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Cultivated Reef

how do you get a mushroom to stick to a rock


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Rubber Band it where you want it or put it in a small glass with rubble and cover it with bridal netting or somthing similar. Wait a week and glue down the rubble it attatched to.

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I usually just try to find a crack or crevice of some sort in a lower flow area. Stick it in there and they are usually attached in a couple hours or so. (I know....Thats what she said!)

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+1 to all. I have a ric and an elephant ear and I put them in the lowest flow spot possible. They ended up rolling around my tank like tumble weed for a while until they found the spot they wanted. After that they attached pretty quickly. W-

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Super glue has worked for me on all three of the ricordeas i've purchased. One was "attached" to a piece of rock when I got it but when it got home is was free-floating. I superglued it during acclimation and it's been fine since.



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Nice frag prison kat. You should put that in the diy forum.

I just stuffed it between a piece of rubble and a rock, then removed the rubble when it attached.

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I usually just try to find a crack or crevice of some sort in a lower flow area. Stick it in there and they are usually attached in a couple hours or so. (I know....Thats what she said!)

Lmao, I just literally LOL'd! All about the "that's what she said" jokes!


Are there certain types of rubber bands to use In saltwater?

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I wouldn't just let the watermelon shroom free float around until it finds a place to attach itself too. It might just decide to grab onto something in the back, or underneath a ledge. You don't want to lose that baby!


Kat has posted a link on her rendition of her "frag prison", but if you don't happen to have any cut pieces of PVC, frag prisons can be made with an empty lip gloss container, or any other cosmetic container. Some of them come with a see thru window so that you can see the color. Just pop the window out, cut some mesh to fit the inside lip of the lid, super glue, (gel), the mesh in the circle and let it set up by holding the "prison" under the salt water of your tank. Once it is set, fill the container with small rubble like flat pieces of shell or rock, and put the tiny mushroom on top of them. Close the lid and leave it be at the bottom of your tank for a week or so, until it has attached to one of the rubble pieces. Once this is done, you can super glue the piece where you want it to be. There is no guarantee that it will stay there! Sometimes they just get a mind of their own!


I also made one with a clear glass lid from an apothecary jar. Just fill it up with rubble, put the shroom in, and then cover with mesh, and then rubber band the mesh to the lid. Works like a charm.

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yeah it moved to inside of my live rock . shrunk to a size i can barley see and just hides. im hoping it will play nice soon and come out

It will probably attach itself to walls of the hole, and proceed to grow from there.

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I highly recommend NOT using a lip gloss container or anything else that makeup has been in. There is no reason to make a big to-do out of making a frag prison. It does the same thing as throwing it in a shot or whiskey glass and covering it with some netting and a rubber band... Boom, built in under 1.5 seconds.



Don't worry, I lost my mushroom while I was out one day and 5 months later I found it floating around. Week later my pistol stole it.

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