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20xL mixed rimless - SELLING?


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im about to start 'secretively' start dosing with this korallen zucht zeovit stuff... definitely looks bootlegg.. but i dont care! lol

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We all may eventually forgive you ;)


I might have to give the stuff a shot lol. Very interesting read. My tank is less than a month old and I'm tired of looking at plain rocks.


Haha be mindful of your alkalinity.


Tank is looking awesome man. And that sucks about the jeep.


Also the contractor thing isn't bad, the pay is good the opportunities are endless and some of the projects can be pretty sweet. I do intrusion detection and its pretty sweet.

Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I might have the jeep back by next weekend, but probably not. We'll have to see.


Intrusion detection...that sounds awesome. My german shepherd is also in that field but he has LOTS of false positives haha.


Typically, those jobs also come with fantastic benefits and such. I just wish some of my favorite companies were located in mountainous regions or ON the beach. Practicality always wins.


I have had a hard time resisting the temptation myself


I just wanted to decide for myself what it was all about. I just think there are so many people that bash things because they heard bad things about them without a first hand experience. Take glass-cages.com for example. I could have bought two more tanks just like mine from them before I matched the other quotes from three different vendors. One or two sloppy silicon beads isn't enough to deter me from them again (though my silicon is fantastic compared to some of their work)


im about to start 'secretively' start dosing with this korallen zucht zeovit stuff... definitely looks bootlegg.. but i dont care! lol


Just be mindful of your alkalinity. I posted my confession thread in a local forum and I got an outpouring of hatred because over two weeks it lowered their alkalinity by 1dKh. Personally I don't think it's an issue because with baking soda / 2-part you can easily mitigate that swing. Just make sure you're on top of both of them!


Going to see the tank tonight and then out of town for the weekend. My controller has been killing it.




I am currently designing and coding an augmentation to my current control. The current one is out of GPIO so I can't simply add on. The current one will stay and the new one will control daily two-part dosing and daily automated feeding of dry foods via servo motor. I'm planning on giving myself a 6 day feeding 'wheel'.


The alkalinity and calcium pumps will dose 2mL at a time spread evenly throughout the day until the total desired amount of each liquid has been dosed. This will be done by initially 'calibrating' by simply pressing a button and letting go once you've dosed 2mL. The arduino will remember this number for each pump and dose that period of time.


I'll have two pots for each solution that you turn in order to set the total for the day, which can be scaled between 0-100mL or 20-30mL for higher resolution or whatever you want.


Feeding will be simple. Once a day, an hour before lights out, the servo turns and food falls in unless the 'feeding switch' is off and then it doesn't do a damn thing.


Thoughts? Things I should improve on? This will cost about $120 after I get all the pumps and hardware and successive iterations would be cheaper.

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Haha be mindful of your alkalinity.


I'm not to worried as I test for it and calcium at least once a week. My PH never gets above an 8.2, typically around 7.8-8, so I keep my dKH at 12 and calcium above 400. No idea why this is other than the salt mix maybe.


New plans sound awesome. Now you just need to figure out how to automate a mag float and water changes, then you won't have to touch the tank. :P

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Baste news ever today. Finally got around to dropping the pan off the transmission today to really get a look at things after the jeep dealership (one of the largest in the state, mind you) said it was totally shot and quoted me at $5300+ for repairs. I took it in after the check engine light came on and it got stuck in 'limp mode'. It was shutting off whenever I downshifted from 2nd to 1st, which is a lot!


First thing I did was crack the seal and drain a little fluid into a cup to get a good look at it. Well, it looked perfect. So I got a clean shallow bucket and drained the lot. Looked like brand spanking new fluid and at ~$8 per quart you better believe I was keeping it. It only has 20,000 miles on it and it's got tons left. The damn filter grommet had a hairline crack in it, which had caused it to drop about half an inch. Bingo. There's your problem. Slathered some RTV on the pan with a new gasket and I'm back in business. That damn transmission looks brand mother ####ing new. There were less metal 'caterpillar' shavings on the magnet in there than a 2011 honda civic would have. Looked like sex candy peanut butter magic in there.


Needless to say I'm calling the jeep dealer and letting them have a sneak peek at my super pissed off side. They pulled the codes (transmission pressure) and called it a day. Decided it was shot. Why not rape a college kid with a car covered in stickers? I know better than to take my vehicles anywhere other than my own damn garage but transmissions are scary. Regardless...won't be going there again. A whole new transmission....what a load of horse####. It cost me like $50 and I wish I had done it a week ago and not been so damn stressed out.


Anyways, sorry I'm ranting so much about automobiles in my reef tank thread but it has really put a damper on my tank since I've only been able to see it like every few days. Went by today and did a water change. Things are going well. I think the LPS looked a little better today so maybe they're getting used to the added flow from the closed loop.


Cyano is gone. omgomgomg omgomgomg Still haven't gotten around to finishing the fuge mod or gotten any cheato but I will. I haven't tested nitrates in a few days but I would imagine they've climbed a bit over 1ppm. All inhabitants actually seems to be responding quite well and my SPS are showing really incredible growth.



Anyways, I leave with nerdy things:

while(digitalRead(amount_adjust)){ //need to read the trim pot to determine the amount to be dosed


int cal_amount_raw=0;

cal_amount_raw = analogRead(cal_amount_pot); //take ADC reading 0-1023 corresponding to 0-5V


//need to map the values of 0-1023 ---> into a smaller range of predetermined mL's

cal_amount = ((int)cal_amount_raw*((high_dose_amount-low_dose_amount)/1023))+low_dose_amount;




delay(50); //wait a few moments to re-read the pot


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Sorry to hear about the car trouble's, just added stress ...


but sometimes cruise control for tanks isn't the worst thing, without moving things, adding things, modding, .... it allows time for things to settle down and grow


and the less time you spend looking your tank ... the more growth you'll notice when you do have time to sit down and enjoy it and itll be really satisfying

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Good to hear about the cyano!! I hit the same 4-5 month hump with an outbreak.


+1 on being gone, everything can look great, granted all went ok while you were gone.

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Sorry to hear about the car trouble's, just added stress ...


but sometimes cruise control for tanks isn't the worst thing, without moving things, adding things, modding, .... it allows time for things to settle down and grow


and the less time you spend looking your tank ... the more growth you'll notice when you do have time to sit down and enjoy it and itll be really satisfying


Thanks Cruz. It's back in commission now but it was a pain having to take the bus everywhere for two weeks. Raleigh's public transit system is essentially nonexistent.


The tank is doing really well. I believe the nitrates have most likely climbed a bit because the xenia, which has been completely stagnant for the past 3 months, has started to grow.


The funny thing is that my SPS have exploded with growth with the added nutrients. I don't know what to think. Everyone always says that a low nutrient system is the best thing but maybe that's just to keep from having to frag their corals!


My orange montipora digitata (the one in the center / highest in the tank) has the best PE and growth I've ever seen from it. It's definitely my favorite piece of SPS.


The clam is doing really well too, which is awesome because I'm glad I don't have to move it.


Good to hear about the cyano!! I hit the same 4-5 month hump with an outbreak.


+1 on being gone, everything can look great, granted all went ok while you were gone.


Everything went great while I was gone. I'm relieved to say that! The controller did it's job and things just grew while I was away. It was nice seeing such a substantial change in growth compared to what I see on a day to day basis.


The fish are all doing great and growing steadily. I still have no idea what happened to my sixline wrasse. I plan on doing a few small water changes over the next two weeks to bring the nutrients back down and hopefully get myself a cleaner shrimp, a fire shrimp, and another fish.


I just feel like 5 fish isn't enough in such a long tank. I need something really active and I don't want another chromis.


I should be able to pick them up in the next month...any fish suggestions? Needs to be friendly! **Doesn't need to be a non-jumper because I have the mesh top now**

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This HAS to be one of the most awesome 20's I've ever seen...no wait...it IS THE most awesome!!! I just started mine a week ago (I count the end of cycle and "start time") and I can only hope mine will be half as good.


Inspiring :)

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Just saw this tank and watched the video. Gorgeous! I spend hours trying to get coral to stick in some places that you have it, haha. Something makes it look a lot larger than a 20 long. Also, I don't know how you do it but good job keeping that sand so white!

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This HAS to be one of the most awesome 20's I've ever seen...no wait...it IS THE most awesome!!! I just started mine a week ago (I count the end of cycle and "start time") and I can only hope mine will be half as good.


Inspiring :)


Thanks a lot miniwhinny. That's always good to hear :D


I'd say you've got the best possible shot with all that awesome equipment you went with. Looking forward to seeing your tank mature as well.


Just saw this tank and watched the video. Gorgeous! I spend hours trying to get coral to stick in some places that you have it, haha. Something makes it look a lot larger than a 20 long. Also, I don't know how you do it but good job keeping that sand so white!


Thanks C-Nano. Some of the pieces fell pretty often for a while until they grew onto the rock/glass. I had to be diligent with the super glue gel. The sand gets vacuumed in problem spots once a week and I have like 6 nass snails and a couple ceriths that run around and keep things in order for me.


The added flow and phosban reactor certainly aren't hurting things ;)





I think I might be postponing the auto-doser for a while. The two pumps alone are going to be about $80 and I'd much rather put that money towards a cleaner and a fire shrimp....and another fish. I just don't know what the other fish will be. I've considered a pair of purple fire fish but I am afraid that two more would push the tank's bioload over the edge.

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Thanks Cruz. It's back in commission now but it was a pain having to take the bus everywhere for two weeks. Raleigh's public transit system is essentially nonexistent.


The tank is doing really well. I believe the nitrates have most likely climbed a bit because the xenia, which has been completely stagnant for the past 3 months, has started to grow.


The funny thing is that my SPS have exploded with growth with the added nutrients. I don't know what to think. Everyone always says that a low nutrient system is the best thing but maybe that's just to keep from having to frag their corals!


My orange montipora digitata (the one in the center / highest in the tank) has the best PE and growth I've ever seen from it. It's definitely my favorite piece of SPS.


The clam is doing really well too, which is awesome because I'm glad I don't have to move it.




I think SPS do best in well-fed tanks, with a lot of the good kind nutrients. I noticed an improvement in my acros when I increased my feeding, despite the nonzero nitrates and phosphates. Perhaps a combination of frequent feeding and strong filtration gives the best results, allowing the corals to obtain more nutrition without letting the food linger too long in the water to feed algae.


Anyways, congrats on fixing that transmission without spending thousands of dollars! If you (and a friend) had been up to the task, the local junk yards also provide some pretty cheap used transmissions. Install it yourself, unfortunately. Don't ask me how I know. -_-

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Just watched your video... really cool... your tank has some sort of a magical feel... nice work.


Thanks Steve!


I think SPS do best in well-fed tanks, with a lot of the good kind nutrients. I noticed an improvement in my acros when I increased my feeding, despite the nonzero nitrates and phosphates. Perhaps a combination of frequent feeding and strong filtration gives the best results, allowing the corals to obtain more nutrition without letting the food linger too long in the water to feed algae.


Anyways, congrats on fixing that transmission without spending thousands of dollars! If you (and a friend) had been up to the task, the local junk yards also provide some pretty cheap used transmissions. Install it yourself, unfortunately. Don't ask me how I know. -_-


I'll have to continue watching the tank but it really does seem to be doing quite well with a little more food in the water. Makes me think I need more fish!!! :P


Funny you mention that about the transmission because we had contacted a few local junkyards for some prices. I actually found a handful of really great deals on eBay from scrap yards all over the US. Still about $300-400 cheaper after shipping.

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I haven't had a big photo update in a while and I have a little bit of time before I head downtown to catch the NHL All Star Fantasy Draft :D


Go Team Staal! :)


Not reef related but this is definitely me on the left flying a Robinson R22







There's 5 new heads --> introduced 12/5/2010



This is way more green from the top down view:



My softie corner I doubt has ever really been seen...and also the main return for my closed loop:



Let's move left to right:



True color shot:



The frustrating side of the reef (except the clam) because I have to cup back these softies weekly



Add that up for me:



Things lived through a really stressful three weeks...

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hey did you end up going with this loop system? Sorry if this question is an ignorant one -- but how do you know if the eheim is not 'pulling' in too much water vs the amount its pushing out? Because of that 'y' you got there? or vice versa.... -- and did you have to put the reactors behind the tank almost level for the cascade to work out? is this all kinda trial and error? or is there a 'mathematical' formula you or everyone else is using based on flow and gravity, etc...


Annnnd did you find the 6line? i know its been some time since you said it was missing... And amazing pics -- my favourite side is still the gsp side.. which is looking great btw... lol


And sorry if you've already answered those questions in the thread... I tried looking -- but not that hard.

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hey did you end up going with this loop system? Sorry if this question is an ignorant one -- but how do you know if the eheim is not 'pulling' in too much water vs the amount its pushing out? Because of that 'y' you got there? or vice versa.... -- and did you have to put the reactors behind the tank almost level for the cascade to work out? is this all kinda trial and error? or is there a 'mathematical' formula you or everyone else is using based on flow and gravity, etc...


Annnnd did you find the 6line? i know its been some time since you said it was missing... And amazing pics -- my favourite side is still the gsp side.. which is looking great btw... lol


And sorry if you've already answered those questions in the thread... I tried looking -- but not that hard.


This is the exact system I've implemented except the intake for the closed loop is NOT inside the surface skimmer box because the teeth aren't wide/deep enough. It dries the small overflow out so I had to put it outside (right above that purple cap) but it's actually not noticeable so I don't care.


No such thing as an ignorant question. Unless it's about the red wings. Everything about them is terrible.


Essentially the pump is pushing X amount of water constantly. The effects on the water due to gravity (siphoning) are neglected here because there is no outlet below the inlet.


It's like taking a hose of water and filling it up and sticking both ends on opposite sides of the tank. Nothing happens because the pressure is the same on both sides and gravity can't push anything anywhere. Adding a pump in the middle (which is essentially all this is...ignore the Y and two outlets for now) simply moves the water in the tube. As water leaves the pump the pressure at the pump's inlet is less than the input at the hose so water flows in that direction. It's essentially in perfect equilibrium at all times so the pressure doesn't ever change it just flows pretty smooth. Also, no bubbles :D


I have the reactor under the tank. The force exerted on the column of water in the reactor by the incoming water from the pump is enough to move water up the hose into the tank. This is at a much slower rate than the other side in order keep the media from dissolving into nothing. There were no formulas explicitly other than head loss. I knew I wanted ~40-50gph through the reactor and anything left over would be going to the other side like a powerhead. I wanted strong flow but nothing excessive because it's coming through a rather small tube. I decided on 150-250gph and found my pump accordingly using a head loss calculator found here:

Reef Central's Head Loss Calculator


The sixline was never discovered. It simply disappeared entirely so I'm assuming that it died and the clean up crew got her. I hope it wasn't from starvation because I felt like I was feeding her plenty but she wasn't very aggressive when I dropped food in the tank and some of the other fish are pretty hungry monsters.


I'm planning on getting another fish soon. Ideas?


PM me if you want any help with pumps and stuff at any time. I love that stuff :)


Awesome shots D. Your tank just keeps getting better..


Thanks brother. I really appreciate it. Just a teaser but a very good friend of mine is in town this weekend. He's a professional photographer with a few really nice lenses in his arsenal. Hopefully I can borrow one for an hour!


next time you cut back on those softies. cram them into a priority box & send it my way.


You REALLY don't want them...but I'll let you know. The anthelia and clove polyps are honestly satanic. I cut the anthelia to it's base and within two weeks it was back at the water's surface. It will consume a tank.

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PM me if you want any help with pumps and stuff at any time. I love that stuff :)

MUHUHAHAHHAHAH -- ur really gonna regret that now... thats all i needed for an invite.. done and done!

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That Polyp extension is CRAZY D!!!!


Everything looks great. That macro is really nice.


Thanks man. I sure wish the lens was mine. My buddy took a few photos as well and his are just phenomenal.


^+1 that goby looks awesome under macro


Thanks Wil. I'm really excited with how that one came out.


awesome photos. period. The last one is amazing.


Thanks a lot iron. I love the one with the clam.

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