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40 Gallons of Completely Unnecessary!


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Well that Digi is waiting on you to provide something up in trade ;)


The BOP has doubled in size since I purchased it. Damn Mr Coral tiny frag.

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oh, looks the same to me as when I last saw it :( It it had doubled in size it would have been shorter than most of those zoas originally, lmao.


I ended up breaking a piece off my green digi before I sold it so I still have one, may need another though :D

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Tank is looking good. It will take quite a while for 1/2 SPS frags to grow into something nice. Trust me I know. SOrry about your two frags.

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Thanks, the two I lost were actually the two with the most color!? I don't quite know what happened but ya they were gone when I blinked. Don't forget to let me know when you trim back that birdsnest!

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So I caved.... I went to the LFS and well, Ry05Coupe went with me. I bought a 2 spot hogfish, thing was tooooo cool.


Anyhow I was just about to leave when the jerk mentioned above convinced me to buy a damn pygmy angel.


Intended plan: place him in the 15, then move him after I verified he wasn't a coral muncher....



actual plan: Dump him in the 40.


Damn it.



Anyhow, tried to get pics but Angel is hiding and the hogfish was moving too much/ Now it's lights out.

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I'm thinking the last fish, as a present to myself will be the mystery wrasse. They have some gorgeous ones at the LFS. Also the LFS has a platinum perc. I was toying with buying it but I don't know if I'm really that big of a fan.

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The new critters :D Watched them eat for sure today.... They both have some personality and are beautiful fish. I have 2 more fish in mind then I am cut off. :D


I love this stuff.



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Taking a picture of the hogfish was hard as he barely sits still. And of course the only clear picture I got was behind a portion of dirty glass. Go figure.

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Taking a picture of the hogfish was hard as he barely sits still. And of course the only clear picture I got was behind a portion of dirty glass. Go figure.

Is that thing reef safe?

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So I caved.... I went to the LFS and well, Ry05Coupe went with me. I bought a 2 spot hogfish, thing was tooooo cool.


Anyhow I was just about to leave when the jerk mentioned above convinced me to buy a damn pygmy angel.


Intended plan: place him in the 15, then move him after I verified he wasn't a coral muncher....



actual plan: Dump him in the 40.


Damn it.



Anyhow, tried to get pics but Angel is hiding and the hogfish was moving too much/ Now it's lights out.


Keep the angel well fed and he'll be less likely to show his devilish side. ;) No guarantee, though. Fish can change their behavior at any time. I had a six-line wrasse coexist "peacefully" with my clownfish for almost a year, then he decided one day that he didn't like the clownfish and just incessantly attacked it.

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Lover's quarrel.


Anyhow, saw him eat today so that is a good sign. Think Imma name him dopey. He kinds puts around the tank oddly. I find it amusing.

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So hopefully today will be a good day, trading some old leftover equipment for more sexies!


Also went on a fragging spree and am going to trade a bunch of corals for more corals.


FINALLY getting some AOGs! wooohoo!


Hopefully my new frag rack gets here. I thought I would hate having one in the tank but it sure makes trading corals easy!

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So hopefully today will be a good day, trading some old leftover equipment for more sexies!


Also went on a fragging spree and am going to trade a bunch of corals for more corals.


FINALLY getting some AOGs! wooohoo!


Hopefully my new frag rack gets here. I thought I would hate having one in the tank but it sure makes trading corals easy!



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How many sexies do you have now? I'm thinking about getting 10-15 for my fuge in the 75 but the price just seems a little steep.

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