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20xL mixed rimless - SELLING?


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ok yea i see that in the diagram now -- like an overflow for the source of the water... -- cascading reactors, thats cool -- definitely get a video up once everything is running -- im still blown away by learning that you don't need a sump for the reactors.. I did more of a search and found that you can just set em up like you are going to -- its such a futuristic look (IMO) its great! lol Now is there a reason you got the specific reactors that you bought?

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you have the "SPECIAL" tank


Like short bus special or you like it? B)



Now is there a reason you got the specific reactors that you bought?


This one was only $35 on Marine Depot and I think that's a fantastic place to do business. There's lots of stories about how they are cheap etc. but honestly given the low flow through them I doubt I ever have a problem.


this is quite the undertaking. take lots of pics!


Yes it is!




So my jeep (has 100k miles on it) flipped out on me today. Got locked in 3rd (limp mode) and threw a check engine light and I assumed my transmission was shot. It feels electrical though because that vehicle is one of the most rock solid cars I've ever been in from a mechanical standpoint. So it's going to be a simple sensor or some BS flash to the PCM or a $1k 10 hour tranny rebuild with my buddies. I wish those damn engineers knew how to write reasonably stable transmission control algorithms!


The good news is that because of my frustration with it I drank a beer. That beer turned into me working on the tank, which turned into a handful of beers. My flip cam wasn't working (just found out how to reset it and it's charging now). I'll have a video tomorrow.


The reactor loop works correctly. My LPS are so pissed. So so pissed. The SPS are loving it. We'll see what the deal is tomorrow but I have the AC70 turned way way down. Priming the system was a pain and it basically involved a few mouths of SW but it was better than having to add in more plumbing...it just meant more beer.



A strange angle before the start of work:



A quick fix to the sizing problem:



"You sure this thing is safe mister?"



Hey there:






Moving water:



So today sucked and then it wasn't so bad I guess. I'm breathing and so is my girlfriend and my dog. Time keeps ticking.



Finally, I want to say thanks to hype and tundras for making me get the eheim pump whether or not they knew they had any affect on my decision. This thing is unreal. So quiet, so powerful, so perfect. Thanks gentlemen!

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Looks like you have been busy man. Sorry to hear about the jeep. Glad to hear you like the pump, the new equipment looks like its being put to use effectively.

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Tanks looks really good. Love the pic of the clowns and YWG, they look like they are trying to figure out what the hell is going on.


I will always love the DC/VA area but the housing costs are so prohibiting. I will likely end up there after I finish up grad school given my focus but I am not looking forward to paying so much for a roof over my head.


Pulled from Tundras thread. What is your focus in? A lot of people are moving this way because the gov. and gov contractors are always hiring.

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Looks like you have been busy man. Sorry to hear about the jeep. Glad to hear you like the pump, the new equipment looks like its being put to use effectively.


Thanks man.


I left it running last night and all was well this morning. I hope everything is fine when I get back home tonight. The whole not having a car thing is already getting old.


wow -- looks perfect!! you always got great shots of your fish too -- its like ur trademark, really cool!


Thanks Wil. I love my fish. My next tank is going to be really built around the fish and won't really have any / many corals.


Tanks looks really good. Love the pic of the clowns and YWG, they look like they are trying to figure out what the hell is going on.


Pulled from Tundras thread. What is your focus in? A lot of people are moving this way because the gov. and gov contractors are always hiring.


Thanks man, I really love that picture too. Probably one of my favorites.


Yeah my focus is aerospace robotics / medical robotics. So between UAV and satellites I am surely going to be able to find a job up there. I'm going to try my hardest to stay in the private sector with non-governement contracted teams but sometimes the money is too hard to turn down for those. I still have one year of school left before I'm finished though. I love planes, helicopters and flight in general but I think my love of all things mechanical will lead me into prosthetics, hence the medical side of things. I am certainly applying to Boston Dynamics...we'll have to see where I end up. :huh:

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Yeah my focus is aerospace robotics / medical robotics. So between UAV and satellites I am surely going to be able to find a job up there. I'm going to try my hardest to stay in the private sector with non-governement contracted teams but sometimes the money is too hard to turn down for those. I still have one year of school left before I'm finished though. I love planes, helicopters and flight in general but I think my love of all things mechanical will lead me into prosthetics, hence the medical side of things. I am certainly applying to Boston Dynamics...we'll have to see where I end up. :huh:




Damn smart people!!

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Just don't work for lockheed! I have a client's dad who worked for them for 24 years. They let him go about 2 months before his retirement/pension. Just had back surgery, has arthritis, alzeheimers (sp) starting and they left him without health insurance. I'm hoping to go back to school this August, got my a.a. now for a b.s.

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Damn smart people!!


Hahaha it's not rocket science ;)


Just don't work for lockheed! I have a client's dad who worked for them for 24 years. They let him go about 2 months before his retirement/pension. Just had back surgery, has arthritis, alzeheimers (sp) starting and they left him without health insurance. I'm hoping to go back to school this August, got my a.a. now for a b.s.


Man that's brutal! I know some guys that did the Lockheed/Northrop thing. Not my cup of tea. My industry experience is pretty skewed though since I've only worked at one place really.


This is Petman, which was designed by Boston Dynamics. That's probably my ideal job and it's technically a government contractor. They build some cool cool robots!


I love the dog pic!


Haha thanks man. He's awesome! He's about 15 months old now...so you can imagine.



Things are going to be pretty rough for the next few months. Jeep's transmission is totally shot and the dealer wanted a mint to do it so I'm going to have to hold off for a while until my buddy can help me find a used tranny and tackle the chore. No car for a while...fortunately the tank is in 'coast' mode. Once everything settles down (after tax return) I will be ready for a cleaner shrimp.



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and your just a wee bit to far for me to come down & swing a few wrenches on your jeep.


Well I appreciate the mention man. It sure did suck having to put it onto a flatbed and send it off to my buddy but he knows what's going on. I've seen him and his lead mechanic completely rebuild a monster chevy transmission from a HD Silverado in 12 hours. Hopefully I'll have a car in the next two weeks though because I'm having to stay over at my girlfriend's place (I can walk to work from there) and so I'm only seeing the tank every two or three days.


Get a Tundra!!! :P I got an '01 and have loved it.


It's funny you mention that because if I get a new car I'm going to get a pickup truck and a Tundra is on my very short list of options! I just have to teach Kona how to ride in the bed :)


Hey D9. Took me awhile to find the thread, but thought I'd say hello.


Hello bitts. I haven't updated much because I haven't seen the tank in like 3 days. Hopefully I will be able to get over there tonight but not having a car is killing me. I hope everything makes it. Also, thanks again for all your help with the design of my next tank. I've got those renders but this transmission thing is really delaying the construction.


How are things in Colorado?

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Best truck I've ever drive and I have been through some with work.


Heres my baby on a bowhunting trip in Amelia VA a couple years ago. (I always think my buddy chays looks like bigfoot in the backround)



As far as the bed, its a little shallower than most but Peyton(my lab) rides with his legs in the back and chest on the armrest so hes right with me.

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Best truck I've ever drive and I have been through some with work.


Heres my baby on a bowhunting trip in Amelia VA a couple years ago. (I always think my buddy chays looks like bigfoot in the backround)


As far as the bed, its a little shallower than most but Peyton(my lab) rides with his legs in the back and chest on the armrest so hes right with me.


That's a slick truck. I wish my car was that hunter/forest green color but they only had a black laredo at the auction that day.


Sounds like you've got it mad with the lab. I absolutely love retrievers. Labs are probably a solid tie for second with dobermans, both fantastic breeds: albeit different.


So I figured I'd at least show off mine. It wouldn't be such a rough hit if I hadn't been so damn good about maintaining it. It often went less than 2,000 miles between oil changes and I changed the filters/fluid in the trans before I took it to California about 20,000 miles ago. Went from perfect to shot in about 30 miles.


Here's the transmission getting cleaned up in Greensboro, NC



Side of the road in New Mexico (Kona was only 3 months old so we stopped OFTEN):



Pescadero, CA:



Hopefully I'll have it back on the road in the next few weeks. Otherwise I'll have pictures of a pickup truck I guess.




In reef related news --->


I got to stop by the tank today and everything was fine. ATO reservoir was running low and there was some algae on the glass but otherwise things were good. I think there's too much flow in the tank because the LPS are all pissed, but all my SPS seem to have FANTASTIC color and growth compared to just a few days ago.


Updates again this weekend.



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Its a good thing you have your tank set up to auto pilot. I love what you have done with this tank and can't wait to see your next project.


And good luck with the Jeep. I hope you get it back soon.

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Its a good thing you have your tank set up to auto pilot. I love what you have done with this tank and can't wait to see your next project.


And good luck with the Jeep. I hope you get it back soon.


Thanks irondragon. The funny thing about the 'auto-pilot' is that it actually makes me a bit MORE worried about the system. I feel like I need a controller for my controller :huh:


I just think I'll add a few more failsafes to the next one. It's relatively scary that all my relays are controlled by a single 5V regulator that's on my arduino board. If any of that failed it would be the same thing as a powerstrip getting cut off.


My next project is probably years away at this point because of this jeep thing. Not something I had really planned on...especially on a student's budget. Even with my two jobs I really need some good news from my buddy.


That is a nice Jeep.


Thanks man. I bought it with some body damage and relatively high miles at the big auto auction here through a buddy of mine who runs a used car dealership. It's been a great car and I don't think I'm ready to let it go yet.


Got to see the tank again tonight and things are good but I think I'm going to have to change the flow patterns. The LPS hate the added flow from the closed loop but the SPS are going absolutely nuts. I just can't give up my frogspawn.



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Thanks irondragon. The funny thing about the 'auto-pilot' is that it actually makes me a bit MORE worried about the system. I feel like I need a controller for my controller :huh:


I just think I'll add a few more failsafes to the next one. It's relatively scary that all my relays are controlled by a single 5V regulator that's on my arduino board. If any of that failed it would be the same thing as a powerstrip getting cut off.


My next project is probably years away at this point because of this jeep thing. Not something I had really planned on...especially on a student's budget. Even with my two jobs I really need some good news from my buddy.


I know what you mean about a student budget, I'm an accounting major with around a year and a half to go. Luckily I still live with my parents but they can't help me with school expenses let alone a tank. I hope you get your Jeep back soon. It shows that you care for that car. Good luck with the Jeep and the tank till things are back to how they were :D

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Tank is looking awesome man. And that sucks about the jeep.


Also the contractor thing isn't bad, the pay is good the opportunities are endless and some of the projects can be pretty sweet. I do intrusion detection and its pretty sweet.

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