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Coral Vue Hydros

acropora red ugs or mite's


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okay everything looks great no bugs

but i think i have lost my red leg hermit's i see legs but no hermits :(

i will check it agian in the morning

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okay next morning no bugs i think it worked

and i have found some hermits alive and kickin

i'll update in a few days to keep everyone posted

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and i am proud to share that the main reason of doing this nows was a green acro which was not showing bug's was showing signs that something was wrong right after the out break of the bugs like it was turning brown and the polyps were not coming out around the base but today during lunch. half of the polyps were out which have not been out for a few weeks i am willing to bet that all will be out in a few more days cause maybe the bugs were hiding in the polyps




:) if anyone was any questions

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okay I must now do a little confessing....... I cheated a little

i turned off the sump becouse of the fear of starvation for my mandarin so I only treated the main system... the pod population is still there in the sump and uneffected so I am going to wait and see if in 2-3 weeks if the bugs come back which i think I am safe but I will keep everyone posted

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a week later there is still no sign of red-bugs on any corals all the corals have great polyp extension... i have done a second water change since then there are still pods visible on the glass at all times but not as many as before the treatment i am not 100%sure why the decline... but I am happy to say no ill effects on the total tank everything looks great

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Just treated (interceptor) my tank this weekend. Within hours, things looked great and things started to show polyps that I hadn't seen in a long time.


As for the treatment, everything was done as outlined by the thread over at RC.....25mg/10ga, 8 hours, followed by a 25% w/c and a boat load of carbon. I added my hermits back at this point, which 3 smaller ones died, but the 3 larger ones are still kicking....albeit slowly! Oh yeah, I can still see a few pods rolling around at night.


I have slowly noticed over the last couple of days, that I'm getting "snotty" stands (looks kinda like egg drop soup) hanging off the PH's, wrapped around corals, and on the sand (which I think it is coming from). Anyway, I siphoned alot out last night, did another 25%w/c.....things seems fine, other than the occasional brush with a snot strand.


This morning there was a ton of the stuff again......


Anyone else see this kinda crap after the interceptor treatment.


Thanks, John

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my corals where slimmy after the treatment but no more slime after the water change

I am glad that it worked well for ya :)

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Yeah...this is wierd! It's looks like it is coming from the sandbed, not the acros. More w/c's and siphoning I guess.


I used the opportunity to totally clean up my nasty fuge.....crystal clear again!

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  • 1 month later...

the coral that i show in the begining of this thread is a hard to find blue hummilis acro frag that had shown no growth for 4-5 months with red bugs after almost 2 months of no red bugs it has encrusted like crazy and has many little knobs coming off of it....

so if any one thought red bugs did no damage just think of how big your corals could be now if ya didn't ever have em.....

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Good job Matt!


I'm about 2 months post red bugs. Did you do multiple interceptor treatments? I only did one, but love the results.


Now, the question........I'm sure you've all read Bornemans take on a red bug cure (basically advocating Lugols dip, rather than interceptor). Since we're now bug free. What are you going to do when you get a new frag?


I just picked up some Seachem Reef Dip and was planning on a 4x 5min dip for any Acro going into my tank? What are your plans.


The reason I'm planning is all the LFS have them!!! One guy knows he has them and has a sign posted...the other guy is in denile.

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Seachem Reef Dip here. Once I move I'm setting up a QT tank in one of my old tanks for close observation for these lil SOB's.

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i did 2 treatments to be sure but each time i turned off the sump to limit pod death

loguls did not work and neither did the seachem both are iodine dips.... i tried the 4x at 10min it seemed to work but the came back so i do not know if it really works or not... but i have set up a second nano a 15g frag grow out tank with my old light


right now there are several nasty things going around red bugs for acro's and monti eating nudi's so for now on everything is going thru the q-tank

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I am getting ready to start an Interceptor treatment (as soon as I can get a pill from a local reefer). I was wondering about follow ups as well. I will have more than enough interceptor to do acro quarantines, but that might be a pain. I was hoping there would be more experience with dips by now...

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Although Lugols and Reef Dip are both iodine agents, the concentration and make up are totally different. Borneman is using the lugols at a rediculously high concentration and it seems to kill all the bugs. I wonder how dilute the seachem stuff is?

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I finally worked up the nuts to dose my tank last night. added the bug powder around midnight then got up at 7am and did a 40% WC, added carbon, turned on skimmer.. so far no bugs and my CBS lived through. I did what mattie did and turned off the fuge.



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Well, I think when this all started......no one knew the life cycle and whether or not the bugs lived, LR, LS, or on other corals. So the idea of turning off the fuge was a gamble. Since I treated mine, Borneman did his voodoo and it looks like you guys should be fine. The bugs only live on certain acro species, are good swimmers but immediately jump on the nearest acro, and are live brooders...no larval stage in the LS or LR.


Skeletor - Have you noticed a change in your live stock? Mine was almost immediate!

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yep, polyps !!!!! there is great polyp extension on all the bug bitten acro's now..


I had a tiny bit of snot but that was all from the green bali slimer, turnover in the tank is around 45x so nothing much stays around for long. it was a trip doing a large WC and seeing everything in the tank out of water.


I think I might have overestimated how much water volume I have, the rocks and sand displace more than I expected. so my WC was probably over 50%.. ORP dropped to around 310 and is around 340 now (normal is 380-390). I was going to run a bit of ozone today but now I'm not so sure.



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I have 2 yellow acro frags and a tri color acro frag that i have noticed these bugs on. I am able to remove the frags. Should i remove them and try the treatment in a QT tank or is there a need to treat the entire tank? My yellow acros are encrusting and they have about half the polyp extension they should. The tri color has never extended polyps. I have had them for about a month. I would like to avoid treating the entire tank (10 gal) but I don't know whether or not these bugs live in the LR or LS as well as on the corals. Any ideas???

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