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No hitchhikers?


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Ok, it has been 60 days since I put the live rock in my tank, and I have seen exactly ZERO hitch hikers.


No worms, no pods, no stars, absolutely nothing.


Is this going to be a problem?

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Should be able to find pods at your LFS. IMHO I would rather have 0% hitch hikers unless they have "boobs" lol! That's why I purchased dry rock from BRS.

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It's fine. Hitchhikers, while entertaining at first, generally just become a pain in the ass.. if you have some desire to add pods or worms down the road, you can.

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It's fine. Hitchhikers, while entertaining at first, generally just become a pain in the ass.. if you have some desire to add pods or worms down the road, you can.



it doesnt matter if you dont have any pods or worms as you buy frags of coral the pods/worms will come hidden in the pieces of rock they are attached too.

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Deleted User 3
Ok, it has been 60 days since I put the live rock in my tank, and I have seen exactly ZERO hitch hikers.


No worms, no pods, no stars, absolutely nothing.


Is this going to be a problem?


How not exciting :(. Try to find a local reefer club and see if you can have a couple peices of LR from them. That's how I got my hitch hikers!

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I want to know where the hell you got this rock from... No pods screams either copper tainted water or that somebody just threw dry rock in water and told you it was seeded.

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I want to know where the hell you got this rock from... No pods screams either copper tainted water or that somebody just threw dry rock in water and told you it was seeded.


Agreed. Something is not right.

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I want to know where the hell you got this rock from... No pods screams either copper tainted water or that somebody just threw dry rock in water and told you it was seeded.

Very possible, but I got an 8lb peice of LR a while ago and it had plenty or coralline and some macro on it with no pods and my inverts are fine so no copper.

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... that somebody just threw dry rock in water and told you it was seeded.

That's how several LFS near me do it. All their "live" rock is barren.

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Same thing happened to me. No pods or nothing! I must say in a FOWLR it brings some excitement every once in a while to find a hitchhiker :(

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I want to know where the hell you got this rock from... No pods screams either copper tainted water or that somebody just threw dry rock in water and told you it was seeded.


This is... lemme getthe exact name from the Doctors...


Drs. Foster & Smith Select Fiji Premium Live Rock - 22 pounds


Drs. Foster & Smith Select Nano Live Rock - 14 pounds

Bought through Live Aquaria


The description for these used to state that the rock was partially pre-cured by a saltwater spray technique to eliminate unwanted hitchhikers as bristle worms and mantis shrimp. That description has since been changed.


The site now says: "Many beneficial life forms such as plants, worms, sponges, starfish, crustaceans, and mollusks will appear after several months in the aquarium."



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Don't buy rock from liveaquaria. Just buy from good, much more proven sites. Liveaquaria is expensive and their rock is only of moderate quality.

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I would contact them. If they can't give you atleast a partial refund, send some damn pods over your way or somthing.


You wouldn't advertise an Xbox on Craigslist as having all great games and remotes then not include them.

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That's how several LFS near me do it. All their "live" rock is barren.


I was going to say the same thing. Some of the stuff I took a hammer to was actually dry in the middle :huh:

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That's how several LFS near me do it. All their "live" rock is barren.


Same...LFS owner, gave me a "deal" because I was new to the hobby...little did I know I was doing him a favor by buying expensive base rock...


You wouldn't advertise an Xbox on Craigslist as having all great games and remotes then not include them.


Going to a zoo with no animals!!

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Don't buy rock from liveaquaria. Just buy from good, much more proven sites. Liveaquaria is expensive and their rock is only of moderate quality.


A little late now. Tank has been done cycling for 2-3 weeks now. First fish comes out of QT in 12 days.


I would contact them. If they can't give you atleast a partial refund, send some damn pods over your way or somthing.


Yeah, I will, but they'll probably say that it hasn't been long enough, or something...


I will try, though.

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You wouldn't advertise an Xbox on Craigslist as having all great games and remotes then not include them.


Terrible analogy. You buy LR for biological filtration and bacteria. Both of which he got. Nobody actually goes out of their way for pod-heavy rock - that would just be dumb. They'll starve out, fish will eat them, other frags will repopulate them, etc.


Just be happy you didn't end up with any aiptasia, bryopsis, mojano, mantis shrimp, nudibrances.. need I go on?

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Just be happy you didn't end up with any aiptasia, bryopsis, mojano, mantis shrimp, nudibrances.. need I go on?

Tell that to IslandofTiki

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Deleted User 3
That's how several LFS near me do it. All their "live" rock is barren.


Same thing here, the 'live' rock is brown, no coralline, no creatures.

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Terrible analogy. You buy LR for biological filtration and bacteria. Both of which he got. Nobody actually goes out of their way for pod-heavy rock - that would just be dumb. They'll starve out, fish will eat them, other frags will repopulate them, etc.


Just be happy you didn't end up with any aiptasia, bryopsis, mojano, mantis shrimp, nudibrances.. need I go on?

In that case, most people wouldn't spend big bucks in rock if dry rock and a little culture of bacteria will give them the same thing for 1.99 that 7.00 gave them. I fail to see your logic that there shouldn't be pods on healthy live rock, but a tiny frag will populate the tank.


How could they starve out? Copepods eat film algae and diatoms. This is at an all time high hen beginning a tank, hence all the noobs posting "where did all these bugs come from" 2 weeks after set up. Amphipods on the other hand will eat anything they can get basically, other than algae. If a fish would eat and decimate them, what makes you think a frag plug wont be picked clean in the matter of seconds? Yes, the website says it may take months for all those goodies to show up, but realistly speaking, they are referring to sponges and the like. Copepods do not take months to reproduce.

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