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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Tiepilot68's 20L back from the grave


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Here is my latest FTS. I stayed up til the wee hours of the morning and used a drill, wooden dowels and epoxy to finally do what I have been wanting to do with my rockwork for a while now. Im hoping to move everything over to a rimless cube or near cube in january.





Also took a decent macro of my bright red Acan. They are growing well and seem to be always happy.




Will post more pics when I get everything moved into their new home! Just gotta find a good deal.


Anyone know of a decent source for rimless tanks? Id like something around 24 x 24 x 12 high if I can find it for a good price.

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OK more pictures!


Before I did my rock "reworking" I studied up on each species of coral I currently have, concerning what kind of flow and lighting each prefer, so when it came time to Epoxy some corals in place I wanted them to be happy.


Well, I can say I am pleased as each and every one of my corals seem to be well extended and happy with their new positions in the ecosystem.


Here are a few pictures taken tonight. WIth my 20k MH making most of my pictures turn blue I had to tweek them in photoshop but I believe I have gotten things fairly close to natural color. Auto correction in PS seems to want to turn things way too yellow, but I've worked around it as best as my knowledge of PS lets me.


Ok... Here are a few of my lovely green Zoanthids. With an Acan or two peeking in :D



My Galaxia Coral. This coral has consistently stayed vibrant and healthy looking ever since I've owned it. I of course give it plenty of space to keep it from stinging neighbors at night.



My Duncan. I love this coral. I bought it as a single headed frag about 6 months ago or so I think, and it has grown 4 more heads since then. Its quite beautiful as it sways in the currant.



And lastly a simple Pulsing Xenia, my latest addition to the tank. Many find these to be annoying weeds akin to green star polyps, spreading everywhere. I'm sure I will have to trim them back from time to time, but when studied closely their movements and elegance add a relaxing charm to their corner of the tank.




Thanks so much for looking. I hope to have more to show soon!

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