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My poor 15g - GFCI tank crash


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I was just reading about the maroon it seems a bit large and aggressive, especially if I have a flame hawk, I was thinking about a purple fire fish. But I would like something for the BTA.

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i have used aquamend from home depot with no problems, but as previously mentioned the epoxy look really stands out in your tank. i would recommend a clear or black cyanoacrylate type glue. they work well, set faster, and are invisible in your tank.

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Like I said in an earlier post, I don't like the stuff even though I did use it on a few very large frags. I would reccomend using cynoacrylate or something similar in the future, but I'm just not sure if it dries under water?? Anybody know about this? Can you apply it to a wet aurface and have it adhere underwater?

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I use the gel super glues, they work best if you glue out of the water. But if you are trying to glue to large piece of rock work you can glue them under water, its bit harder, an dyou have to gently hold the frag in place a lot longer under water. It usually works best to glue the frag to a small piece of live rock, then glue the live rock under to other rocks, this way you are not handling the frag too much.

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I use the super glue gel to attach corals to rubble or rocks (out of water) then the epoxy to get the rubble to stick to my main rocks (in water). The epoxy is a pain to set right, but if you get the coral to stay it will set great, no critters will dislodge. Plus you can pry it off and move it later.


Here is the real question about epoxy (Waaaa off topic): will coralline grow on it? Encrusting corals will but I have yet to have coralline grow on the stuff.

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actually its doing much better now. The tank look smuch healthier and seems to be back to normal, minus some corals that is.


I put in some Rowaphos, as per John at exoticreefs, its seems to be doing a great job, my cyano seems to be nearly gone. And the tank water looks very polished now, and clear. I also put in a new emarld, and he has been munching away.


This week I am adding two new sps from a trade, so I think they will be fine and I can start rebuilding. I will probably just wait and add fish slowly and keep the bioload low for a while.

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