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Archipelago Contest tank


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Crackerballer - NICE light. I've decided against the PAR 38's after hearing so many negatives about the color. Sure wish I knew someone who had one so I could see for myself. I hate to base my decisions on internet chat but as I'd sink a couple of hundred plus without knowing for sure I think I'm going to skip.


Animalmaster6...adding right now :D

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Mini- I have a 12k PAR 38. I like the color, if I haven't yet I'll post a pic showing what it looks like. After reading that you were going to use them I set mine up as a spotlight on my clam.

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Mini- I have a 12k PAR 38. I like the color, if I haven't yet I'll post a pic showing what it looks like. After reading that you were going to use them I set mine up as a spotlight on my clam.


Oh I'd love to see pics - thanks. Especially as you have the 12k's which is the color I'm wondering about :D

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Broke down and added sand today




HELP !! What's happeneing...




Nothing, relax it's just a small sand storm..I've heard about these......just follow me and don't stray too far away.



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Thanks guys,


the clowns are ORA grade B picasso's. I've had them both for about 1 1/2 years now. I really like the well defined jigsaw pattern too. I have to say I think they're loving having a 40B all to themselves lol.

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Sandstorm has cleared. I really like the open feel of the 'scaping. Now I have to make sure I don't mess it up with the wrong corals. Oh, that big ugly surface skimming box is going to be taking a hike when I have my sump set up.











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Looks good. Also, I don't know who told you about the color being bad on the Par38s! My cousin has 6 of them over a 90 tech, 3 12k and 3 20k and it is INSANE. He has 2 more unused too. He is breaking down his tank though and may be selling all 8, so PM me if you are interested when he does.

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Wow, thanks everyone for the kind comments :D They're much appreciated.


Crackerballer - I haven't heard anything bad about the PAR's I've just read a few negatives about the color of LED's in general. Thanks for letting me know about your cousin's tank. I'm sure I'm going to end up getting two :D

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Thanks :)


Okay, now I need help with my sand bed as it's my first one lol. I have a sand sifting star but the more I read the more it seems "sand sifting = bad, sand shifting = good". I want to build a nice sand bed while keeping it clean. Would I be better trading the star for a couple of fighting conchs?

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I have always read that the sand shifting starfish eat the good stuff out of the sandbed, and are not good to have in smaller tanks as a result. I loved my fighting conch, it did a good job until it got stuck between the glass and a piece of liverock for a few days. I will probably get another small one for my 29g once I get the LR rearanged so that one shouldn't be able to wedge itself between the glass and rock again. One would probably be enough for your 40B. I also have nassarius snails.

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Whinny, the tank looks great! In particular your clownfish look very healthy. I also like the lighting and the overall feel of the tank when you look at the rock work. I myself am planning a more minimalist type design with my tank (compared with my 29g which has hardly any sand space at all). I'm not sure if I'll do the 2 islands, the atoll, the bonsai, or the archipelago style though. I've got some time to think still as my stand isn't even done yet.

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Thanks :D


The 40B really allows some nice wide open 'scaping. I'm just totally lost over what to put in it now lol. I'll be watching your thread to see how yours comes along.


I'm also really frustrated...I have money to buy stuff and nowhere to spend it !!!! We have one LFS store here in town and it's a 3 hour drive to the next one. Not sure I want a 6 or 7 hour round trip in case all I find is a $5 conch HAHA :o I think this will end up being a very long term build...oh well, guess I'll always have something to look forward to :blush:

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