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My Petco corals


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Hi all,


My Tank: 10gallon - 5 weeks old

Residents: 2 Maroon Clowns 10days (hiding behind the stuff at the corner all the time :(), 2 hermit Crabs 18 days


I have bought the corals in pic for my clown fish to interact and come out of their corner but no luck


I recieved my corals from Petco online few days ago as you can see from the picture.


How and what should I feed corals with?

I have seen some liquid stuff in petco but I am worried it will ruin my water quality, what do you think?

Also the position of the corals in the tank what do you guys think, coral should be closer to the rocks or being burried in sand is fine?

Any suggestions for me to get my fish out of the corner of the tank?


Thank you all for your answers :)




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It doesn't appear like the clowns have any place to hide. Your light may be too bright and seems to be daylight bulbs unless the camera setting is making the corals seem dull. I'm guess those mushrooms are supposed to be green?


You could try to add a few pieces of live rock to make a cave or put a large diameter PVC elbow temporarily to help the clowns get comfortable.


The tank also seems to have open viewing from all sides so it is possible that the clownfish are feeling very exposed and vulnerable.

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Seems you may have a little cyano outbreak going on as well. You may want to take care of it before it spreads to your new corals. Chemiclean works wonders. Check Albert's new post all about cyano. 2 cents. W-

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If you could provide some more info on your current setup (i.e. lighting, parameters, etc) I think some of us on here could help you out a bit.


Also not to be a Debbie Downer, but Maroon Clowns get pretty big....probably not a good idea to have 2, let alone one of them in a 10 gal. You might be better off with some of the other species of clown, but those guys just get too darn big for your current setup.


Let us know about the lighting and parameters



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It doesn't appear like the clowns have any place to hide. Your light may be too bright and seems to be daylight bulbs unless the camera setting is making the corals seem dull. I'm guess those mushrooms are supposed to be green?


You could try to add a few pieces of live rock to make a cave or put a large diameter PVC elbow temporarily to help the clowns get comfortable.


The tank also seems to have open viewing from all sides so it is possible that the clownfish are feeling very exposed and vulnerable.


I agree with kat. Also, it is hit and miss with clowns hosting corals. Maroon's do seem to more readily accept them then percs or occ's but it's still hit and miss.


I would for sure add a little more rock, and maybe make a grotto type layout in the center for them to not feel like they are in open waters so much.

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try to make a cave or some place they can hide. Fish in a new place tend to hide. All the fish i have bought hide for the first few days, but after that, they get used to you and swim all around the tank.


I have a sarcophyton coral for my clownfish. Its really nice coral that is easy to keep. One of my favorite corals out there.

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Another thing too, and just from my own personal experience, you clown might be hosting that corner like it would an anemone and that could be the reason its not coming out. My old clown hosted my power head and it looked just like that kind of behavior. Unless its a new clown and/or showing any other signs of distress, that could also be a possibility.

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Another thing too, and just from my own personal experience, you clown might be hosting that corner like it would an anemone and that could be the reason its not coming out. My old clown hosted my power head and it looked just like that kind of behavior. Unless its a new clown and/or showing any other signs of distress, that could also be a possibility.


haha.. My clowns are currently "hosting" the top of my tank.. I thought they where dead one day because the male was laying flat on top of the water in the left corner, and the female was laying flat under him.. Then I walked up and they went to their normal "feed me" swimming around the front of the glass like puppies in the store window. lol


They used to host a empty hermit shell until a crab decided it was his new home. Strange fish I have.

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Your tanks is WAY to small for ONE maroon clown, let alone two. Did you do any research before buying them??? In 6 months they will be twice their current size and within 2 years they will be 5 to 7 inches. IMO a 10 gallon set up is pushing it for two adult ocellaris clowns which will get to be half the size of maroon clowns.


On top of that your live rock looks to be of poor quality and certainly not enough quantity for effective denitrification.


So in summary: Your clowns are pissed because they are in a tiny aquarium with nowhere to hide. Your corals will become pissed when your water quality goes down the toilet (which I'm kind of surprised it hasn't already) and if you don't start loosing live stock soon consider yourself lucky.


My recommendation: Get rid of the clowns and get something smaller. Get more live rock. Get a better clean up crew. You can ditch the airstone protein skimmer too. It isn't going to do much good on any size system much less a 10 gallon. Obviously you have access to the internet so please do some reading on keeping a nanoreef.

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