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Coral Vue Hydros

Chemi Pure Elite


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Is Chemi Pure Elite really all that? I read that it removes phosphates, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, stabilizes pH and more. Is that all true? Is it worth the money?

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I use it, keeps my water wet. It doesn't work miracles on the nitrates, but kept some out I'm sure. And buy all the money, did u see a site selling it for $39 a bag? Mine cost like $7 lol

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it's a low-grade carbon plus a tiny amount of low-grade GFO and a resin that is completely useless in marine aquariums.


better alternatives: almost any other carbon, almost any other GFO.

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I use it, seems to work. And better to have it than not IMO. I am researching alternatives though (haven't found one yet).


Chemi-pure elite is one of those things in a nano tanks that is just a standard. If there was something out there that worked better it would be in our media basket. You could make your own though...I think CPE contains carbon, gfo, and DI resin.

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it's a low-grade carbon plus a tiny amount of low-grade GFO and a resin that is completely useless in marine aquariums.


better alternatives: almost any other carbon, almost any other GFO.


Well I have Kent Reef Carbon and I plan to get GFO... I may just buy a high-grade GFO and mix it with my Kent Reef Carbon. For such little money, I think Chemi Pure Elite is worth a shot.

Edited by Euphyllia
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If there was something out there that worked better it would be in our media basket.

you mean if there were something out there that steviet hocked instead it would be in your media basket. lol.


Euphyllia, that would probably be ten times as efficient as chemipure elite. do that.

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Well if I pay $25 for GFO opposed to half of that for Chemi Pure Elite, I could mix my high-grade carbon and GFO and it would turn out better. :lol:


Euphyllia, that would probably be ten times as efficient as chemipure elite. do that.


Will do. :)

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I use it, but I cannot give you any actual data that proves it has done much. I do, however, have very clear, "clean" water and zero algae, but I also do weekly 25% water changes and top off with RO water. The only way you will know for sure is if you try it on your aquarium. If you see a difference, that should be good enough. I'm sure there's data out there though.

Edited by Deep Stops
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it's a low-grade carbon plus a tiny amount of low-grade GFO and a resin that is completely useless in marine aquariums.


better alternatives: almost any other carbon, almost any other GFO.


I will look into that. The problem is it works for me right now, and don't really have a reason to not keep using it. But I am always open to new ideas and trying new things in my aquarium (within reason). I will look into some carbon/GFO mixture and replace that where my Chemi Pure Elite is.

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doesnt do anything that chaeto and tank maintenance cant :)


I'm going to be getting chaeto in a few days for the built-in sump in my BioCube 29 HQI. I do Weekly 17.5% water changes. With that and my Kent Reef Carbon and GFO, I think my tank should be good.


Just curious, but I've read that removing phosphates and such too quickly can kill SPS. Will chaeto do that? How slowly should I add it?

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I don't use Chemi Pure and I have no problems with my tanks. I think you can spend that money that you are planning to spend on Chemi Pure on other things. I have a Fennex 4 gallon and a 16 gallon bow front. No algae problems or nitrate problems.

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I used to use it awhile go, but I'm no longer a fan. Just put in a high quality carbon and GFO and you have twice the product. It's also very expensive over the long term.

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I used it for around 6 months in my nano reef but then I switched to using carbon and gfo from BRS and absolutely love it. Never going back to CPE. Buying bulk carbon and gfo is also cheaper compared to buying CPE

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I got chaeto today. That should provide a natural export for nitrates, nitrites and some phosphates. I don't want to shock my SPS by bringing down the nitrates/nitrites/phosphates too quickly, so I just got a bit of chaeto. If I'm still having phosphate issues, I can add some GFO later on. :)

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it's a low-grade carbon plus a tiny amount of low-grade GFO and a resin that is completely useless in marine aquariums.


better alternatives: almost any other carbon, almost any other GFO.


can you recommend a specific brand of carbon?

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ESV, Eheim, Fluval, KNOP, Two Little Fishies, anything from bulkreefsupply.com, Kent, Seachem... like I said, pretty much anything is better than Chemi-Pure, lol.

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