wild, but not sure the lineage, if any.


Glad to hear you are winning the battle with AEFW Mark!


Thanks, I hope so.


New page, and I really don;t need an excuse to post pictures. :) This time I used my 50mm 1.8 lens which is much higher quality that the kit or el cheapo zoom lens I usually use. Closeups are using extension tubes, but with this lens I'm limited to just the front of the tank.


If nothing else, Kent Coral Accel will rapidly increase Zoa and Paly growth. I've gained multiple new heads of whatever this is over the last week. I've had this for months with very little growth and now it's almost filled the frag disk.




... and my blues are coming back. I had 12 of these on a plug with clove polyps way back when I first setup my 20 a year ago. WHen the 20 had issues I lost all but one head of the blue, which has been small but persistent since. Now I have two!




Duncans look cool, though it just had to move some tentacles during this 1 second exposure.




Another closeup of the Forest Fire digitata. If I can't bring out the green skin this time I'm going to have to do something radical.




Large FTS of the 40 using the 50mm lens. F16, 1/4 second exposure. Ha, I just now noticed the tang.




Larger and a little brighter. I wonder if I missed the neon cleaning the tang? -> http://imageshack.com/a/img6/6799/wctz.jpg



Snapshot of the 46, only one back of LED lights on.



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A few more pics.


This is of my green tip orange birdsnest from ORA. I did not like this coral but I kept a small frag (it grows fast!) and mounted it in the back left of the 40. It's looking pretty good.




Ok, now on the the 46. These are all taken with the 50mm lens, small aperture, no extension tubes. Due to the bowfront it's not super sharp, but not bad.


Here is the only acro in this tank, thought to be a Rainbow milli, but so far is just green.




Next up is the Rainbow Stylo. Like all stylos in my tanks, this thing grows extremely fast but very weak on colors. It might be getting some blue tips.




The anemone




and a FTS



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A new branching Blasto with A small frag of Superman Montipora on the right and Sunset Monti, to replace the one I killed, out of focus in back.





same thing?
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same thing?


Nope. That so called superman monti is a rainbow and in my 40. It's just now starting to turn green and will probaby be solid green in a few weeks. :(

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I've been dreaming of a rainbow stylo. Ja$on Fox has a beauty and I think reef farmers has them occasionally. Where did you get yours? Kind of afraid to lay down the cash only to see it fade out

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I've been dreaming of a rainbow stylo. Ja$on Fox has a beauty and I think reef farmers has them occasionally. Where did you get yours? Kind of afraid to lay down the cash only to see it fade out


I got mine from Reef Gardener. Stylos do not ship well and this one was about 50% dead when I got it, but with a bit of superglue they heal fast. My so called green stylo from Live Aquaria was also half dead and I fragged it and ended up with 3 giant colorless colonies. Depressing. See the giant brown stylo in the top middle of the 46? That's the ORA Green.


I blame myself for the color, and I believe this Rainbow stylo will color back up if I give it enough time, but the darn thing is growing like crazy and really screwing with Alk in the tank.

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I got mine from Reef Gardener. Stylos do not ship well and this one was about 50% dead when I got it, but with a bit of superglue they heal fast. My so called green stylo from Live Aquaria was also half dead and I fragged it and ended up with 3 giant colorless colonies. Depressing. See the giant brown stylo in the top middle of the 46? That's the ORA Green.


I blame myself for the color, and I believe this Rainbow stylo will color back up if I give it enough time, but the darn thing is growing like crazy and really screwing with Alk in the tank.



And this one: http://www.reeffarmers.com/auctionedrainbowstylophora.htm


I had a neon pink stylo that needed shade to stay deep pink and was sooooo pretty. IDK if they're all a little light phobic? But when the scape collapsed it slept in GSP and never came back. Anyways, I really like the one that looks like purple fingers in the 40. What's the big blue one?

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I had a neon pink stylo that needed shade to stay deep pink and was sooooo pretty. IDK if they're all a little light phobic? But when the scape collapsed it slept in GSP and never came back. Anyways, I really like the one that looks like purple fingers in the 40. What's the big blue one?


That is the indestructible purple stylo, my very first SPS given to me my a LFS way on the other side of town when I mentioned I was considering SPS but did not think I was ready. He fragged it for me, glued it to a plug, and told me I would never be able to kill it. True enough. :) I killed just about every SPS in my tank except for this one.


Here's a pic right after the crash. It lost maybe a mm of flesh, then took off. :)



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Hey Mark, have you tried the nano pack zeovit products? I;m not doing full Zeo, just dosing the nano pack. You might like them for coloring up your sticks

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I love the new FTS's. I know you've been having issues, but honestly everything looks great! I'm just working on getting all caught up on all the threads I follow :)

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Finally, after almost a year, the forest fire digitata is showing green. 215 PAR, sitting near the very bottom of the tank.






Here is the so called Superman monti, which is in fact a Rainbow. I would love it if it stays this color, but if it's like my other rainbow it will turn bright green with a red spot in the center of each polyp.




... and the unknown. I am really excited about this one because color seems to be holding and it's growing fast. THe only thing better would be if this is either a cap or a digi rather than just encrusting.



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so much color going on! looking really good. im thinking about getting a frag or two of birdsnest to add something different to my tank.




If I lived close I'd give you a pile of broken birdsnest that lives behind that big rock on the right. It's a great coral, all of them, so don't hesitate. I would avoid the pink birds though, slow slow slow, and I can't keep it a nice pink ... I think it needs more light while my other birds would do well with less light.


If you can find a bright pocillapora you might try that too, another easy one and will reproduce if happy.

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isnt pocillapora the one that could spread like weeds? thought i read that somewhere. i just really like birdsnests because they grow all crazy. no local stores around me sell any sps so i got to find someone online that has some on the cheap.

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isnt pocillapora the one that could spread like weeds? thought i read that somewhere. i just really like birdsnests because they grow all crazy. no local stores around me sell any sps so i got to find someone online that has some on the cheap.


Yes, it can spread like weeds. If mine do I'll be thrilled. :)

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hmm.. might pick some up. one local online retailer has a few frags. think its 15 bucks for a 1 inch frag of green pocillapora. i think i have enough green in my tank though lol.

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Dude...awesome tanks and great color!


Will be keeping an eye on these.


Thanks. Let's see if I can avoid doing anything stupid for a while.


On another note ... I noticed a few brown flatworms so I treated with a 1.5X dose of FWE and they died, probably 50 - 100 total, and no reaction in the tank. Sucked out what I could see during treatment and added carbon after an hour. This gives me confidence that regular treatments will manage the flatworms without nuking the tank.

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How have I never found this tank... I'm following like 3 pages worth of threads and everyday have over 100 notifications. It's looking great btw

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Few suck...


I NEED that rainbow Superman Monti!


Sorry....FW not few.


Yea, they do. I thought I had gotten rid of them months ago but when I increased my feeding they came back big time.


How have I never found this tank... I'm following like 3 pages worth of threads and everyday have over 100 notifications. It's looking great btw


Thanks. This tank has been through hell and back at least twice. Hopefully this time I can get something nice looking for a while.

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