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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Jgpicos Pico


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when did you pull the last star out?

Sorry I was meaning I pulled the melted mauls out. I have never really seen an asterina in the tank to pull out.

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oh right...they didnt like your light or something. did they grow at all in the time you had them? always opened to their fullest? color fading?

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oh right...they didnt like your light or something. did they grow at all in the time you had them? always opened to their fullest? color fading?

It started as a 2 head frag and grew to 4 within about a month. They always opened and I didn't notice any color fading. I really don't know what it could have been.

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It started as a 2 head frag and grew to 4 within about a month. They always opened and I didn't notice any color fading. I really don't know what it could have been.

That really sucks. Arent they really pricey zoas too?

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That really sucks. Arent they really pricey zoas too?

Yeah very depending on where you get them. They usually range anywhere from $25 to $50. I got the frag for free from my boss so I think we have more at the store. I'm going to try to get another frag and put them in a different spot in my tank.

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they shed about that much to once a month. its a sign that its functioning as a leather coral should...

sweet, thats good to know. Just sucks when its shedding because it is front and center in my tank and it throws off the look of the tank when its all closed up and shiny like that. everyone asks me if its dead lol.

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lol, i always got worried when my finger leather would close up like that for a few days - a week. i begin to question whether i am running my tank well, but then every time it opens again. I have only one frag of it left now, kinda sad to see it go, but they did sell pretty fast, maybe they looked good :D

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I figured it may have been slowing the growth of my pico corals by producing too much toxin as a natural defense. i think i am seeing a growth improvement in my pico now but its always very hard to tell if the growth truly improves as with any small changes to a tank :lol:

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Yeah I have actually never thought about that before. Do you really think that it could have been holding back the growth of your other corals?

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i have been thinking that. that was part of the reason i got rid of it. the other factor was that i really wanted a yellow millepora in that spot.

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i have been thinking that. that was part of the reason i got rid of it. the other factor was that i really wanted a yellow millepora in that spot.

lol I dont know what I would put in its place. I could move the toadstool into our 14 gallon biocube but not until i find something to take its place. Maybe another clam!!!! lol jk :P

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Here's a couple pics of the new sps frags I just got and also some random pics. Let me know what you think. Thanks







Pom pom guarding his pellet lol







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Those SPS will look awesome up there once they are off those ugly plugs. Tank looks great!

Yes I agree lol. I didn't have time to pull them off the plugs yesterday. I'll do that soon lol. Within about 20 mins they had their polyps out. Hopefully this sps does well in the tank.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So how did popping the sps off the plugs go? Any new updates?

I haven't attempted popping them off the plugs yet. It makes me a little nervous because I don't want to break the frags. Other than that I don't have any updates really. For the most part the tank is auto pilot. I have slacked on my last water change which I know I shouldn't do but everything in the tank looks amazing. The clams are best buds and the sps constantly have great polyp extension.

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