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hahah lucky i asked.. im sort of a noob but you know. theres always room to learn. even when it comes to venders and all the products htey have out htere

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^RIP Mr.Coral ^

No, sad thing is for every person on here that has had a bad experience with him, there's 10 more on eBay that are going to..

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Check out this thread that he had to close because I called him out on selling bleached corals: http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=310713


haha i remember seeing that also Jedi, i was looking at them like wait there is something wrong with these corals.... then i saw your comment. i am glad that this question was asked here so also some other NR members can see what kind of dealer he is. He does not respond well to others good comments and/or messages.

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I can't say that all of my experiences with Mr. Coral have been the most perfect, but I can say that I can look into my tank and see some pretty interesting zoanthids. A majority of my zoas did come from Mr. Coral. I have lost a number of them, along with zoas purchased at my LFSs, so I can't put all the blame on just one vendor. One thing that really burned me was the lack of communication from Mr. C. It's the quickest way to lose business.

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I just read that mrcoral thread, and it reads like the messages I got from a chinese seller for my gu10s.

Worse, he even tried to say it was "a mint color".


You know you have to keep the mr. coral bashing to the feedback forums, otherwise the administrators ban you from the site until 2321. You can't upset the sponsors of this site.

He is a SPONSOR!? We should have a limit on this sort of sponsor.

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I just read that mrcoral thread, and it reads like the messages I got from a chinese seller for my gu10s.

Worse, he even tried to say it was "a mint color".



He is a SPONSOR!? We should have a limit on this sort of sponsor.


Regardless of sponsorship his bad rep far outweighs the good. How many more new reef owners have to fall prey to a site that in essence is "endorsed" by this community?

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they got me via this site. saw that they are a sponsor here and they had nice pics. so i didn't do any research. kinda reflects poorly on NR i think. with constant bad reviews and issues i think there sponsorship should be in question

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I'm no expert on the subject, but I don't believe its NR that is sponsoring them, its they that are giving NR money to allow for the advertising space. For NR to boot them off, it would be loss of money for the fourm.


I'm no mod or anything to know how this works, but it makes perfect sense to me why Mr.Coral is here still. As long as they give the money and are selling coral, it would not be the "communitys" loss, but the owners of the NR forum's if this seller was evicted.


Just playing Devil's advocate here.

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