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Bulk Reef Supply - Pukani Dry Rock


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I'm joining the BRS group buy organized by paneubert... And am looking at buying some base rock for my new system (see 75 in sig.)


I figure between free shipping and the group buy price, I'll save myself a few hundred bucks if I buy rock (as opposed to LR from a LFS).


Who's bought dry rock from BRS before?


Were you happy with it?


Which -type/style- of dry rock did you get/would you recommend?


I'm thinking of starting with about 70 lbs of rock total, including some live rock that'll seed the system. What ratio of live:dry should I start with? I figure I'll cherry pick another 30 lbs or so LR as time goes on...

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As for the BRS rock, I asked BRS a while back about how picky I could be.....


My question:

If I am looking for a certain general size or weight of each rock, can I specify somewhere on my order what I am looking for? For example.... "20 pounds split between 3 or 4 rocks of equal size." I know that the order is by weight..... So I assume the only way to request something specific would be to say the number of rocks wanted and then have it spread over the total weight ordered?


Their answer:

"As long as the requests are general enough to actually fulfill, its no problem to put them in your order comments and they will certainly do there best to accommodate. You could also say something to the effect of "I'm looking for mostly softball or grapefruit size rocks" and they will pick as many grapefruit size rocks as they can for your order weight :-) "

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I just received 50lbs last week from another group buy and have to say I'm pretty happy with what I got. I asked for a couple of football sizes with grapefruit, softball and good flat pieces. I haven't weighed it but they sent me more than 50lbs and packaged it so well that I had very little breakage if any.

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So only the Pukani has the following disclaimer: "*This rock does come out of the ocean and may have some dead material on it such as sponges or other critters. We strongly suggest soaking or curing the rock before use in an active aquarium. For new aquariums this may be beneficial to the initial cycle of the tank."


Is everything else scrubbed, or are they just (accidentally) being inconsistent with the website?


Anyone have a preference of which rock to get?



BRS Tonga Branch Dry Eco Aquarium Live Rock


BRS Shelf Dry Eco Aquarium Live Rock


BRS Fiji Dry Eco Aquarium Live Rock


BRS Pukani Dry Eco Aquarium Live Rock


BRS “Reef Saver” Eco Dry Aquarium Live Rock



Adding poll question to OP**

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I have the fiji dry rock from brs and its great. No complaints


also im pretty sure my rock had a little bit of dead material in it but not much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm thinking about getting some Pukani for my 13.3g tank. If I get dry rock, can I keep it a while before I setup the tank? The Pukani is available so I'd like to snag some up but I won't be able to fill the tank for a week or two due to being too busy right now. Also, since it's generally lighter than other LR, how many pounds should I go for? I don't want the tank over filled with LR.



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The 75 lbs of Pukani I got was more than enough for my 90 gallon. Check my 90RR in my sig.


Since you're looking to fill such a small tank, you should shoot an email to BRS and ask their advice. They'll give you a general idea of how much you need. I'm guessing they'll say between 6-8 lbs.


And yes, dry rock you can keep dry as long as you want- it won't change a thing.

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The 75 lbs of Pukani I got was more than enough for my 90 gallon. Check my 90RR in my sig.


Since you're looking to fill such a small tank, you should shoot an email to BRS and ask their advice. They'll give you a general idea of how much you need. I'm guessing they'll say between 6-8 lbs.


And yes, dry rock you can keep dry as long as you want- it won't change a thing.


Thanks for the input,


I went a head and emailed them about how much I might need and if I can get some smaller pieces suitable for a nano. I think I'll probably just round it off to 10lbs though. If there's extra I'll give it away locally. The LR and circulation are going to be my main form of filtration so I want to have a bunch in there. Hopefully I can aquascape it so it doesn't look too overfilled.

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Well I got a reply. On Sunday, I'm impressed so far. They said that 10lbs should be more than enough for my tank. One thing, though. They mentioned that my best bet is to go with the eco rock since the Pukani generally comes in larger pieces. I'm looking to do more of a sparse aquascape and don't want too much LR in there. How's the quality of the eco rock compared to the Pukani? It gets excellent reviews also. I guess my other choice would be some reefcleaners dry Florida rock.


Thanks for the input.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i bought 40lbs of the Pukani and i love it. i bought it for my false wall project and also to aquascape it before i get it wet. you goet so much more rock dry then you will when its wet.

i have a friend who got some of the eco rock and its just about as good as the pukani. if i were to do it again i might have gotten the eco rock.


reefcleaners rock is very dense and non porus so you will get less than you will of the eco or pukani

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Well I got a reply. On Sunday, I'm impressed so far. They said that 10lbs should be more than enough for my tank. One thing, though. They mentioned that my best bet is to go with the eco rock since the Pukani generally comes in larger pieces. I'm looking to do more of a sparse aquascape and don't want too much LR in there. How's the quality of the eco rock compared to the Pukani? It gets excellent reviews also. I guess my other choice would be some reefcleaners dry Florida rock.


Thanks for the input.


What'd you end up going with?

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I have the "Reef Saver" rock from BRS and have no complaints. The pieces fit together great without any epoxy. Very stable so far. :D

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reef saver rock, around 100lbs. well worth it, no curing needed because it terrestrial mined.


Thanks, but I think you're a little late to the party... see the post right above yours.

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Make sure you cure it. My pukani rock was DIRTY, much dirtier than even the Marco Rock that I also use. Still leaching phosphates too after one year, despite acid/bleach baths.


That said, I still like it. In my opinion more porous than Marco Rock, but also definitely more brittle.


Marco Rock:



BRS Pukani Rock:


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yeah +1 on curing the LR...



crank up the heat to like 85 degrees and dose vodka, you can cure LR in about 3-4 days if it's not too dead, you'll get a bacteria bloom but who cares...

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  • 3 weeks later...

i just bought 20 lbs of pukani from brs. i am gonna use it my tank that im setting up. will it cure in my tank. do i need to do anything special too it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Juce, I'm sure you already went ahead and got the rock wet... If it's a brand new tank, just keep the lights off for a few days with normal water flow over it. You'll get an algae bloom when you eventually turn them on- then it's time to add your CUC. Check my 90 link in my sig for details on how it went for me.

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