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Top Shelf Aquatics

March's 15g. Taking the tank down

Reef Casa

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Looks good very nice design!


Did you add another powerhead?



Yes I did


To be honest:

This filter is ruining my vision of this tank

This is my 5th nano tank

I vowed this time to have everything perfect , not to settle for less and to not stop until I was 100% happy.

This filter does not make me 100% happy

Actually its kind of driving me nuts

I stare at constantly thinking about what I can change


This nano / filter / fuge inspired me

I think it looks great




This is how I feel when I look at mine


I have a new idea. I'll post it and run it by people before I build this time

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ok I got fed up with DIY and went out grabbed this

I"m going to prob grab an mp10 in the near future and I think I will be all done for equipment



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I understand how you feel Marc....it doesn't seem like the DIY complements your awesome minimalist setup your tank needs lily pipes and that fluval is a step in the right direction.

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Marc... that rant was priceless. I don't mean to poke fun but the drawings were hilarious! To be honest I think the DIY was an awesome idea and you did a really good job but why did you drop the 105 in the first place?


Work on your lighting setup because that clearly makes you unhappy maybe try to hide the bulbs behind a shade. Maybe scrap the PARS for a fabricated LED fixture.

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I understand how you feel Marc....it doesn't seem like the DIY complements your awesome minimalist setup your tank needs lily pipes and that fluval is a step in the right direction.


EXACTLY :) - I feel so much better after getting the G3 lol it is a really cool filter - My vision if back on track



Marc... that rant was priceless. I don't mean to poke fun but the drawings were hilarious! To be honest I think the DIY was an awesome idea and you did a really good job but why did you drop the 105 in the first place?


Work on your lighting setup because that clearly makes you unhappy maybe try to hide the bulbs behind a shade. Maybe scrap the PARS for a fabricated LED fixture.


Hahaha thanks JayPagi

I wanted to change the 105 because I felt like it wasn't enough filtration / only 6.5x tank volume every hour

and it looked like a garbage can


Lighting is next to change :) - I'm going to try and hide all the poles behind the main rock or attach a fixture from the ceiling

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thanks! unfortunately it does not come with a built in heater :(

it would be nice though to have the heater hidden

fluval was supposed to come out with an attachment / upgrade but they never got around to it

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Some new photos for everyone

added some LR to the left side of the "main rock" and also rescaped the "mini rock"



Here the rescaping of the "mini rock"





Hide and seek


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Looks awesome marc....I'm kinda jealous


Thanks hype

you saying your jealous really means something *I'm a huge fan of your set up*


Looks awesome! New camera? If not what do you currently shoot with?


Thanks Jay naw same camera nothing new

I'm using a cannon xsi - Im in the market for a t3 though after seeing schreibas tank / photos


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My friend works at henry's

he is sometimes able to get me really good deals - I"m hoping he pull something off for the T3

I paid cost for my GoPro hd came out to just over 200$ taxes in

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Absolutely stunning !!!!


The size and shape of those islands perfectly compliment each other...with lots of open space between. LOVE IT !!!


Thanks mini!! :)

I just finished reading your tanks topic - your scape is incredible


On a side note:

My acans are all shriveled up

They have been for 3 days now - not sure why

Changed the carbon and did 30% water change. Now just wait and see I guess

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very cool vid! lol love the music to go with those crazy spaz clowns... hahaha, mine used to be like that, now they never wander more than 3" from the nem haha

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Thanks everyone for comments on the video!

I'm going to try and make a better one and upload it as 1080p


Awesome vid love the music... love Cuba.

Is that all that flow coming from the new Fluval? I didn't see any other powerheads.

+1 :eek:



Yea I removed both the power heads I'm just running the fluval - it was over kill with the other ones

The only problem is I'm getting a dead spot behind the main rock

I think I'll probably through another one back in behind the rock and hide it if it will fit :)

does anyone know what is the smallest power head on the market?

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