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Is this a sponge or algae


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Ok need help identifying the reddy purple stuff is this picture, i know the green stuff is caulerpa any idea and information whether bad or good much appreciated ;)


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Deleted User 3

Possibly red bubble algae ? I read the kind that branches is a better kind, but I can't be sure. Email the photos to john @ reefcleaners.org he will know.

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Possibly red bubble algae ? I read the kind that branches is a better kind, but I can't be sure. Email the photos to john @ reefcleaners.org he will know.


Will do thank's, I'll probably take a clearer photo for him to I.d


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Ok need help identifying the reddy purple stuff is this picture, i know the green stuff is caulerpa any idea and information whether bad or good much appreciated ;)


Check Fauchea algae on Google images .. as I think that is what the red algae is

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Ok need help identifying the reddy purple stuff is this picture, i know the green stuff is caulerpa any idea and information whether bad or good much appreciated ;)

Green looks like grape caulerpa and not an undesirable algae.


The red is a bit hard to determine but if it has multiple holdfasts, meaning it will attach to anything then it is probably red dictoya which needs to be gone ASAP.


Ok e-mailed john, Don't believe its Fauchea, but in my new picture i found lots of pods out scavenging.

So works as good accommodation

In your second picture, it looks like you also have turf algae (the green stuff) which is very hard to get cleared up also. A peroxide treatment on this entire rock will solve your problems provided you have no corals.


And yes, pods like to live in any kind of macro.

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