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Innovative Marine Aquariums

novel concept


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just bought the marina breeding box in medium size(1.2L) for less than 10 bucks just to play with. it works exactly the same way as the finnex one.


even with a big air pump on full blast the flow out of this thing is slow.(its a trickle)


as a full on fuge, i dont think it would be that effective.


as a way to isolate a fish or coral it could be handy.


i could see it easily being modded to collect fry or other critters attracted by light, but easily hurt by conventional pumps.

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some nice equipment. im surprised at such a low flow, airlifts are usually a pretty efficient technique. guess its easier to pump up just a tube than through a fixture. like the last one, should be able to mod a mj or hob pump to do that job.

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some nice equipment. im surprised at such a low flow, airlifts are usually a pretty efficient technique. guess its easier to pump up just a tube than through a fixture. like the last one, should be able to mod a mj or hob pump to do that job.

there are some benefits to airlifts. they use alot less electricity, its easier to hook up multiple systems to one air pump and its a more gentle flow and thats why breeders like using them.


im pretty sure gravity does most of the work on the "over the tank" filter. ive just never seen a box filter used like that before.

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  • 1 month later...

id love to have a chamber in the big one to put an airlift skimmer in one. an all airlift tank might breed alot of micro fauna because of the hang time....idk. there have been many ghetto old mom and pop LFS ive seen that still rock air and have some tanks TEAMING in mysid, other pods and all sorts of snails..

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