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Coral Vue Hydros

20xL mixed rimless - SELLING?


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so wait, whats this going to do to the overall total livestock count in this tank!?


I'll have 11 fish, 15 shrimp, and 4 starfish total.



KIDDING. I'll have either 7 or 8 fish total, two or three shrimp (I've decided against the sexies and will probably just get one fire and one cleaner) and one fromia starfish.


  • 2 occellaris clownfish
  • 1 bangaii cardinal
  • 2 tiny green chromis
  • 1 yellow watchman goby
  • 1 small anthias OR 2 small purple firefish
  • 1 fire shrimp
  • 1 OR 2 cleaner shrimp
  • 1 small red fromia starfish


I am positive that 90% of people will say that this is overstocking this tank. I would agree it's not advised for most people or even most fish. My nitrates are absolutely zero and I do very frequent water changes to keep is this way. I have started feeding much more in the past month and they are still zero. I have no aggression issues and only the chromis actually swim in the tank. Everyone else just sort of has a tiny little zone they stay in unless it's feeding time. I realize the firefish will be the exact same but normally they stay higher in the water column, which is currently empty at all times.


What do you guys think?! **other than I'm crazy for doing this**


**also remember my tank's footprint is 36"x12.5"**

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we need more rebels who say 'f the system' and 'f the man'. Whatever works for you dude. Especially because of the 36" length. Also, you mentioned size -- getting the smallest. That makes a difference too. I get that people say the full length of the fish might not be suitable for ur tank. But, for instance, I want to get 3 chromis. At the lfs all 3 of them put together are 1" in length. I'm pretty sure that'll be fine in my tank for 6 months. And I'm pretty sure you're not going to have 7 fish in that tank for 4 years to grow out to be full length. right...? lol


Anyways, as always, gonna be following this tank either way.


edit: just out of curiosity, how do you personally acclimate new fish -- and do you hosp/qt them?

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So the big reason I'm posting is that I've been waiting for a while to place an order from Live Aquaria for a cleaner shrimp, a fire shrimp, four or five sexy shrimp, a fromia starfish and fish -> either a small anthias or a pair of purple firefish.

I love the purple firefish, they are way better then reds and helfrichis IMO. I just purchased one and it is one the most beautiful fish in the tank.

I am positive that 90% of people will say that this is overstocking this tank. I would agree it's not advised for most people or even most fish. My nitrates are absolutely zero and I do very frequent water changes to keep is this way. I have started feeding much more in the past month and they are still zero. I have no aggression issues and only the chromis actually swim in the tank. Everyone else just sort of has a tiny little zone they stay in unless it's feeding time. I realize the firefish will be the exact same but normally they stay higher in the water column, which is currently empty at all times.


What do you guys think?! **other than I'm crazy for doing this**

Your crazy. Get a small flasher wrasse instead they are way more active and are real attractive. If the nitrates are ok and the fish aren't showing aggression I don't see the problem. The bioload is pretty high though and I'd be very cautious.

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we need more rebels who say 'f the system' and 'f the man'. Whatever works for you dude. Especially because of the 36" length. Also, you mentioned size -- getting the smallest. That makes a difference too.


edit: just out of curiosity, how do you personally acclimate new fish -- and do you hosp/qt them?


Haha I don't want to really be considered a rebel! I just honestly believe I can house more fish appropriately and provide them with a fantastic home (considering they're not in their REAL home)


Blue Zoo quickly responded saying that they would EASILY be able to select the smallest fish they have available and reminded me that smaller fish normally have higher metabolisms and will require more frequent feedings. Good thing I'm almost done with my auto-feeder!


Should be ordering tomorrow or Thursday AM for Friday delivery then :D I just have to figure out what I want...soon.


I love the purple firefish, they are way better then reds and helfrichis IMO. I just purchased one and it is one the most beautiful fish in the tank.


Your crazy. Get a small flasher wrasse instead they are way more active and are real attractive. If the nitrates are ok and the fish aren't showing aggression I don't see the problem. The bioload is pretty high though and I'd be very cautious.


Hmm so you don't think there would be a problem with just a single purple firefish? I only wanted two because I thought they were simply happier in pairs.


I have gotten the flasher wrasse recommendation a number of times and I honestly just don't get that excited by them. I know that's crazy as their beautiful fish but you already said I'm crazy! I absolutely loved my little sixline (who demolished my flatworm population) but it simply wasn't aggressive enough at dinner time and I don't think it was healthy as a result. Who knows though, it simply vanished one night.


I do realize the bioload is pretty large but honestly none of my current fish are very large (see the videos) and they all behave extremely well. I think they'll actually like the addition. The goals for this tank were to really showcase a number of different species and appear MUCH larger than it actually is, which requires super small species. Hopefully these upcoming additions will provide that.


The tank has made great progress & I'll catch up yet.


Thanks bitts. You want to see something that REALLY shows the progress this tank has made? Watch these two videos in succession:



Anyone think I'd have an issue with two cleaner shrimp and a single fire shrimp?


I was told I could request the absolute smallest they have without any issues. So far I love this company.

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I would be cautious about the 2 firefish. I wanted to get a pair and did quite a bit of reading on it .Generally they will get along fine for a few weeks then they get territorial and the weaker one dies. Especially in a tank of your size, not so much from a bioload/swimming space standpoing but for territory.I have one and he uses every inch of water in the tank, there's no way another would be able to get away from him.


And thats disappointing to hear about Reefkeepers. I worked at a fish store for a couple years though and do know how the owners generally are, self styled marine experts whose opinions are gospel. Any way stopped by down under on the way home from school today(wake tech) and picked up an orange carnation I've been eying in their frag tank.

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I am positive that 90% of people will say that this is overstocking this tank. I would agree it's not advised for most people or even most fish. My nitrates are absolutely zero and I do very frequent water changes to keep is this way. I have started feeding much more in the past month and they are still zero. I have no aggression issues and only the chromis actually swim in the tank. Everyone else just sort of has a tiny little zone they stay in unless it's feeding time. I realize the firefish will be the exact same but normally they stay higher in the water column, which is currently empty at all times.


What do you guys think?! **other than I'm crazy for doing this**


**also remember my tank's footprint is 36"x12.5"**



I say go fot it D... As long as you can maintain optimal water quality and dont have issues with aggression. (which sounds like you have all covered) It might be better though if you could get a mated pair that way you wont have issues with aggression later on.


As far as keeping the cleaner with fire shrimp...dont do it. They have been known to become aggressive towards cleaners and kill them in some instances.I wouldnt trust them around the sexy shrimp either.They can become aggressive toward invertebrates that they feel are challenging them for food or territory. I would do just cleaner and sexy shrimp.


just watched those vids in succession...


One word...Incredible

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I say go fot it D... As long as you can maintain optimal water quality and dont have issues with aggression. (which sounds like you have all covered)



D, you are anal enough about your tank to be able to handle it. Check out glennr's 40b. He takes pride in his overstocking abilitys.


Good luck man

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...love the tank AND the videos!!!....

I like the second video more though.... B)


Keep up the great work!! ;)


Thanks reef! I really appreciate it. I also like the second video. It's amazing how bland and white that rock was!


I would be cautious about the 2 firefish.


Any way stopped by down under on the way home from school today(wake tech) and picked up an orange carnation I've been eying in their frag tank.


I live pretty close (5 min) to that shop so we might need to get up sometime for a beer and some good reef chat.


I say go fot it D... As long as you can maintain optimal water quality and dont have issues with aggression. (which sounds like you have all covered) It might be better though if you could get a mated pair that way you wont have issues with aggression later on.


As far as keeping the cleaner with fire shrimp...dont do it. They have been known to become aggressive towards cleaners and kill them in some instances.I wouldnt trust them around the sexy shrimp either.They can become aggressive toward invertebrates that they feel are challenging them for food or territory. I would do just cleaner and sexy shrimp.


just watched those vids in succession...


One word...Incredible


Thanks for the support buddy. I think I'm going to to bite the bullet tomorrow evening with a single firefish or anthias and most likely just two small cleaner shrimp. Just a little more decision making! I'm afraid the current in the tank is too great for the little sexies to actually remain in the open and be seen.


Thanks for the compliments on the video progression as well. I love hearing good things about the tank (who doesn't) but it certainly helps when it comes from someone with a pretty wicked track record and a gnarly tank of their own.


That is some amazing growth and a great job with coral placement. Keep up the awesome work.


Thanks gats. Some of the corals require really close attention and regular pruning these days but I think the dramatic look of such diversity is worth the hassle.


One one post place all the FTS you've taken so we can see the tank develop.


I'll do that...great idea! I probably have some buried somewhere too I can dig up. I'll check this week.




D, you are anal enough about your tank to be able to handle it. Check out glennr's 40b. He takes pride in his overstocking abilitys.


Good luck man


Thanks gutter. I appreciate it...and I'm also flattered to be called anal about the tank. It's my biggest de-stressor besides watching hockey and rock climbing so I don't mind really devoting a lot to it. Your tank is really coming together quickly too. I'm sure you'll have some wild progression shots yourself coming.



Came home from class tonight and my dog had chewed my refractometer AND my TDS meter to pieces. Literally. Both were in at least 10 different pieces. Not real thrilled. Obviously will have to replace them both but I refuse to continue pushing off this order for the shrimp. We'll see what I come up with tomorrow.


Thanks again for all the support N-R.

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That sucks dude. Order the shrimp.




So I'm going to make it publically known here on N-R.com that I do not believe in luck, signs, or anything like that. Call it boring or whatever you want. I don't. Now this morning I was tempted to reconsider that.


My dog does not chew things other than bones or toys he knows to be designated as such. So you can imagine my surprise when my TDS meter and refractometer were both destroyed but nothing else in the bathroom had been touched. Those are normally not left on the counter in there so I call that my fault.


Now this morning I wake up and my dog has pulled my wallet off my desk and completely destroyed it. My cards are strewn across the carpet gnawed and in complete disrepair. My black leather wallet --> toasted. Strangely I've been needing a new one and have mentioned it multiple times.


Now there were three cards that weren't touched by the affair. My California ID. My debit card (which I use for everything as I hate cash). My CA handgun safety certification.


Random and it doesn't mean anything. But it sure is a strange series of events. Last night I was basically determining if it would be a good idea financially to order the livestock now that I have to replace two tools I wasn't expecting to.


Regardless. :haha: Package arrives Friday by 10:30AM. Lights in the tank on at 2PM. Perfect. :happydance:omgomgomg:happydance:omgomgomg:D :D


I've never ordered livestock online but this should be pretty exciting.



Just watched the video's, awesome progress.


Thanks man. I saw your video too...tank is progressing great despite the moves.



I really like the enthusiasm you're bringing to this thread please hang around. I decided against the firefish because of jumping and got a single anthias after I was told I could get one around .75"


Hard to turn down something like that. Also purchased the rest of the materials I need for my auto-feeder. I'll have to wait until after spring break (working quite a bit) to get the pumps for the dosing portion but it will all be done within a month I hope.


Get that shrimp, and your goby will disappear to the back of the tank. never to be seen again!


Which shrimp? I went with a cleaner. No sexies this time. I didn't want to introduce too much to the tank at once.


I also got a red fromia starfish and a porcelain crab (girlfriend loves them and they're never available locally).

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Nice Bro! I really want to get a porcelain crab as well.


On a side note, have you been to any ranges around here? Recommendations?



I like this one on Tryon Rd.....http://www.pdhsc.com/

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