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Mojo's 65 the Second Time Around


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I like your tank mojo. And for filter socks I just toss mine in the washer machine once it starts to get clogged(every weekend). I usually toss it in with my return pump sponge and reactor pump sponge. They last a good 10-15 washes before they start falling apart :D I love my filter socks...and I got some poly fill post sock, before I had the sock I had to change it every 2 days, now I maybe change it once every few weeks.

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Thanks D -

I usually hit mine with the water hose, a little soak in bleach water, then the hose again, let them dry out.

Works fer me, and I don't stress over soap residue.

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Looking great. I love the placement of the large green coral (brain perhaps). Also like the Anthias. I recently added 3 Bartlett's and 2 of them can't figure out who the male is so it's been a pretty constant battle.

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The Anthia's went back to the store after a month.

They weren't eating very well or hanging out together and my clowns were harassing the smaller one.


I'm crusin with 2 B/W Clowns and a Red Flame Hawk. Sure would like another YT...but I'm kinda paranoid about it now. I had one in the past, till it got too big, without issue.


Perhaps I'll try another small YT .... I like the service they provide.

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Pull the trigger! I finally did on my lights, they're in the mail now. I've decided that no matter what I do I'm going to want to tweak it down the line so I just ordered, tired of thinking about it.

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  • 3 months later...

Going for the "open" look. Spent a couple hours removing rock, corals, etc and wound up with this.

Still have a little work to do, but it's getting there.



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  • 1 year later...

Suffered a tank crash ...due to a lack of funds, time and a massive aptasia takeover.
Removed all the rock and boiled it. All that remains in the tank as of now are the surviving corals and my one Clown.
I'll start cycling up my old "clean" rock next week.

Goin BB this time around and LPS / Zoas / Paly's only. I'm done with SPS / high maint stuff.

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