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Sunstar's Nemesis Portal


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Forget the poundage of live rock...


Using an AC110 As refugioum, containing heater and somemacro algae, live rock, shells and live sand.

marineland Penguin (forget the size) for carbon/floss. Both filters completely fill the back.


Coralife 24 Watt T5HO(brand new as of yesterday) Actinic and 10K light

Coralife 50/50 T8 14Watt.


I have had the tank running for over a year and a half.


this first pic was about 6 months after start:



Several frags,a number did not take for whatever reason. (likely light) while others took off like weeds.



Tank as of last n ight.


I got my first fish last week. So the tank has been well matured before introducing that first higher life form. Other than that I have had hermits and corals.

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I did a waterchange with the new salt water mix.(tropic Marin) I went away to do a coral trade with a local woman and came home to find things seemingly much higher and streched out than normal.


Corals I have added:


Kenya Tree

Pulsating Xenia x 2

Orange and green Zoas


I got some chaeto and grape clautrpa (or however you spell it)

I love macro algae.


1 Gravid Peppermint Shrimp added too.


I traded out three clumps of my powder blue anthelia and a mini carpet. I will post some pics when the kenya tree perks up. it's in the process of perking.

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Pics... The Pulsating Xenia I'll get a pic of when it's a bit happeier



My new Zoas. I'll likely clip the branch of that rock off and glue them somewhere else later. but they seem chipper.



Kenya Tree perking up or may require viagra.


Not new but old:


Mini Carpet. It's quite large for one of my minis. it perked up after the water change.

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There is a small story about one of the rocks in my tank.




I refer to the oblong whiteish one that is laying as a support. This setup has been since changed ages ago.


My sister and her family went to Cuba nearly 2 years ago. Just at the very early stage of my tanks life. My neice, then about 9 collected up a numbre of rocks and shells to take home with her. Probably a bad idea, really. If everyone went to cuba and took a rock home, the island would disappear. She brought home a couple of the rocks and gave me one as a present. And boy was I happy.


Simple stone I rinsed off, checked it out and finally added to my tank. It was shockingly white, extremely porous and full of holes. After a while it went greenish-brown, then patches of pink formed on its surface. Pods explored and set up small territories, fireworms moved in, and then a few peanut worms decided this was a great place. More time went by and the stone looked like the rest of them, brownish and looked as if some sort of wild painter went nuts and splattered it with red, pink and purple paints. Some macro algae started to get a foot hold, feather dusters moved in and then brittle star legs could be seen waving out of the holes. Even Vermetid Snails have made this rock their home.


And until recently, it was free of corals, but my alien eyes coral has grown out enouth that it has finally touched and merged with the rock. It has been a facinating journy watching life move into the barren wasteland of the white rock and make it a thriving part of my 10 gallon tank. It has been one of the few gifts I have been given that I know exactly where it came from. It is one of the few gifts that give me the greatest amount of warm fuzzy feelings. The unfortunate part is my neice, "the squidge" can't remember giving me this rock. But I haven't forgotten B)

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Nice. That is a lot of rock. Do you think that it was the water change or the Tropic Marin that helped your corals perk up? You may also regret the Kenya Tree, it will take over the tank.

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Most of my corals are trying to take over my tank. I am actually upgrading to a 33 in the near future. I am thinking it may have been the new salt that made things look a bit more perky. When I go to the 33 I likely won't use nearly as much rock. I am planning on base rock and seeding it for sometime prior to adding corals and whatnot. I was thinking of watching some marine videos, getting acrylic rod and structuring it that way.


My powder blue anthelia is busy trying to take over the tank,as are my zoas.

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Yo the tank looks great! I dunno what else u need to learn! lol, real mature tank tho thats for sure.. .where do u get ur livestock -- namely macro?

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Yo the tank looks great! I dunno what else u need to learn! lol, real mature tank tho thats for sure.. .where do u get ur livestock -- namely macro?


The macro algae, I got from a few sources. the green leafy stuff, was given to me by a friend, I just got some chaeto from another friend, grape Caulerpa I got from Menagery in toronto and another handful from the friend who I got the chaeto. Others just hitch hiked in. I rather like it. Most of my livestock I get through trades with other reefers.

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The macro algae, I got from a few sources. the green leafy stuff, was given to me by a friend, I just got some chaeto from another friend, grape Caulerpa I got from Menagery in toronto and another handful from the friend who I got the chaeto. Others just hitch hiked in. I rather like it. Most of my livestock I get through trades with other reefers.

awesome, sounds like a good community there.. i gotta find one here/get one started

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awesome, sounds like a good community there.. i gotta find one here/get one started


Perhaps when the weather gets warm I can shoot you some macro if I have some alive still.

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Perhaps when the weather gets warm I can shoot you some macro if I have some alive still.

that'd be awesome -- i was meaning to ask -- ur tank name.. is that a trekkie reference?

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Transformers reference. Decepticon ship, at least one of the sunken ones, is named the Nemesis, more aptly Nemesis II. The idea behind the name is considering the sunken space craft would eventually get a fair covering of corals and other sea life. So you look through a window, and you see corals. </geek moment.>


I might as well add I got my current USA bulbs replaced So now i have the two 24 watt bulbs and 2 18 watts. so 84 watts of lights over my 10 gallon.

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woah! that tank looks completely different! Different camera? or the addition of the lights? the plantlife really makes the tank unique... i never considered plants at all...

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woah! that tank looks completely different! Different camera? or the addition of the lights? the plantlife really makes the tank unique... i never considered plants at all...


Different light. A few extra corals that were not in the original shot. Wider shot too I think. That and I need to remove the lamps to scrap the front again with a razor. Just with my fussing, I will let it settle down until a little later this week when I do a WC and window scrape.



Edit: I have planted freshwater tanks. So I love the planted look. the charm of some healthy green growing. I try to keep it under control. I'm looking for more macros. I'm basically gonna start cultivating for my upcoming 33.

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I think you have a great example of a 10 gal nano :)

I really liked how in the first picture in this thread the tank looks like something taken from a tide pool - very nice.


the chalice on the right, is that a holly wood stunner? I have a Hollywood chalice in my 10 gal too. it's also on the right middle side like your chalice and its currently growing in the same fashion. I like the look it give to your tank!

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You know? I have no idea what the chalice's name is. I just call it alien eyes because that was how I got information on it. A local reef fellow gave me several frags. A few did not make it. the chalice is one that did quite well.


I am working harder on the tank, but it will be taken down once I get the new tank set up, seeded/cycled and then, and only then, will I transfer animals over.


thank you very much :3

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I am working harder on the tank, but it will be taken down once I get the new tank set up, seeded/cycled and then, and only then, will I transfer animals over.

What animals u got? I thought u only bought one fish? and what kind of fish was that btw?

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Animals I am including my corals and various colonies. Other animals are my 7 leetle hermits and 1 shrimp. Also various fireworms, pods.


The fish I have is a yellow tailed damselfish. rather cute and has personality. Something the tank needed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just saw the tiniest jellyfish-like organism in my tank. it was about the size of a pinhead, and it bounced merrily along like a jellyfish when it got out of the currents of my tank. I squeed like a little girl.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I fragged a bit of my chalice that was growing too near to the pump. I assume in future, another fragging I shall have. it's growing at an insane rate!

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every time I take a pic, my camera batteries die. Also going through what seems to be NTS but could be result of the salt mix change. I will try to get a pic.

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I figured I would set the tripod up. exposure was about 2 seconds. Long, so super blue.







FTS at night. Note that you can't see anything.



Mini carpet(my largest) in some palys(I think)

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