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Cultivated Reef

i just bought this what is it?


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Looks like an acan of some sort with aiptasia on the left.

IMO, I'd try and get the coral off that plug or toothbrush that plug as best you can to clean it.

Looks to me like a lot of nuisance algae on there. 2 cents. W-

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Looks like an acan of some sort with aiptasia on the left.

IMO, I'd try and get the coral off that plug or toothbrush that plug as best you can to clean it.

Looks to me like a lot of nuisance algae on there. 2 cents. W-

+1, except I would just remove the coral and throw away the plug ASAP.

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Could be a favia or micromussa. USe a blade/knife and scrape off the coral from the plug. Re-glue to rock or another plug. Throw away old plug asap.


Even if you do not have glue or plugs, taking that coral off that plug and placing back in the tank while you get the supplies is fine. As long as you throw away that plug.

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That looks like red turf algae. I don't know if that or the aiptasia is worse. :(


Lovely coral though, and well worth the effort of removing it from the plug. I'm thinking it is an Acan.

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so i just bought this and i think it might have aiptasia didn't notice it at the store, and it think it might be growing on the orange coral. IMG_1088.jpg


Just out of curiosity where did you buy this ?

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A little curious as to why you buy something without knowing what it is.


Look at all the nasty algae all over his rock. That should answer your question.


OP - research before you buy again. You need to know what you are buying and not just buy what looks cool.


Pop the coral off(if possible) and throw away the plug. If you can't get it off I'd cut my losses and toss it out. Wouldn't risk getting aiptasia in my tank.

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