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Your thoughts on Red Sea Pro Salt Mix...


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I just ordered some to try out. I was wondering if this is a good salt mix. I just started mixing my own salt. I usually buy my water.

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Lee Van Reef

Using Red Sea Coral Pro Salt now and I love it. Dissolves quick and my coral seem to really like it!

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I've used the salt for 2 years now. Love the elevated levels of calcium. I dont even dose in my 30 gallon , a water change is all i need with this salt.

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Elevated levels of ALK will cause tank crash if you ever need to make a large water change. I'd not risk it. Also, if your ALK in your tank is running at a normal 8 ish, you'll get a spike after each water change. If you are running your ALK at 11-12, this salt might work, but it should come with a big red warning for everyone else.


Independent tests found that H20ceans was the best salt overall and the most consistent in quality and levels. I don't know why more people don't use it.

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Elevated levels of ALK will cause tank crash if you ever need to make a large water change. I'd not risk it. Also, if your ALK in your tank is running at a normal 8 ish, you'll get a spike after each water change. If you are running your ALK at 11-12, this salt might work, but it should come with a big red warning for everyone else.


Independent tests found that H20ceans was the best salt overall and the most consistent in quality and levels. I don't know why more people don't use it.

I use RSCP salt. My levels:

Calcium 495

dKH 8.9 (with dosing)

Mag 1500


My alk is actually low, I have to dose to get it to normal levels. Each tank has a unique chemistry.

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The salt is okay, though I actually prefer the elevated levels of alkalinity (edit: within reason--I like it around 3 meq/L or a bit more). Carbonate/bicarbonate is one of the major limiting factors in calcification and extra typically results in faster growth rates. I'm actually a fan of the regular Red Sea salt--at least the older formulation. It had levels somewhere in the vicinity of seawater, but with slightly elevated alkalinity.

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I used it and truthfully saw a negative response from my corals. I switched back to reef crystals and everything bounced back.


Make sure if your salt comes in a bucket to roll it around to re-mix the salt. You may have to take the bag out of the bucket to accomplish this well enough. Theres a lot of people who use this salt and swear by it. My tank however was not a fan....best of luck and let us know how it goes.

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