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Pak's ADA 60-F: A New Beginning


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New FTS 6-27-2011. More pics below..



After nearly a year of owning this, I got tired of how difficult it was to clean it and create a scape that I liked. Shallow tanks have always intrigued me, so I decided it was time to try one.


Yesterday my ADA 60-F arrived and right away I went to work tearing down the old tank and setting up the new one. I'm not entirely positive on the scape just yet, but so far I love the tank! It's lit by 2 Par38 lamps, one by Evil and the other an Ecoxotic. I'm using a K1 for water movement, temporarily, until I can get a Vortech. I would have purchased one yesterday, but I didn't want to push my luck with my financial advisor, a.k.a wife. :lol: There's also an AC20 for water polishing. I'm hoping to take it off eventually, as I know it's not the cleanest look, but I'll keep it on there until I can get the MP10.


Excuse the cloudy water pics. I'll get more up today now that everything is starting to open back up and the water has cleared up.




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i love your pico and this shallow tank. they're all beautiful. can you give the specs on the pico? like what kind of coral you have in there, how many lbs of live sand/rock :)

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So nice! I am a fan of how you reef. I was inspired by your previous tank to go with the 12" cube and am getting ideas swimming through my head after seeing this one.

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i love your pico and this shallow tank. they're all beautiful. can you give the specs on the pico? like what kind of coral you have in there, how many lbs of live sand/rock :)


Thanks! No problem. It's 8.6 gallons (24"x12"x7.5") has approximately 10lbs of live rock in there right now. I'm not too positive on that number, it actually may be less. I really thinned out my last tank for room for corals. I had intended on purchasing more rock for this tank, but after I did the switch, there simply wasn't room left for any more rock. I also wanted more of an open look to create the illusion of a much larger tank. I don't think there's more than 10lbs of sand in there either.


As for corals...


Plate coral


Goniopora (just added)

Green Striped Mushrooms

Red Mushrooms

A few ricordeas (orange and blue)

Green Star Polyps

Assorted zoa frags (I'm terrible with names )

Acan frag

Red Chalice Frag

Pink's Birdnest frag

Couple other SPS frags

Maxima Clam

Bulb Anemones

Blue Clove Polyps


I think that's it. Some of the corals have been with me since I first ventured into this hobby 2 years ago, others are more recent.

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Nice shape. Is the fish swimming back and forth the long way?


C. Jerome


Yes, he loves it too! I find him swimming to the far side with the K1, then he swims in front of the flow to get blown across the tank. Then repeats. It's pretty comical to watch.


What kind of plate coral?


Eh, just a purple plate coral with short tentacles. Sorry I don't have a proper name for it, it was my first coral when I got in this hobby. Started out the size of a quarter.


Sorry I haven't gotten any new pics folks. I seemed to have stirred up too much detritus in the exchange and had a small diatom bloom this past week. Everything is fine, I just did multiple water changes. I did a minor re-scape yesterday as the goniopora I purchased was extending out massively! I can't believe how large that coral is, but it's absolutely beautiful.


The wife said to me this morning, "we need more corals". Bless her heart. She just gave me the golden nod of approval to put more in the tank! Taking suggestions!

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Beautiful tank. Scape is nice. I can picture some fish swimming all around and between the corals....very cool.


Are u sticking with the current filtration?

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Beautiful tank. Scape is nice. I can picture some fish swimming all around and between the corals....very cool.


Are u sticking with the current filtration?


Thanks! For now I'll stick with what's running on the tank. As much as I want to get a canister filter, at the same time I like the simplicity of the AC20.


Inspirational.... I love it so much I can't wait to get a shallow tank like this.


Thanks Jay! Do it! Shallow's are beyond amazing.

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  • 1 month later...

The before shots. Notice the red cyano in the upper left corner? Yup, I've been battling it for the last few weeks. Not sure what's causing it. Water changes have been regular and everything else seems good.




Changed! No more sandbed! I was really tired of hearing sand get sucked into my new MP10, which caused all kinds of horrific noises. No more sand, no more noises! I'm actually really diggin' the new look. Now I just need to fill it in with corals. Ric/Acan bed? Hmmm...





It's very difficult to get accurate top down shots with the lights on..



Sorry for the blurry photo of this guy. Had a hard time getting a shot of him since he kept moving around in that corner.


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Looks a lot better with sand in my opinion.

Really nice tank.


Thanks! It took me a little while to get used to, but now that it's been like that for a couple days I'm liking it more. Plus I've got some plans for the bottom of the tank that will effectively cover the glass as well as sand.

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The tank is looking awesome man. I'm not a huge fan of bare bottoms ( at least when it comes to tanks bwahaha) but you have definitely made it look good. I think you made a good decision by going with this tank over the cube. What kind of clam is that? Have you noticed a color change since its been under your par bulbs? I put a derasa in my tank and its definitely darker colored than when it was under the lighting at the fish store.

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Thanks guys! Going BB is definitely a huge change, but once it fills in I think it'll look great. The clam is a Maxima (Tridacna Maxima). He's darkened up a little bit under the par bulbs, but not a significant amount. My only problem right now is letting him set up so that he stays stuck to the bottom. The MP10 creates a lot of undertow and it just blows him around like crazy.

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Jumper, or just passed away? Sucks.


Sucked into the vortex otherwise known as my AC70. I switched out my AC20 for the AC70 last weekend because the bag of chemipure elite I bought would not fit into the AC20. Unfortunately, I couldn't run the extra tube with screen protection on it, so it was just open to the tank, set on it's lowest setting. He was good all week in there like that, even last night when I did a water change. Must have happened sometime during the night. He will be missed.


Slytherin is a really boring fish.


Edit: At least that's what I think happened to the damsel. There is no sign of a body. He could have jumped and become a treat to one of our cats, but I don't think they'd enjoy the taste of a salty fish.

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