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20xL mixed rimless - SELLING?


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No disrespect meant to anyone else's tank when I say this...this tank has to be THE most awesome tank I've EVER seen. I love everything about it and I have to tell you that on days when I think..."it can't be done" I go watch your video and go then LFS shopping hahahhaha.



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D, the distorted clown one is cool as hell.


Your tank has such a great mix, and I here you about the sofites growing. I had to get rid of 20# of lr from my 29 because it had xenia all over it and I didnt want it in the new tank. I still have some cloves and kenya that I need to get rid of.


Also is that a mini bristle star coming behind those zoas?

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No disrespect meant to anyone else's tank when I say this...this tank has to be THE most awesome tank I've EVER seen. I love everything about it and I have to tell you that on days when I think..."it can't be done" I go watch your video and go then LFS shopping hahahhaha.




Ahhh thanks mini :D


I don't agree with you because there's a TON of amazing tanks on just this site alone but I certainly appreciate such a nice compliment.


I just like to think I keep a handful of really wonderful species and they make it look like I'm doing something right.


D, the distorted clown one is cool as hell.


Your tank has such a great mix, and I here you about the sofites growing. I had to get rid of 20# of lr from my 29 because it had xenia all over it and I didnt want it in the new tank. I still have some cloves and kenya that I need to get rid of.


Also is that a mini bristle star coming behind those zoas?


Thanks man. I especially liked that one despite how strange it came out.


Gosh I can't imagine if my xenia actually grew like it does in most people's tanks. It really hasn't done much in a while.


That is a mini bristle! He lives in those zoas just like that. You can almost always spot at least one of his legs coming up between the polyps.


Looking great D! I especially like the close up on the YWG... The blue spots are awesome!


Thanks latte. Really appreciate it considering you were the undisclosed 'president' of the 20L club when I was getting my things together.


I also like that one...in fact I think it's one of my favorite photos I've ever taken. Period!

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hey- are you using any kind of amino acids or coral food supplements?




Short answer: Yes. Oyster Feast and Phyto Feast.


Real answer: I've been using oyster feast for probably a month or two now and I try and dose 4 drops per day unless I see cyano and then I cut it back to 2 every other day until it's gone.


I've been dosing phyto feast since January 1. I started with 5 drops a day and am now up to 5 blobs / 10 drops / whatever the hell comes out. I just mix it in some fresh RO/DI and dump it into the HOB filter. As it cascades down into the tank the fish go crazy and literally all my corals have a reaction that's pretty intense. My favorite is seeing the brain and acan extend their feeding polyps for a taste. The GSP almost completely closes up after, but comes back out in full within just 10 minutes.


I don't think that the phyto contributes to algae nearly as bad as the oyster feast does so I'm not quite as worried about my dosing amounts with it. A local LFS owner (who has one of the best display tanks I've ever seen) has always maintained that his secret is daily phyto dosing to the point it almost turns his tank green. It sounds rather crazy but it works great for him. Since I've been using the phyto I've seen quite a bit of growth but I have also cut back on water changes. It seems as though the tank is handling it quite a bit better with the added nutrients.


My next purchase will be their roti feast because so far I've really liked their products. Other than that I simply dose ESV 2-part daily.


The fish get fed once a day. Frozen PE mysis every other day and NLS pellets + spirulina flake on the other days.


Nice shots. Looks like everything is doing well.


Thanks Dan. You got my contest vote. Really great tank I'll be sad to see it come down and wish I was in a place to make an offer on the hardware. Looking forward to the new big tank.

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Spent about 2 hours on the tank yesterday. Lots of news.


I thought that all the increased feedings and dosing the oyster feast had increased my nitrates but I haven't tested them in a while until yesterday. 0. Not even a hint of pink in the Salifert test. I've never seen it so clear. Just 0.


Magnesium -> 1350-1380 depending one what you want to call it.


Alk - 10

Cal - 460


Am I happy?


Oh yeah.



D-D H2Ocean is without a doubt the best salt I've ever used or ever thought about using. Within a month of switching my parameters are rock solid.


Bad news. I found bubble algae on the disc my acans came on (like a million months ago). Fortunately I just took the disk out and plucked them all off (no pops) and put it back. I'm going to get another emerald crab eventually if I have to...the other one died (most likely starved from the lack of algae)


I'm still planning on getting a fire and cleaner shrimp sometime. Money is still tight from the car thing though.



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Good to see.


I was thinking of switching over from TM pro but not sure yet.

I can't speak for TM (though I hear it's a great salt) but I really don't think you'd be upset with the switch.



Tank looks amazing!


With regards to the R22 pic, taking lessons or do you have your cert?


Thanks msu!


I'm taking lessons. Had to put that on hold for a while because of money though. I'm still in the dual flight stuff so I have a long ways to go.


phyto & oyster feast eh?


i gotta try this stuff


It's the coolest.

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Thanks msu!


I'm taking lessons. Had to put that on hold for a while because of money though. I'm still in the dual flight stuff so I have a long ways to go.

It's nice to see another pilot on NR. i have my FW private, about 85 TT. RW would be sweet but the cost is just insane. Good luck!

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It's nice to see another pilot on NR. i have my FW private, about 85 TT. RW would be sweet but the cost is just insane. Good luck!


Yeah FW is far more practical. The heli licensing is really more of a personal hobby than anything else. I plan on stretching it out over a few years to make it a little more reasonable.


It's pretty outrageous though, you're definitely right.




So I've got another video for everyone.


I was about to do my daily feeding and figured I'd film it. This video is just a minute long FTS that starts with me dumping a glass of really stank liquid composed of fresh RO/DI, 4 drops of oyster feast, 8 drops of phyto feast, and a small pinch of cyclop-eeze. The GSP retracts really fast, which is pretty cool to watch.


Anyways, the fish go nuts and hopefully I've have another or two in the coming weeks. Plus two new shrimp.


Just gotta get that tax refund in!


Enjoy (in 720p HD):

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great video. Your tanks looks awesome! does your usually hang out in the water column?

I think MedRed is asking about the YWG since the same thing came to my mind. I wish my Hi-fin would do the same, it would be much easier to make sure he eats.


Amazing video!

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im jealous


Pssst your tank just needs oyster feast!


I think i peed a little...your tank looks so awesome..seriously


Thanks man...I really appreciate it!


Hope you were near a fresh pair of shorts :P


Looks great Dustin.


I think you need some control over your LED's... :)




Thanks Dave.


I've got dimming -> dawn dusk implemented with the controller I built. It ramps up and down throughout the day and I have a dual bypass switch that lets me control both strings with trim pots for photos/video and changing the color temperature if I'm wanting to see something different. It also lets me dim the whole system without having to reprogram anything if I introduce new corals...which I think I'm done doing!



watchin everything go buckwild doesn't get old thats for sure! awesome video!


Thanks Wilioli!


Such an awesome tank. I might have to invest in some of that oyster and phyto feast.


Thanks gats. I really wasn't so sure about the stuff but I think the combination of them both is a real winner. I spoke with a trusted LFS guy about the roti feast and he said I've pretty much got it covered with the two I'm using now.


great video. Your tanks looks awesome! does your usually hang out in the water column?


Thanks man. I really never get tired of hearing good things about the tank, which I imagine is a similar story with all of you guys.


I'm assuming you mean YWG and the answer to that question is a definite no. He sits in on the sand in the center of the tank on a little castle/mound he's built up. Whenever I get close to the tank or remove the lid all the fish start going ape #### and swim all over the place.


The YWG is by far my favorite fish in the tank. Winston. He rules!


I think MedRed is asking about the YWG since the same thing came to my mind. I wish my Hi-fin would do the same, it would be much easier to make sure he eats.


Amazing video!


He is pretty feisty during feeding time. He and the cardinal are the most aggressive eaters but fortunately the cardinal only eats frozen mysis so I can make sure they both eat regularly without too much trouble.




Thanks again everyone...glad you guys enjoyed that video! :)

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So I've got another video for everyone.


I was about to do my daily feeding and figured I'd film it. This video is just a minute long FTS that starts with me dumping a glass of really stank liquid composed of fresh RO/DI, 4 drops of oyster feast, 8 drops of phyto feast, and a small pinch of cyclop-eeze. The GSP retracts really fast, which is pretty cool to watch.


Anyways, the fish go nuts and hopefully I've have another or two in the coming weeks. Plus two new shrimp.


Just gotta get that tax refund in!


Enjoy (in 720p HD):


Your tank's looking awesome, Dustin!


Have you ever tried feeding them phyto only? I'm surprised the fish seem to respond to it really well. I've been feeding my tank oyster feast and cyclop-eeze, too, but I haven't tried phyto feast yet.

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