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67 Rimless XL


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Current FTS 4/23/11







Tank: Solana 67g XL/ Custom stand/white background and overflow w/ stockman standpipe


Lighting: 4 bulb Tek retro kit

Blue +

Aquablue special

Blue +

Indigo sun


Refugium: 18g macro tank w/ rockwall

Sump: 29g custom acrylic


Skimmer: Vertex 180


Pump: quietone 6000


Reactors: 2-Phosban150/carbon/bio-pellets

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually a dance would be nice... But I think stocking plans/system goals might be good too.


This should be interesting I've never really seen a tank with a white BG before. Do you have a specific reason for going white?

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Actually a dance would be nice... But I think stocking plans/system goals might be good too.


This should be interesting I've never really seen a tank with a white BG before. Do you have a specific reason for going white?



ajtsin did the white background first i dont take credit. i liked his just thought id do something different. for stocking plans its all up in the air. id like to do alot of sps but we'll see. finishing the stand tmro so i should get this in the house and rollin along in no time


Glad to see another San Diego reefer. What fish stores do you go too?



hey man! i like tri-city tropicals, but i goto fish haven alot cuz its close..

you on sdreefs.com? if not please join

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hey man! i like tri-city tropicals, but i goto fish haven alot cuz its close..

you on sdreefs.com? if not please join


Ya I go to sdreefs and socalireefs every now and then to see what ppl are selling but aside from that not much goes on there. Just found out about nanoreefs lol.

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Ya I go to sdreefs and socalireefs every now and then to see what ppl are selling but aside from that not much goes on there. Just found out about nanoreefs lol.



ya same here its nice to pick up used stuff like that tank locally. and ya nano-reef is goin down hill.. some of these ppl turn every thread into a epic fail. no wonder all these new noobs leave.

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  • 1 month later...

well its about time for a update. got the plumbing done everything goes well just trying to tweak some things on the overflow to make it more quiet. I ran a auxillary manifold so can run up to 3 reactors and my display fuge. built a overflow cover so nuthen can sneak into the box and clog the drain and it silences the gurgling a bit. Just need to finishes skinning the stand i have the side panels done just need some wood for the doors. I wanna try to make just 2 doors that can pop on and off. for the meantime just letting everything run for a couple weeks making sure everything is working good. heres some pics..























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  • 2 weeks later...

my tank got wet....

just have my temporary trim on the top to hold the lights till i build the floating canopy

also waiting to get some sand im looking for a specific kind made by Tideline, so the rocks are just thrown in there. I plan on doin a nice scape once i get sand. Also just ordered 2 koralia evo 1400's to go with the reefkeeper...






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Tank looks amazing and kudos on going with a white overflow and back glass...definitely the first time I've seen anything besides blue and black.


Looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!


I thought about buying this same tank when I was looking for tanks in December. Glad to see someone brought one...beautiful tank!

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Thanks guys this tank is definetly in its infancy just transferred all the corals and cuc from the 10g to the 67 today everything is running good it was nice not haveing a cycle. water is crystal clear with this big a$$ skimmer.

my plans is to get another reactor for bio-pellets and eventually get a mp10 or 2 mp10's to replace the koralias.

also going to run some led gu10 bulb in with the t5's making a hybrid, gunna finish with a floating black canopy and skin the stand black. and removing the trim.


stocking list:

2 naked clowns

3 green chromis

midas blenny




Mixed corals mostly sps eventually



rainbow urchin and zebra crab

emerald crabs


hermits snails

candycane pistol(will prob get a goby for him)

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I like the BB!



it would be cool if it was sparkling clean but its 2 days old and theres crap all over, looks bad.


and quick update just got a trio of green chromis, nuthen special 2 are happy and eating but the 3rd is shy and hiding he'll prob come out in the morning.


And just got the brightwell Katalyst bio-pellets today and set them up in the reactor, well see how they do, i guess it takes a few weeks for the bact. to grow on them

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got the sand in today and did some scapeing.

still alittle cloudy but this is only a couple hours after adding sand and moving rock around, the filtration is amazing!






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