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Zoa/paly eater?


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Anyone have any clue what these are? I think they've been consuming my devil's armor colony, which would explain the neon appearance. I tried searching, but haven't come across anything like them.





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  • 1 month later...
Anyone have any clue what these are? I think they've been consuming my devil's armor colony, which would explain the neon appearance. I tried searching, but haven't come across anything like them.





i have the same problem and i could not find anything on these creatures


i have the same probs and i could find anything about these creatures

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i have done several of them but nothing works i am lossing all of my zoas



A few of my zoas are slowly recovering. For those that I can remove, I do a dip in revive maybe once a week and with the powerheads off, blast the zoas so the pest can be siphon from the water column every few days. This seems to help decrease their population. I think to fully eradicate them, all zoas/palys will need to be housed elsewhere so the pests can slowly die out. So far, I haven't been able to find a proper I'd for them. So, they may have more than one food source.

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Zoas are pretty hardy I know some recommend dipping them in fresh water. Whatever method you choose it only kills the critter not their eggs. I was at a frag demonstration and that was the first time I ever saw a nudibranch also the eggs. He said he had been battling them and thought he had gotten all of them but apparently not.


I found this rather informative on the subject http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/resources.asp?show=15 When looking at the natural approach they suggest a yellow coris. One of my favorite fish I have owned mine went carpet surfing and turned into fish jerky. I want another one but won't get it until I get a cover so it can't jump. My coris never bothered anything in the tank it was to busy looking for things to munch on.

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Zoas are pretty hardy I know some recommend dipping them in fresh water. Whatever method you choose it only kills the critter not their eggs. I was at a frag demonstration and that was the first time I ever saw a nudibranch also the eggs. He said he had been battling them and thought he had gotten all of them but apparently not.


I found this rather informative on the subject http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/resources.asp?show=15 When looking at the natural approach they suggest a yellow coris. One of my favorite fish I have owned mine went carpet surfing and turned into fish jerky. I want another one but won't get it until I get a cover so it can't jump. My coris never bothered anything in the tank it was to busy looking for things to munch on.


I probably mentioned this in my other threads, unless using a very high dosage Flatworm exit will not work on them. I dosed 3x the recommended dosage in my tank with no avail.








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I would try dipping in Revive or Coral Rx.

If that doesn't work, try doing a FW dip for 2 mins.

If at all possible when doing a FW dip, it is best to match temp and Ph first.

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Asureef, I saw your post on these on other forums and looks like you still can't find anything on these buggers! Off topic but again, great pictures. These little guys move fairly fast too if it was like my encounter with one. I accidentally killed it though with my finger, so I didn't get to test what would be an effective treatment. Have you tried iodine dips? I know my iodine dips work on zoa nudies, as I isolated a nudi once into an iodine bath and saw it work. It tended to get a lot of inverts down.

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Asureef, I saw your post on these on other forums and looks like you still can't find anything on these buggers! Off topic but again, great pictures. These little guys move fairly fast too if it was like my encounter with one. I accidentally killed it though with my finger, so I didn't get to test what would be an effective treatment. Have you tried iodine dips? I know my iodine dips work on zoa nudies, as I isolated a nudi once into an iodine bath and saw it work. It tended to get a lot of inverts down.


What, really? I find them hard to kill with your fingers. Once they catch current, they are impossible to catch.


Like mentioned earlier, I actually dip what zoas/palys I can remove in Revive once a week.

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