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Archipelago Contest tank


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The bottom looks awesome. It's hard to show the textured 3D effect of the sand spray and yeah I know it's not real sand ;) ...but in "real life" it looks good enough to me :D





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I practiced on an old 5 gallons I have and while it looked REALLY great and I'd encourage anyone with a rimless tank give it a shot....it highlighted the black rim too much as a dividing line. I loved how the sand just faded off into the distance but my eyes kept getting drawn to the black line. So I left the sand on the bottom only.



That is exactly what i was going to say.Looking at my tank i was thinking that was going to not make it look so good,unless you could pop the rim off and put it back on. :D or have a rimless tank.

Anyways, it looks great although i prefer sand.The background is also a great idea, i cant wait to see it finished.Good luck

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Here's my little surprise lol.


My son wanted to dive with sharks for his 16th b'day last summer and got some awesome shots. I've always loved sharks and wanted a shark tank so now I have one....


I used one of Matt's shark pictures and painted my own...


I'm not an artist and I wanted my shark to blend in and not be too obvious (and not look goofy!) Will share finished pics when everything is dry but here's the paint going on the back. I blended dark at the bottom to light at the top...hopefully when the halides are on the top will get even lighter.










The paint completely covered my shark...I can't wait til it dries so I can see what it looks like :D

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Got the paint all dry and the tank is back in place (no water yet)


I'm really pleased with how the shark turned out ! It really blends into the background so that you hardly notice it which is what I wanted. It goes nicely with the low archipelago / open ocean feel that I was trying to convey :) Fading the dark blue up to the lighter blue also helps give a great feel of depth. These aren't good pictures because the tanks empty, has no light over it and is covered in cling film (to stop the dust as I cleaned it ready for water lol)









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:) Thanks everyone.


I was really nervous painting him because I knew once it was spray painted over I'd have a heck of a job removing it. Hubby was laughing because I kept getting out my paint...getting ready and then chickening out lol

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Well it's mega cool.


All the cool NR tanks are gonna want to switch from Tiki's to Sharks now. ;)


LOL...you're so kind :D


Thanks everyone (again :D )

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not much going on. Added a Vortech MP10 (going to add another on the opposite side) and replaced my phoenix bulb which was way past due. I also did a tiny bit of re 'scaping. I decided I needed a slightly larger mountain in the middle.


Next plans as some LED's to supplement the phoenix.







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you should not keep a hammerhead in less than a 100000gal+ tank!!!!!


It is a 100000+ gallon tank...they're just very VERY large percs (and HUGE rocks) HAHAHAHHAHA ;)

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7 Pages and all you have are two clowns and a shark... :wacko:

Lookin Good!


Oh...you need to live where I live...3 hours from the closest city (that's a 6 -7 hour round trip just to go LFS shopping). We have one LFS here in town. They don't open Sundays and only have two frag tanks when they are open. If I could find stuff to buy believe me - I'd have more lol ;)

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hey, so just saying thanks in giving me some idea of how to do my scape in my 30 gallon reef tank. :)

I was more inspired by scenes from the Yhangtze river, but wasn't sure how I would do it.


also... I know your pain... except I can one up you and say that my local LFS doesn't even have a frag tank, the only coral they have is a mushroom. fish-wise though, they are pretty decent, but expensive. I have to drive about 4 hours, with traffic to an LFS worth going to.

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