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Nem Fan's 20 Long Reef *New Corals Etc*

anemone fan

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FTS: 1/11 (4.5 Months)




10g Fuge

2 Korallia Evo 750

GFO Reactor

Fishneedit T5HO 24" (Blue+, Aquablue Special, Purple+, Blue+)



Acropora granulosa 'Lightning Bug Granulosa'

Acropora stoddarti 'Tubs Pink Jade Acro'

Acropora tortuosa 'Miyagi Tort'

Acropora cf valida 'Green Acro'

Acropora cf valida 'Purple Acro'

Acropora sp. 'Brown-Green Acro'

Acropora sp. 'MGC Blue Meanie'

Acropora sp. 'ORA Red Planet'

Acropora sp. 'Rose Acro'

Montipora capricornis 'Orange Cap'

Montipora danae 'Hulk Monti'

Montipora danae 'Rainbow Monti'

Montipora danae 'Tyree Sunset Monti'

Pocillipora damicornis 'Green Cauliflower Coral'

Seriatopora guttatus 'ORA Green Birdsnest'



Acanthastrea lordhowensis 'Area 51 Acan'

Acanthastrea lordhowensis 'Toxic Lava Acan'

Caulastrea furcata 'Candy Cane Coral'

Cynarina lacrymalis 'Red Button Coral'

Favia sp. 'Neon Green Favia'

Favia sp. 'Solar System Favia'

Favia sp. 'Superman Favia'

Favites pentagona 'Green Favites'

Tubastrea sp.


Softies and Relatives:

2 Nephthyigorgia sp. 'Chili Coral'

Zoanthus sp. 'Blue Zoanthids'

Zoanthus sp. 'Dragon Eyes'

Zoanthus sp. 'Kedds Reds'

Zoanthus sp. 'Tubs Blues'


Other Inverts:

3 Alpheus randalli 'Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp'

Lysmata wurdemanni 'Peppermint Shrimp'

Mespilia cf globulus 'Red Tuxedo Urchin'



Doryrhamphus excisus 'Bluestripe Pipefish'

Nemateleotris decora 'Purple Firefish'

2 Stonogobiops nematodes 'Black Ray Goby'

Synchiropus picturatus 'Target Mandarin'

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Some Animal Pics:


My favorite, the pink LTA:



The unidentified nocturnal octocoral:



My fat and sassy curlyque (soon to go)



My Pocillopora damicornis



Before and after on my GBTA (why is it not happy? (first pic is under blue lights [when I purchased it], second is under 10K+blues [now]))




Member of the crew (trochus)



Up close with the chili coral


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So I was wondering what you guys' suggestion would be on an upgraded powerhead. I was thinking two Koralias, but I don't know what strength would be appropriate. I would probably put the powerheads on opposite sides so that the tank would get some turbulent flow. Any suggestions are appreciated. This Mini-jet 606 is not cutting it and cyano is starting to grow on the sand under the powerhead (where the water slows).

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VorTech mp10 FTW! :D



Great tank AF. I like all the anemones in here. Any plans for maxi-mini anemones? They would look great in here, as would rock anemones.

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VorTech mp10 FTW! :D


Great tank AF. I like all the anemones in here. Any plans for maxi-mini anemones? They would look great in here, as would rock anemones.


If the mp10 wasn't $190. <-ridiculous. I'm not a big fan of carpet anemones, just not my thing. What species is the rock anemone. I would love a Stichodactyla gigantea, it is a beautiful anemone as is the sebae, Jays Aquatics has three 1.5' purple ones, but I'm afraid that if this LTA gets to full size I won't be able to fit anything else anyways. I've since moved the curlyque to another tank, getting scary having a Caribbean fish-eating anemone with Pacific clowns, mostly because of how reactive those tentacles are (fyi they love mussel meat as does the BTA). I have yet to get the LTA to eat, it seems it is doing fine, but it only ate a piece of mussel once, it won't eat squid, but it still stings me when I tough it so that is good. The clowns try feeding it whenever I put something in there that they can't fit in their mouth, including stealing food from the BTA who is having issues.

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That price is perfect for this pump. You wouldn't believe how incredible it really is.




Rock anemones are of the genus, Epicystis, I believe. Stichodactyla gigantea get HUGE. Bigger than this tank. Don't get one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How can you put anemones in such a new tank, everyone has been telling me to wait at least 6 months.


I suggest it too, I just returned my anemones, they didn't seem too happy so I brought em back.

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So I removed all the anemones except for the curlyque and intend on kicking him out too, I'm thinking about turning it to a goby tank. I want a variety of gobies and was wondering which gobies are compatible. Looking for 5+ species, but if that can't happen, it can't happen.

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Yay :happy:


You have to have a shrimp goby pair in a goby tank. A fun pair is Hi Fin Red Banded Shrimp Goby Stonogobiops nematodes with Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp Alpheus randalli (like in my sig). ANother is the Yasha Goby Stonogobiops yasha and Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp. They are small shrimp gobies and are very peaceful.

If you have SPS Bryaninops natans is an awesome choice. They live in SPS corals particularly stags and other acros. They can be in groups over 12 and are really cool. They are on the top of my goby list. They stay at under an inch.


Trimma tevegae is a very cool Trimma goby species. This species is small and will shoal. They are very peaceful too.


Eviota gobies are awesome. Eviota pellucida is a favorite of mine.


Gobiodon clown gobies are generally great gobies and reef inhabitants. The Yellow Clown Goby can be LPS and SPS eaters though. Elsefailed on the forums had one devistate his tank.


The genus Elecatinus is great and there are different species to choose from. The ORA Tiger Goby, Red Head Goby, and the Greenbanded Gobies are great choices. They are small and very peaceful and easy to get eating.


The different neon gobies (Gobiosoma) are awesome. They clean other fish too! The Neon Goby, Sharknose Goby, and Yellowline Goby are great choices of that genus.


Priolepis gobies are really great gobies. They are very cryptic though. They love caves, are small, and are reef-safe. Priolepis boreus is one of my favorites.


Need any more help met me know!

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New FTS, but a little out of date, added more LR and moved the corals around.



Added two Korallia Evolution 750s for water motion and took the 404s out of the sump for one MJ1200. Purchased 4 SPS today as well, a Montipora sp., a Pocillopora damicornis, and 2 unknowns, pictures to come soon, here are updated pictures of my Favia and Cynaria.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got a package from reefcleaners.org!!! Ordered the 20L quick package and 5 red mangrove propagules. +7 Nerites, +11 Florida Ceriths, +7 Nassarius, +176 (that's right, I ordered 18 and I got 176) dwarf ceriths. Thanks John, let's see how they adapt. Tank shot to come soon.

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All the new snails.


My mangrove setup, I intend on buying some clear plastic rods soon, but for now this will do, lighting by window (about 4 ft away and soon to have a plant light above.


One of the Acropora after attaching it to a piece of LR, how long do they take to encrust?


My Favites, he isn't looking too hot.


The Cynarina (I cleaned him off after the picture).

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Just put in a massive order at Mr.Coral.com, stuff soon to come...loving the $10 section



ORA Red Planet

ORA Birdnest

Papa Smurf

Hulk Monti

Lightning Bug Granulosa



Area 51 Acan

Toxic Lava Acan


Solar System Favia

Neon Green Favia

Superman Favia



Red Zoanthid

B1042 <-Can't remember

N919 <-Can't remember

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Update 1/4/11:

3 of the 5 mangroves are growing roots, the fastest roots are almost and inch long now, all my corals are growing pretty quick as well as changing color and fluorescing more now that I changed 3 of my 4 bulbs (stock blue, stock 10k, stock 10k, stock blue -> ATI Blue +, ATI Aquablue Special, GE Midday, stock blue (will be changing the stock blue when I get some cash to a ATI Blue +)). A coral shipment (15 mixed frags [see above]) will be coming from Mr. Coral in 2 days so pictures should be following soon after. I am having a wicked cyanobacteria problem so I'm thinking a big ol' bag of GFO would be helpful to place in the sump. The snails have completely cleaned my tank and I'm having to transfer them between tanks to keep them happy. Need to purchase a timer/wavemaker for my 2 Koralia Evo 750s so they can alternate to reduce the flow, I'm pretty sure if I don't, any motile livestock will get blown around. Still need to give away/trade the curlyque anemone, if anyone wants it and wants to pay shipping, I'll send it to you. Going to go to the LFS to pick up a peppermint shrimp for the Aiptasia issues very soon, perhaps tomorrow? I'll update the 5.5 as well.

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Got the peppermint shrimp and it looks like he is doing his work??? Got the new corals!!! But I can't take pictures because my camera broke, the bossman said he would let me borrow his for the day. Stay tuned.


Param Update:

Ammonia/Trite/Trate: 0 ppm

Phosphate: 0.25 - 0.5 ppm (I can't read this test at all, is there a better test, Salifert perhaps???)

Alk: 9 deg

Calc: 420 ppm


Need to get a Mag test kit.

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Phosphate: 0.25 - 0.5 ppm (I can't read this test at all, is there a better test, Salifert perhaps???)


Need to get a Mag test kit.


No. There is no good phosphate test kit you need to buy a hanna meter to be certain. I wouldn't bother though. Just get some GFO and a reactor and you won't have to worry. Phosban works great. There's a long thread on RC about it...I can't find it right now though.


I have a salifert Magnesium test kit and I like it. It's consistent but time consuming.


Tank looks great.



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So I smacked the camera around a little bit and got a few pictures, get your eyes ready for some new fraggers!!!!


My new either Area 51 or Toxic Lava acan, unless someone tells me it is going to be called Acan West (on the left side of the tank)



The other new acan, which the other one isn't, Acan East



Frank the Peppermint, Aiptasia aficionado



Good ole red mangrove growth


Montipora capricornis growth, perhaps a little encrustation???



My new Mr.Coral Acropora granulosa aka Lightning Bug Granulosa, started with 3 polyps, has 5 now.



One of the three new Favids, solar system Favia. The other three are too far away for my P&S macro.



New ORA Birdsnest aka Seriatopora guttatus


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