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Coral Vue Hydros

Official Harlequin Shrimp (Hymenocera elegans) Thread


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2 full size astrea per week per harlequin seemed to be right for mine...


until my girl sprayed ant poison in the room with my tank.... :-(

your chick sprayed Ant poison just in the same room, and your tank crashed?

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el fabuloso
El fab, you kept yours in a 3 gal right? Did you have any problems keeping a dead starfish in there for a month? If Im not mistaken it was just the normal maintenance of weekly WCs aided by a refugium right?


(beautiful tank btw :))


EDIT: oops that was your sexy tank. What size did you keep your harleys in?

The harlies are in a 34g RSM. Taking into account their dietary needs and seeing how big they actually get, I would not recommend keeping them in a pico.


so If I were to get a pair in my BC 29 I could throw in a whole starfish (Linckia Multifora) and it would feed them for a month? then how long until I put another one?>

Or a chocolate chip sea star. They're cheaper and more readily available. They don't kill the starfish right away instead they try to keep it alive for as long as they can. I've even seen my harlies take pieces of food to take back to their lair to feed to their captive sea star. When they're holding a sea star you'll see very little of them until they're completely done then you can see them wandering around the tank hunting for another one. I'll let them wander around the tank for a week or so before throwing another sea star in the tank.

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Or a chocolate chip sea star. They're cheaper and more readily available. They don't kill the starfish right away instead they try to keep it alive for as long as they can. I've even seen my harlies take pieces of food to take back to their lair to feed to their captive sea star. When they're holding a sea star you'll see very little of them until they're completely done then you can see them wandering around the tank hunting for another one. I'll let them wander around the tank for a week or so before throwing another sea star in the tank.


but I can catch my own starfish :D

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Builder Anthony

So i have about 30 or more asteria starfish do you think they would just nibble on random ones and not hold them captive?I mean they are everywhere in the tank.How big of a portion do they eat off the stafish every day.

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I just got myself one!!! =) I started to cycle my old BC14 as it was plan to have copepods and peppermints breeding ground, algae and maybe a quarantine tank for my corals, so today I went to the LFS and I sow this shrimp and after thinking about it I decided to buy him (I think <_< (_")???? ) I check my water before getting him and of curse it wasn't just an impulsive buy, I have read this treads before and got some more information to get one of this guys on a future, what it was an impulsive was on getting it know@ lol so too much writing and no pics here their are!!!



you guy think this two get alone each other?


sorry abut the finger! lol


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your chick sprayed Ant poison just in the same room, and your tank crashed?



"bug" poisions are specifically designed to kill inverts (more specifically arthropods - inverts with segmented bodies and exoskeleton).


This is why we can "bomb" an entire house and go back in within hours, the poision is more tailored to the inverts biochemisty.


they're all arthropods.

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Nice pics dudes^


another question though standard acclimation procedure for the feeder starfish right?


as well as



so they eat the entire starfish and you don't have to take out the carcass?

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Bump, looking for answers on this as well. Plainning on adding a pair to my 29 bow, with a flasher wrasse, yash goby and ora mandarin. Any inverts you shouldnt keep with the harleys?

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Nice pics dudes^


another question though standard acclimation procedure for the feeder starfish right?


as well as



so they eat the entire starfish and you don't have to take out the carcass?


Currently my pair has consumed 3/4 of a choco star in a week. And yes, they eat about 90 % of it, the remainder I just suction out when cleaning the tank.


Yes, standard acclimation for the starfish

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I love when my harley climbs high up on the rocks then jumps into the flow of water from my pump and hovers around the tank kicking his back feet like a helicopter using his flat defender claws to steer him around. the longest i've seen him float is 3-5 min. has anyone else witnessed this?

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Good stuff fab. About how big are they now?

The reason I say ten gallon min is mostly because the feeding but also due to crowding. I don't think they like to much in their face action.

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Currently my pair has consumed 3/4 of a choco star in a week. And yes, they eat about 90 % of it, the remainder I just suction out when cleaning the tank.


Yes, standard acclimation for the starfish


Thank you. :)






I love when my harley climbs high up on the rocks then jumps into the flow of water from my pump and hovers around the tank kicking his back feet like a helicopter using his flat defender claws to steer him around. the longest i've seen him float is 3-5 min. has anyone else witnessed this?


That is very interesting behavior indeed


ive also seen mine do it , and he does it rather often. ill see if i can get a video of him in action


+1 to a video

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can they be kept with a common cleaner shrimp?

well I have a harlequin living on a bc29 along with a barbel goby, two clowns and a cleaner shrimp and their all are peaceful

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More of a question about chocos. Does anyone keep them in their sump/fuge? Will the chocolate chip star eat pods/macro algea? Whats the requirement for keeping them and what are you guys feeding them? Thanks! A pair of Harlies are def in my future.

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