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SPS... my precious... in a 30g


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Thanks Drew! ;)


Some specs and reef care:


30g main (2'x1.5'x1.5')

12g sump/refugium on a reverse 12hr photoperiod

4" DSB (Deep Sand Bed)

40lbs of cured Fiji & Vanuatu LR

5x 24w ATI T5 (4x Aquablue Special and 1x Blueplus) on a 12hr photoperiod

4100 L/hr (turnover rate of about 36x)

AquaC Urchin protein skimmer

Ca 420+ppm

Alk 8+dKH

SG 1.025

Temp 79-82F (Teco RA240 1/3hp chiller)

Daily addition of Calcium, Strontium and Magnesium with top-up water

Daily addition of Reef Builder with top up water

Daily dosing of Aminos, Iodide and other trace elements

10-20% water change bi-weekly with Tropic Marine salt



Lime green monti cap...

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I want a piece of that electric blue. I will trade you for a purple digi with forest green polyps.... too bad you are so faaaarr away. Danano. you are da-man-o. Tank of the month right here... I relenquish the priveledge.

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as always your tank is stunning....i am amazed at the coloration you are getting out of those t-5s....how often do you have to replace the bulbs?

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awesome tank.....that is how I am trying to get mine to look. outstanding job....now....tell me how you did it...lol. I need lots more of something and don't know what. You can view my thread...I think it is listed my 30 gallon

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Amazing! All that color in your acros - I assume you don't have red bugs. How do you keep from getting them?


I love the humulis and bonsai acro. Do you have any close-ups of the pink birdsnest?

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Wow, great tank! I am thinking about starting a 30'ish g as well, but was thinking of just keep softies in it. Looking at your tank makes me want to change my mind. ;)

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Looks sweet as always Dan. What fish do you have in there other than the chromis and yellow tailed type of damsel/chromis i see in one of your pics? Did you take out your sailfin tang or did it die? Also, hows your Urchin skimmer working for you. Do you get good dry foam or just wet foam? Lates.

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Skeletor, birdman, phish, SLO, rattlesnake, Korbin, skip, J-Bass... your kind words, support and encouragement mean a lot to me! ;)


Thanks all... to be honest, it all started here at nano-reef.com :)


Skeletor & SLO, yes, I am very pleased with the results I'm getting with the T5s. But as you know, lighting is but just one essential component to keeping SPS. Ideal water parameters, good water circulation/flow and 24/7 TLC are equally important. Haven't replaced the T5s yet. They are rated to keep their intensity longer than MH but time will tell. I'll be monitoring my SPS closely. WIll probably replace them after 12 months or so.


Birdman, a purple digi with green polyps would certainly interest me... better still if you had a purple rim monti cap! :woot: Well, if you ever make it out here... do drop me a PM. ;) Just want to say I am truly honoured by your vote... no need to relinquish your throne... there's always next month... heheh!:D Is Chris reading this?? Maybe he'll consider squeezing in my 30g as a nano.:P After all, it all started as a 10g almost 18 months ago.


Rattlesnake, how do I do it... hmmm, check out my reef specs and care.;) Send me a PM if you like with any specific questions.


Korbin, never had a problem with red bugs. You might want to add a wrasse to your tank. The 6-line, yellow canary and leopard wrasse are all reef safe in my experience. It may help. Pink birdsnest below. :happy:


Skip, go for it. But just remember, SPS are a whole lot harder to keep... let me know if I can help with your setup.


J-Bass, sadly, the sailfin didn't make it. :( No plans to add another tang in there, not even a small one.

The fish inhabitants include:

1 black leopard wrasse

1 bicolor blenny

2 green chromis

3 yellow tail chromis

2 orchid dottybacks

1 "fat & healthy" mandarin goby (I believe the key to be lots of quality LR with a healthy pod population). The LR I use/stack tend to be small and flat, providing greater surface area. Mandarin's been with me for about 5 months and it just keeps getting fatter!


J-B, I am happy with the Urchin skimmer. The foam is sllightly wet but it does produce good dark skimmate. I'll post a pic and you be the judge.



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