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alien hitch hiker crab


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I saw this crab on the coral before I bought it. It's a really cool looking little crab, all white with a black stripe on it's eyes. I know HH crabs are bad news but this one is so small right now and he matches my black and white ocellaris clowns. :D


Anyone know what type of crab it is?? Here's a picture of the dood, he's real small -



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OP, someone ID'd this crab in your other thread on whether or not this coral was a good deal for 55$ :wacko:


There are bad acro crabs though. General rule IME as far as crabs go, if they look like the want to eat your face off (without consuming bath salts first) they're generally bad (fat claws). If they have skinny claws (meaning not much power) they're probably safe.

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Bongo Shrimp
OP, someone ID'd this crab in your other thread on whether or not this coral was a good deal for 55$ :wacko:


There are bad acro crabs though. General rule IME as far as crabs go, if they look like the want to eat your face off (without consuming bath salts first) they're generally bad (fat claws). If they have skinny claws (meaning not much power) they're probably safe.


A better and easier way to know is if they have the black mask like a bandit. If they do, they are safe. If they are hairy at all, not safe.

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A better and easier way to know is if they have the black mask like a bandit. If they do, they are safe. If they are hairy at all, not safe.

The BEST way is if the crab comes out of his cave and says "I'm gonna kill your ####" he's probably not a good HH.

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Bongo Shrimp
The BEST way is if the crab comes out of his cave and says "I'm gonna kill your ####" he's probably not a good HH.


I have yet to find one of those. Get a vid next time.

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That is a very dangerous crab. You could send him to me and I will dispose of it properly.


Bandit's Walk of Shame


Every morning when the lights come on in the tank, Bandit the Acro Crab tries to surreptitiously make his way over from the Pocilliopora he spends the night in, to the ORA green birdsnest he spends the day in. I've been meaning to capture it on camera but always forget. Today, I didn't.









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