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I got soooo much headache with clownfish! and so many questions too!

Mr V

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Hi guys, I'm new, I recently asked some question about new clownfish doesn't eat.


I have killed 5 ocellaris clownfish,sorry, I feel guilty about that too! But my tank is cycled, parameter is fine, only problem is the new clowns never seem interested on food. I have tried dozen mysis shrimp (soaked with galic juice), pellet, flaked food...nothing worked!


I was about to out of the hobby because of this!


However, I decided to give it one last shot. I got 2 percula clownfish last week (wild catched). Now, after 7 days, they're eating good. But they seem never move far than 5 inch from the magfloat. I think they just host the magfloat! :blink:




Any idea or they are just about to boring like that the rest of their life?! Will they ever swimming around the tank?


What do you guy think about the color of my pers? I think they're less vibrant right? Do they change color when they growing up?

And, can anyone tell me how old are they from the pics? (they're about more than 1inch just a little bit)







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Take the mag float out. They should move. They look bright enough to me but they have been known to shift colors as they get older.

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I removed the magfloat, they hosted the powerhead; then I removed the powerhead, now they're hosting the...sandbed ! They don't want to move out of that corner! (day 12)


Now they keep kick up the sand on the corner and don't want to leave that corner!


Look at the hole on the sandbed that they made!




I don't think I have a pair since they're the same size, so I don't think they're spawning neither. There is a ruler in this pics, can any one tell me that they're at mature age yet or just juvenile?

I don't know what's going on with my clownfish?!

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they look like juveniles to me , my female is almost twice the size of my male

Thank for reply! So, are they sick or something? they're still eating normal, parameter good. They're just less active than ALL the clown I have seen!

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They look fine to me. Clowns aren't very active in the sense of swimming the entire tank. Mine stick to the 2 front corners for over a year now.

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They look fine to me. Clowns aren't very active in the sense of swimming the entire tank. Mine stick to the 2 front corners for over a year now.


then, should I add one more fish to the tank to make it less boring? how about yellow tail damsel, I heard that it is the least aggressive damsel!


Get them a bubble tip anemone



Since they are wild caught there more likely to host a anemone just a thaught


I want to, but only 3 months in the hobby, I don't think I can keep anemone!

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Looks like that's where they picked to host. I don't think you'll ever get them away from that spot. We have a 75g and the 2 clowns in it have hosted a candycane colony for about 2 and a half years. They never go more than 5" away from it unless they're eating or the female is going to bite you.

When the tornadoes came through a year and a half ago, we took the tank down and had to move the clowns and the candycane into a temporary 10g at my grandparents because they had power. After we got everything back up and running again and moved them back into the 75g, they still hosted it and never left. They have now started laying eggs right below it. They layed their 2nd batch a few days ago. I think that once they pick a spot, they stay forever.

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then, should I add one more fish to the tank to make it less boring? how about yellow tail damsel, I heard that it is the least aggressive damsel!







I want to, but only 3 months in the hobby, I don't think I can keep anemone!

If they have already picked that spot to host, odds are they won't move. And a lot of times, they won't host anemones. I've never had one host an anemone or any other coral except the candy cane and that took them a year or so to find.

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Looks like that's where they picked to host. I don't think you'll ever get them away from that spot. We have a 75g and the 2 clowns in it have hosted a candycane colony for about 2 and a half years. They never go more than 5" away from it unless they're eating or the female is going to bite you.




Oh, ok then ! I guess there's no hope for me to see they "swim" ! That's sad! :(


I found a lfs that sales live brine shrimp maybe frozen is a good idea too that might entice them more to eat.


they're eating every thing I throw in the tank now!

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+1 on a BTA.


They're just doing what normal clowns do.

They're quirky and unique fish. You can't beat 'em for personality, IMO.

Glad you got them to eat. But you need to put the PH back in. :)



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You don't even need an anemone to be honest :) I can't get my clowns to stop hosting my gold torch. They first started hosting my Alveopora but then discovered the torch and now they just don't leave it. I think it's possible to get them to switch their hosting spot if they discover something more enticing.


Just because you put an anemone (or coral that looks like one) in your tank doesn't mean they will host it right away, mine did and others do, but i've heard of clowns that take months to a year(s) to find an appropriate hosting spot

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Thanks for reply guys! :wub:

Do you think rescaping should help anything?

I'll wait for some more weeks and update!


How about add a yellow tail damsel (just 1) ? I love this little blue fish but I heard bad thing about it (aggressive) ! Should I give it a chance? <_<

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No, it doesn't look like it is itching, it looks like he's trying to make a little area in the corner there for the two of them, they definitely like that corner!


Clownfish are so funny :wub:

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When I first got my first clown it stayed above the powerhead for about 3 weeks then it roamed around the tank. I then intoduced another clown and they would move around together. just takes time mine were not wild caught tho.


their colors could stay the same wild caught are sometimes not as bright like a peach colored vs a Orange Orange.

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Your clowns look happy, healthy, and beautiful! And that's actually really interesting behavior out of a clown, so if you find them boring I'd look to get a different fish! Clowns are quirky and weird, but they're not big swimmers and they like to stay close to "home" wherever that might be. If you want fish that are going to swim back and forth a lot, you are going to need a big tank, 75 gallons or more, as any real swimmers are going to be cramped in a nano. Unfortunately, most people keep nano tanks because they don't have room for something that size.

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Your clowns look happy, healthy, and beautiful! And that's actually really interesting behavior out of a clown, so if you find them boring I'd look to get a different fish! Clowns are quirky and weird, but they're not big swimmers and they like to stay close to "home" wherever that might be. If you want fish that are going to swim back and forth a lot, you are going to need a big tank, 75 gallons or more, as any real swimmers are going to be cramped in a nano. Unfortunately, most people keep nano tanks because they don't have room for something that size.



Well said! There is nothing "wrong" with your clowns. they are gonna host something! wether that be a magfloat, powerhead or sandbed they are gonna make something their "home" because that's where they feel safe. nothing you can do about it. Other then try an anemone or something natural for them to host. But with your track record i woudlnt advise that anytime soon.

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Thank you so much for experience!

I'm in the planted tank for many years, and I get into this hobby only because clownfish! I wont gonna give up! :happy:

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Your tank seems to be bare and open from all sides, the clowns do not want to move away from the area where they feel most comfortable because they do not feel safe In your tank. You need to allow them some cave or area where they are not feeling all exposed. Once they feel comfortable the rascals will come out to play.


You can add a large PVC elbow to help with a hiding spot till you fill the tank wi corals. Adding more fish to a tank with a scared pair is not a good idea.


Your other option is to send the fish to me since they do not bore me. You can add Chromis or damsels to your reef for excitement.

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