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**Crime Scene Do Not Cross**


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This morning around 0800 I arrived on the scene of the crime. It was a cool morning for July and there was decent rate of flow. I first noticed that the shell placement upon the sand was the same as the night before when I left my aqua scape for bed(nothing was disturbed). The timer switch clicked and the lights came on.... something was bouncing about near a piece of LR approx. 3in from Mr. Halloween Hermit's home.(shell) My eyes adjusted to the addition of the light and to my surprise there was nothing but legs floating just above sand level. Twisting and turning with the current but not really going anywhere or settling. The crab was gone but his legs remained. Was this a random attack of opportunity? Was Mr. Halloween on a nice stroll from home getting some air and jumped/killed? Did he initiate the attack by trying to take a snails shell and get eaten in return? WE MAY NEVER KNOW.....


R.I.P. - Mr. Halloween you were the BIG one :tears:

Arrived 6/29/12

Departed 7/3/12

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I don't think a snail will eat a hermit crab. Make sure its not a molt, I think it is, because you describe the legs being there only.

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Molt and abandon his shell at the same time, maybe? None of the other 4 empty shells around him have moved and normally he sticks the tips of 2-3 legs out the edge of shell to show his presence.


If it is only a molt and he is still in there, pulling a Houdini/resurrection trick that would be a better outcome but not make as good a story for Tue. morning forum.

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After they molt they can hide in their shell for up to a couple of days. As far as snails eating hermits, I have personally witnessed a group of nassarius vibex attacking, killing, and eating a sick and dying hermit.

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i thought he said he was healthy?


just keep your eyes peeled, lots of times, the molt leaves just the legs cause they are the stronger, more calcified part

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i thought he said he was healthy?


just keep your eyes peeled, lots of times, the molt leaves just the legs cause they are the stronger, more calcified part

thanks for all the input!

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