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Tibbsy's 12g AP - So Long and Thanks for All the Fish


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Got an offer for $100 for the whole thing. I'm thinking I'll wait to see if any better offers come in. The guy wanted to trade for a bunch of paintball/airsoft stuff, then for some other random items. I've already got a ton of paintball stuff I'm trying to sell, so that wasn't really something I was interested in. Besides, one of the reasons I'm getting rid of this right now is so I don't HAVE to move everything across the country. I don't need extra stuff to try and get rid of...


Edit: I think the guy is trolling now. Just offered 50 bucks plus a nice metal detector. lol

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I had over 300 dollars worth of brand new, in the box stuff ad I was asking 250 for it. Atleast 3 different people wanted it for 100 bucks and got mad when denied. I also got offered paintball stuff a d other stuff (not even close to 300). People can't even give away hot tubs around here and the guy was insulted that we didn't want his hot tub shell.


Hang in there. Someone will pay close t oasking

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It's ok. He seriously kept coming back with ideas, I really started to wonder if he actually wanted the tank. He asked what the best offer I had gotten was (I fibbed to see if I could get his limit up). I told him that the current negotiating price with "someone" was 175-200. He hasn't responded to that. I kept it nice and civil, but firm.


I'm not too worried - again, I'm only selling it because I'll have to sell it before I move this summer and I can't justify spending more money on the tank, so I'm going to do water changes and all that for 3 corals. I'm going to post it on a local reef forum today.

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Well, it's gone. There is nothing left of the tank. I hope the guy is happy and takes care of it all. Thanks for sticking with me while I was learning and for all the help and advice. I really like y'all. I'll be planning the next aquarium in my spare time, keeping up with everyone's tanks and if anyone has micro-related questions, I'll try to answer them.


Happy Reef-Keeping, NR.

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Hi Tibbsy. I am so sorry I missed your tank thread. I discovered it only when you were winding it down. :(


I hope you start another when you have settled. Good luck with your thesis!

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