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Cultivated Reef

SPS Chemical Warfare

Nano sapiens

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For those interested in coral interactions, I have two instances of Acropora annihilation of neighboring Montipora species going on at the moment:




A small frag of green A. millepora destoyed 1/3 of a M. undata and an ORA Red Planet (A. hyacinthus?) destroyed a portion of M. setosa. In both instances, the corals were not physically touching, but had approximately 1/16" space between them. Interestingly, the nearby Zoanthids showed no reaction to the release of toxic chemicals and none of the other inhabitants were effected, either, even though I use no chemical media or skimmer. Whatever substances used (presumably Terpenes and/or Terpenoids) they appear to be short-range and/or type specific.


If anyone has similar experiences, I'd like to hear about them!

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For those interested in coral interactions, I have two instances of Acropora annihilation of neighboring Montipora species going on at the moment:




A small frag of green A. millepora destoyed 1/3 of a M. undata and an ORA Red Planet (A. hyacinthus?) destroyed a portion of M. setosa. In both instances, the corals were not physically touching, but had approximately 1/16" space between them. Interestingly, the nearby Zoanthids showed no reaction to the release of toxic chemicals and none of the other inhabitants were effected, either, even though I use no chemical media or skimmer. Whatever substances used (presumably Terpenes and/or Terpenoids) they appear to be short-range and/or type specific.


If anyone has similar experiences, I'd like to hear about them!


You can tell from the photo, the monti was actually in touching reach of the acro. Most likely the monti will win over time, they grow at a faster rate and they can be quite persistent. Very reason why I don't like to put monti and acros close together like this. Even in the same genus, I like to mount them atleast 3" apart.

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You can tell from the photo, the monti was actually in touching reach of the acro. Most likely the monti will win over time, they grow at a faster rate and they can be quite persistent. Very reason why I don't like to put monti and acros close together like this. Even in the same genus, I like to mount them atleast 3" apart.


From top down I can see that there is a gap, but it is possible that a polyp or two did touch.


An Acro or three are just an experiment in this small mixed species tank and I can definitely see the need for more real estate space between these two species. If I were to go seriously into Acros I'd definitely go with a larger tank.

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It's hard to see from this pic but my setosa is dead on the top, see the white tissue. I think it's from the valida from above. This happened ovenight this weekend. I'm just gonna leave things alone for now.



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My red monti cap just digested a branch of a nearby green birdsnest. I didn't get a pic, but it was cool to watch.


Facinating, isn't it. Just imagine how many of these battles are being waged in all the world's reefs!

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It would be interesting to record the progression over time. Will the monti will grow in the other direction, away from the competition, it looks like that is the case with yours Nano sapiens :)



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It would be interesting to record the progression over time. Will the monti will grow in the other direction, away from the competition, it looks like that is the case with yours Nano sapiens :)




Typically, this kind of even doesn't even phase a Monti. They just expend their energy moving off into other non-hostile areas. This Setosa is covering 4-1/2" and has been oozing in all directions :)


However, the Undata that was clobbered by the green Milli is not doing well, so I may loose this particular piece. I have a sister Undata as a backup, but it is being overtopped by a M. tuberculosa.


Never a dull moment in Nanoville :)

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