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Innovative Marine Aquariums

My 15 gallon


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WOW nice tank! I have a 15g and CSL lights too. I'm thinking of sticking a 70w HQI in the CSL hood though. Good job! Hope mine will look like yours soon. How long has it been up and running?

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Thanks for the nice compliment Aquafilly.


The tanks been setup for a little less then a year. I've been thinking about doing the 70w hailde conversion on my CSL, but I have alot of evaporation as is. Maybe when I get off my lazy a$$ and make a auto topoff.


Good luck with the tank.

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thanks redrocket, the 15 long is a cool tank to work with.


i actually use Natural sea water that is filtered(free to locals). Its great not having to premix water.


Simbo18: i got 3 new zoo frags(waiting for one more), and I'll be sure to post some new pics tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

haha nice nice tank... so how long did it take to set up?

what was your first coral?

an what would you reccomend to a fellow reef to get some corals in his tank i need know what i need to take care of corals mushrooms ECT.. i have read on it but i rather here it from a reefer that i can respond to ... thanks nice reef and pics

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Sorry for the late response


yodahart: i love that frogspawn too, it's actually a frag of a larger colony I once had. I recently moved it to a larger system, because it was getting to large. I also did some rearranging, Ill shoot a few update pics when I get a chance.


fastredponycar: the substrate is composed of Caribsea, and a few cups of sand from a friends system. I got a few nassiarius snails and a pistol shrimp to help keep the substrate moving around.


Domino_Tang: thanks, the tank has been a little less then a year. The first corals in the were mostly corals I had from my old tank.

If you want to be more specific I can try to help, but when in doubt use that darn' SEARCH button.

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I think I remember hearing about a tank in...France, was it?....that has nothing but GSPs in it, and they cover the whole bottom like a lawn. They just give it routine pruning to keep it from crawling up the glass and overtaking the few chunks of live rock they have sitting on the substrate.




Oh, btw, the tank looks beautiful. Whatever you're doing right, keep it up! ;)

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