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Coral Vue Hydros

Worst purchase, biggest regrets?

Mr. Microscope

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A long time ago a local reef shop was getting in a Rosy Fin Wrasse. I committed to buying him right away at $350 or whatever the price was. I was shocked how small he was, but this is the only one to be on the local market so I still bought him on the condition they held him for a week.


I bought him home and put him in a 10g QT tank. I figured he could stay in there until he got bigger. Well he got stuck in the maxijet powerhead. I'm pretty sure he's still in my freezer :(

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Tunze 9002 nano skimmer, worst money I threw away on my 28g cube.

I agree whole heartedly. I didn't throw it away though it might be useful on a 10gal or smaller tank.

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lol i knew when i was eight years old that lionfish were a marine species. you can even tell by looking at the tank in the movie it's saltwater. you didn't ever watch nature shows or have a science class when you were a kid? i wouldn't have admitted that lol.



i work at a pet store.. and ever since "nemo" came out everyone wanted a clownfish.. i had TONS of people wanting to buy them an keep them in a bowl..


or just come in to buy them knowing what they wanted and eventually getting a feeling from them that they didnt know what they were doing.. then asking them "making conversation" what kind of tank they had.. finding that it was fresh..


..people are ignorant. lol the movie takes place in the OCEAN. I get this daily at the store.


actually a couple weeks back a kid came in and bought a fish from me. Came in , told me what he wanted and bought it (yellow tang) Come to find out he bought it as a gift for a friend who had a freshwater tank. the tang sat in a fish bowl (with the water from the bag) for three days until the parents brought the fish back. Usually when a customer comes in requesting a certain fish i assume they know what they want and know what it entails ... not always the case



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Back in my first tank, a 65g, around '02, I bought 3 or 4 four stripe damsels, a yellow tang and a banded snake eel all at once right after the cycle ended. A couple weeks later I bought a hippo tang and 4 or more blue damsels. The damsels fought to the death and/or were eaten by the eel. The hippo tang swam in circles until it got ick and died. The eel systematic wiped out the entire CUC. I refused to buy more because it only had a taste for my other livestock or CUC. I had wicked GHA due to the huge bioload. When the eel died all that was left was a mean yellow tang and a giant damsel. I regret all of my livestock purchases for the entire tank. Good news, I found this forum not too long after and restarted with a first gen nanocube not long after they came out.

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You must've done something wrong.


Perhaps, but I think it's just much easier to use an upgraded media basket than to deal with a skimmer that doesn't fit well in a cramped sump.

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Worst purchase to date would be the Current USA light fixture I have. While it puts out great light, it is so freaking loud. I wish I would have spent a little more and got an led fixture.

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Worst purchase to date would be the Current USA light fixture I have. While it puts out great light, it is so freaking loud. I wish I would have spent a little more and got an led fixture.


Where as I got my current USA lamp in a trade. I am having a honey of a time trying to find replacement bulbs for it. I am working on replacing my light fixtures with LEDs

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Worst purchase to date would be the Current USA light fixture I have. While it puts out great light, it is so freaking loud. I wish I would have spent a little more and got an led fixture.


i love the light it puts out but it is loud as hell, i agree..i'm using it until summer then i'm upgrading to some sort of LEDs..i wouldn't say its my a terrible purchase, though thats dependent on what you paid for it.

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My biggest regrets have to do with livestock.

2 Atlantic bay scallops and 2 frags of red bearded sponge i received for free; should never have taken them from their cool water tank, they barely lasted 2 months.


3 Lettuce Sea Hares; 2 died from shipping and the third one was sucked into my 110AC hob intake...idk how he got out of the fuge compartment but needless to say I did not have to kill 3 of them >_< These seriously need low flow tanks of their own filled with bryopsis and other algae.

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My first saltwater tank (roughly 12 years ago) is my biggest regret. I listened to Petsmart and purchased a 30g tall hex tank for saltwater... With a crummy HOB biowheel filter. I only ever had two fish at a time and they kept dying... wonder why. No live rock, a few bleached out pirate ships and some sand.


They kept selling me fish not telling me they were way too big for my tank (not to mention the tank was a joke). I ended up killing a juvenile French angelfish, Ebli's angel, two maroon clowns, a scooter blenny, and a fairy wrasse. Thankfully a friend came over one night, saw the tank, and taught me all about saltwater tanks. The next day I purchased a 55g oceanic cube and have been happily (and properly) reefing ever since.

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I don't even know dude but all i can say is that it was pure horror watching them wreak havoc. That's why i killed them. Every... single.. one. :)


I agree! All my duster hitchikers disappeared and I'm convinced they ate my firefish. Tossed them all into the snow (saved the shells for my crabs though).

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Buying purigen that wasn't bagged.


Hahaha yeah.....you pretty much have to buy "The Bag" from Seachem if you ever want to contain Purigen. That crap is TINY! I was warned beforehand and actually like the big jar I got. As long as I can always find one of "The Bag" 's to put it in.

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I would have to say putting a red flag grouper in my 36 gallon with my lionfish and snowflake eel wasnt a good choice. the snowflake busted thru duct tape and died and the grouper eventually died after 6 months of having trouble eating and hiding all the time. Dont buy a grouper they hide all the time! Also petco sold me all these fish including a green bird wrasse thatcost me $60! Green bird wrasse didnt last a month because I tried to feed it flake food and it would eat it.



Best livestock I have ever owned were my lionfish, piranha, and pictus angler.

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Uh- the XX dollars I spent on a swing arm salinity meter... lasted a whole 2 days in my tank, then I spent 4X and got a refractometer and now I know how much salt is in my tank...


Uh-any money I spent on a fish that was not what I wanted to get but that the LFS happened to have in stock when I was there (only happened 1 but never again).

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My first saltwater tank (roughly 12 years ago) is my biggest regret. I listened to Petsmart and purchased a 30g tall hex tank for saltwater... With a crummy HOB biowheel filter. I only ever had two fish at a time and they kept dying... wonder why. No live rock, a few bleached out pirate ships and some sand.


They kept selling me fish not telling me they were way too big for my tank (not to mention the tank was a joke). I ended up killing a juvenile French angelfish, Ebli's angel, two maroon clowns, a scooter blenny, and a fairy wrasse. Thankfully a friend came over one night, saw the tank, and taught me all about saltwater tanks. The next day I purchased a 55g oceanic cube and have been happily (and properly) reefing ever since.


You mean Petco?

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....my x-wife who physically, mentally and emotionally abused our two kids

and I had to go through two years of court and crap to rescue them... :rant:


btw, all is cool now... ;)

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Two blue velvet nudibranches - supposidly to eat flat worms. One disappeared overnight, and the other within 5 days. Never saw them eat any worms, and they were $45 each! I now have two wrasses that are keeping the worms under control, and they're much more fun to watch!

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Buying one piece of very nice looking fiji liverock from a LFS, only to watch it turn into a giant billowing cloud of aptasia a few days later. Never gotten rid of the stuff. Now attacking them with a DIY aptasia zapper.

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what wrasses do you use? i have a six line he does not even notice the flatworms.

I have a Christmas Wrass and a Melanurus Wrass. Not sure if both of them are eating the flat worms because I added them together, but you have to look closely to see any in my tank now. The only visible flatworms are close to my carpet anemone. Glad the wrasses know enough to stay away from it.

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