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50g cube

Finding Paulo

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Finding Paulo

hey guys,


im not that eduacted on which species are out there doing what and was wondering what you would get for a CUC for a 50 Gallon cube. thanks!

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Finding Paulo

everyones telling me about john @ reefcleaners. super helpful! thanks. i wish i had bought my rocks there .. 100 bucks for 50lbs!

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IMO i'd start with 5 nassarius, 5 cerith, and 6 dwarf blue leg hermits.

That'll get a tenth of your tank covered :D :D

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That'll get a tenth of your tank covered :D :D


Yep, so many people flood their tanks with CUC's from the start then wonder why a week later most their snails have died.. just not enough food to go around yet. I'd start light, wait 2 weeks and add more, so on and so on. IME this is what I've learned through the years, but what do I know :P

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