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Down here in Aus, Zeovit is gaining quite a following. So many reefers are either following the entire method, or using elements of it, and I haven't seen one bad word about it. It is expensive, but as you use to little each bottle can last quite a while.


Did a search on here and there isn't much mention of it. So just wondered what experiences have been, if any?

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I don't know much about it either, but the tanks I've seen that use it are incredible. I might do some research on this as well. Maybe try and post this question in Albert's thread, it might generate more discussion.

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The system interests me too. FRom the little I have read, it serves to make your reef system a ULNS. It does this by adding bacteria that lowers phosphates and nitrates. And then it enhances coral colors via amino acids.


Here is a good run through of the basics: http://www.manhattanreefs.com/forum/advanc...hat-zeovit.html


Wonder what bacteria this creates that deal with phosphates. Research on the Net has not yielded any info on such bacteria.


Any idea which ones they could be ?



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I am using Vertex Bio-pellets, Brightwell's, and some Zeovit products.


Coral Booster

Flatworm stop (I do not have AEFW)

K-Balance Strong.


I have not been using them for very long, so far I am impressed.


I have been studying the methodology for the last few months now. It's not that complicated really but is very specific where dosing is concerned. It is also not that expensive, especially for a nano since you will use so little product (products are quite concentrated). Dosing is done by the drop in most cases.

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Apparently if you follow the 'manual' it can be quite simple, it's just the array of products available under the system that baffles me!

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from what i read. it is just another carbon dosing thingy. but it also contains nitrates which is needed to control phosphates. pretty cool all in one thingy. just $$$

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Apparently if you follow the 'manual' it can be quite simple, it's just the array of products available under the system that baffles me!


This is true, they can be very confusing. There are four basic bottles to start the system and then many that do different things. Your not satisfied until you own them all. The problem is the vagueness of the products, almost no information as to what is in them. Some information on what they do but that's about it. There newest product "Coral Booster" (CB) is listed as follows on the Zeovit site:


Enhances coloration, growth and immune response

• Special elements stimuli for all corals

• Balances elemental deficiencies

• Synergic complementation of Flatworm-stop

• Provides trace elements in most uptake-able form resulting in unparalleled effects.


The last line had me sold on it, LOL.


I have heard some good things about CB on the Zeovit Forum from users in Europe and USA, I decided to give it a try. I just started dosing it so too early to tell if it works but I have high hopes.


Zeovit is a "following" really, a system that works (if you follow it properly). Very few know why it works, many just know it does and except that fact. Thomas Pohl and crew have the recipes to their elixirs safely guarded. After researching for some time I believe the method is sound, I just couldn't tell you why.







from what i read. it is just another carbon dosing thingy. but it also contains nitrates which is needed to control phosphates. pretty cool all in one thingy. just $$$


Can you translate to English, LOL :haha:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been studying NeoZeo vs Zeovit. From what I can find, Zeovit is easier to understand as there's a specific recipe for implementing it. The NeoZeo website just sucks and offers new and potential customers little if any direction or value proposition PLUS their whitepaper sucks compared to Zeovits whitepaper. Funny how marketing works -- or doesn't.


I just don't know why there aren't decent AND automated zeo reactors for both these prooducts? Doesn't seem like a hard thing to design-- hmmm.


But, I am interested. I need to setup my sump skimmer before either will work. It's supposed to work on LPS and softies too. Plus, you can overfeed if you like. Hopefully my LFS will know more as they carry NeoZeo.


And now that Pete's forced me into buying a Radion, I'm hoping to return the favor and tweak him into spending more on some zeo products!

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I think it is better to go with Zeovit brand if you go this route. As you mentioned there are more precise directions to follow improving your odds of success. Neozeo IMO is just a copy of Thomas Pohl's method and products, but I doubt they are the same at all. Brightwell Aquatics has been bashed repeatedly by Randy Holmes-Farley for not having a sound product, I for one use several of their products and find them okay. I would not however, use BA in place if Zeovit if going the full stones method.


I don't think you can overfeed with the Zeovit method, nothing like bio-pellets (which I run). Flow through the reactor and amount of stones used is key to the success of Zeovit, if you can nail that down you will do well with it. If I wasn't running bio-pellets ATM I would be running Zeovit without question. My next tank will be full Zeovit, sometime in the future.


I think it's worth investing in a good zeo reactor, the Zeovit one is way too expensive but it is well made. Vertex make a pretty good one for half the price. Not automated to shake your stones as of yet, but just give them some time, haha. Zeovit on a nano is not expensive at all, it just seems like it is, the products are concentrated and will last you ages. A 250ml bottle, for example, of Coral Booster dosed 1ml/25gallons every second day will last me over a year, it was $50.


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I think it is better to go with Zeovit brand if you go this route. As you mentioned there are more precise directions to follow improving your odds of success. Neozeo IMO is just a copy of Thomas Pohl's method and products, but I doubt they are the same at all. Brightwell Aquatics has been bashed repeatedly by Randy Holmes-Farley for not having a sound product, I for one use several of their products and find them okay. I would not however, use BA in place if Zeovit if going the full stones method.


I don't think you can overfeed with the Zeovit method, nothing like bio-pellets (which I run). Flow through the reactor and amount of stones used is key to the success of Zeovit, if you can nail that down you will do well with it. If I wasn't running bio-pellets ATM I would be running Zeovit without question. My next tank will be full Zeovit, sometime in the future.


I think it's worth investing in a good zeo reactor, the Zeovit one is way too expensive but it is well made. Vertex make a pretty good one for half the price. Not automated to shake your stones as of yet, but just give them some time, haha. Zeovit on a nano is not expensive at all, it just seems like it is, the products are concentrated and will last you ages. A 250ml bottle, for example, of Coral Booster dosed 1ml/25gallons every second day will last me over a year, it was $50.


Are you using their products now NanoTopia ?


I read a lot of good things about Zeovit but as many say no one seems to know much about what is in it.


Thanks for the link to the PDF



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Are you using their products now NanoTopia ?


I read a lot of good things about Zeovit but as many say no one seems to know much about what is in it.


Thanks for the link to the PDF





LOL, no one knows what's in it Albert, just vague descriptions of their products and applications are available.


I am not running full Zeo, just using 3 of their products (CB, KBS, FWS) ATM, I run bio-pellets as well. I have spent considerable time on the Zeovit forum and have learned quite a bit from it. My next reef will likely be full Zeovit. You have to trust Mr Pohl and his elixirs 100% and not really know what you are dosing, only that you should. The method works quite well for many people if followed exactly as directed. The guide is the bible, everything else is first hand accounts of what the products do and when/if they should be used.

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LOL, no one knows what's in it Albert, just vague descriptions of their products and applications are available.


I am not running full Zeo, just using 3 of their products (CB, KBS, FWS) ATM, I run bio-pellets as well. I have spent considerable time on the Zeovit forum and have learned quite a bit from it. My next reef will likely be full Zeovit. You have to trust Mr Pohl and his elixirs 100% and not really know what you are dosing, only that you should. The method works quite well for many people if followed exactly as directed. The guide is the bible, everything else is first hand accounts of what the products do and when/if they should be used.


Yes I guess that in this case it does come down to trust indeed ...


I have been following the reviews as well to some degree and most reports seem to be positive so I guess that with some more time we'll know whether all those "elixirs' really do it ... so far it looks like it anyway.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Albert, I am slowly adding to my list of Zeovit products, I am now dosing the following:


Flatworm Stop

Coral Booster

K-Balance Strong

Pohl's Xtra

Coral Snow

Sponge Power


I'm afraid I am addicted now. I'm dosing the odd additive in my pico as well, can't hurt :) I see an improvement in my corals already.

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oh on this zeovit ish as well.




coral vitalizer


sponge power



keeps my tanks cleaner, corals/clams are responding VERY well to the dosing.

the only thing i do feed is the fish/shrimp/crab/dendro, the dendro i feed fauna marin LPS pellets.


thats about it. :D

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Albert, I am slowly adding to my list of Zeovit products, I am now dosing the following:


Flatworm Stop

Coral Booster

K-Balance Strong

Pohl's Xtra

Coral Snow

Sponge Power


I'm afraid I am addicted now. I'm dosing the odd additive in my pico as well, can't hurt :) I see an improvement in my corals already.


Yes it looks like you joined the addicted crowd indeed. Keep us posted on how it all works out and what changes you see and whether you find them to be positive or not ... pics from before and after will help everyone see what all those additives have done or are doing, hopefully for a far better looking aquarium



oh on this zeovit ish as well.




coral vitalizer


sponge power



keeps my tanks cleaner, corals/clams are responding VERY well to the dosing.

the only thing i do feed is the fish/shrimp/crab/dendro, the dendro i feed fauna marin LPS pellets.


thats about it. :D

Can you define VERY well ... what changes do you see?


So what are you now feeding and how is it different from what you were feeding before if I may ask?

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if you download their pdf file, they explain the process very clearly. does not seem that confusing. just seems like a little bit more maintenance time.




i am not using this, but i am considering it for my next build

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Keep in mind the Zeovit system is primarily designed for SPS tanks however, they do have some products specifically designed for LPS.


Albert, subtle changes are hard to document but I can tell you I see better colours, better tissue health, but not increased growth (as of yet). Most people adopt the Zeovit method for better colours in their SPS, the products are designed not only for maintaining a suitable system but for tweaking colours.

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Keep in mind the Zeovit system is primarily designed for SPS tanks however, they do have some products specifically designed for LPS.


Albert, subtle changes are hard to document but I can tell you I see better colours, better tissue health, but not increased growth (as of yet). Most people adopt the Zeovit method for better colours in their SPS, the products are designed not only for maintaining a suitable system but for tweaking colours.


Thanks for the clarification and after I DL'ed the manual and read through it I agree that it is geared towards SPS, with some prods for LPS but as you say several to make colors come out better and improve tissue health.


I was looking at the Continuum range started by Jack Kent, and the two lines of products seem to be close to each other, although I have not studied all of what the latter offers in detail but after just an initial look at some of them at the LFS where I was earlier today (and took some more pics which I 'll post to my thread), the similarities of some of them seemed obvious.


Guess Jack Kent was finally able to get back in the hobby after he sold Kent Marine to Central Pet and Garden, which seems to own just about every manufacturer nowadays), and had a 5 year no compete clause.


That's over and is now back with the Continuum line. I guess we'll all have to check that line out and see what its benefits are and what all the prods are they market and from what I saw there are quite a few.


Thanks for the update on Zeovit



if you download their pdf file, they explain the process very clearly. does not seem that confusing. just seems like a little bit more maintenance time.




i am not using this, but i am considering it for my next build


Thanks. I did. I appreciate it.

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