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Archipelago Contest tank


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That's really looking great!

I like the whole Archipelago concept you're going with as well.



Thanks :)


I hope the Archipeligo idea works...it's working in my brain but you know how that goes lol ! Somehow I have to translate the idea to reality. I'm wanting it to visually look like a chain of islands. I'm going to end up keeping it low profile with lots of open swimming space.


I've been collecting pics to get an idea of what I want it to look like










Stand looks fantastic.


Thanks Banjo :D

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Tomorrow is set aside for spray painting the back.


Then comes hanging the Sunpod.


Then purchasing two Par 38's


Then designing and setting up the sump hahaha it's never ending and there's still no water in it HAHAHA


BUT THEN comes the fun part...STOCKING it :haha::naughtydance:

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Thanks everyone :)


Got my spray painting done this morning. I used black. I love the look that the blue backgrounds give but I don't like the look of equipment...until manufacturers sell powerheads with a color option of blue or black...I have to use black paint to help camouflage them. :D I also love how the black makes the colors POP.


Going BB. Back in the days when I used sand my favorite was the black because of the contrast it gave the corals on it...but I don't like using sand so I made my own solution to the problem...I spray painted the underneath of my tank black also :D :D :D


Now I have to be patient while it dries....NOT EASY lol.





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We finished the stand.


I now need to work on the fuge and get two PAR38's.


But...I'm horribly impatient so in the mean time I've set up the main tank already :D It was hard doing the 'scaping and I'm not 100% sure that everything is where it's staying but I think I managed to get the "look" I was after. It's low with plenty of upward growing and swimming room. It's hard to capture it in a picture but it has the look of a chain of islands. I just LOVE what you can do with a 40B. I'm so used to working with 12 inches front to back.


Anyhow...here's some pics....













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cheryl jordan
Love the openness of the rock in your archipelago, very cool concept.


Me Too !


It is soooo pretty it almost seems a shame to cover it with corals. :)


Nice quality rock !

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Cheryl, 90% of the rock is Marshall Island. I think it's my favorite of the LR's. It's just the right density and I love the shapes.


I want to be very careful not to make any impulse buys (been there, done that lol) I want to make sure that I research everything carefully before it goes in the tank.


Right just now there's just one invert - a maxi mini anemone and two fish - my picassos.

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Always a good plan to research everything before getting it. I can't wait for my upgraded tank to settle in so I can move my maxi nems over to it.

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so you spent all this time makin' an awesome stand,

and we don't even get a pic w/ the whole setup in it???


c'mon... omgomgomg

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Sorry...full shot coming right up (running for camera lol)


But here's a little something to look at until I take it. Just added my fist purchase to my first inhabitant :D


"Happiness is a big fat nem" :wub:


Bought a little Nen crab and dropped him in.




Within seconds he'd picked his spot all snuggled up in my S. Tapetum (my first tank inhabitant other than my picassos)




Okay...going to take photo of tank on stand....

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and here's the tank on the stand...














The next two purchases and additions will be two PAR 38 12,000k's and my overflow/fuge and everything that goes along with it. I should have got it up and going right away but I just wasn't that patient lol.


...and because I know someone will notice...yup, it's not flat against the wall. I angled it out slightly on purpose for viewing reasons...in "real life" it's not something you even notice when you're eyes are drawn to the tank.



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Now that's legit!


Are you using the PAR 38's as spotlights in the DT, or for the Fuge?

If spotlights, what will they be focused on?

If for the fuge I recommend considering using a 5000k or so floodlight. Much cheaper than PAR 38's

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Thanks Oats,


I have a small coralife for the fuge - the one with the two 9w PC's. I think it will be perfect.


I'm going to angle the PAR's at 45 degrees to the water so they spread out. One in each back corner. Or at least that's what I'm planning before I've got them. Perhaps after I get them I'll do something differently. I do have a couple of "islands" that may look good highlighted. Also PAR 38's aren't written in stone so I'm still looking at what else is available.



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Hey Mini love the tank!


Very cool Porcelain Crab :)


Thanks :D I'm please with how it looks. It's hard to get the open feel on camera but to the eye it looks good. Of all teh tanks I've had over the years - 5,10,20L,20H, 29, 40B and 55 - the 40B has to be THE most prefect size for 'scaping. I'm loving it! Anyone not sure about taking the plunge from a smaller tank...DO IT you'll love it !! lol.


I'm at a stand still over sand. I've been BB in my tanks for years now and love how clean they stay. I can't decide if I should keep this one BB or add a thin layer just to give the tank the look of sand. I've been tryig to make up my mind for two weeks now hahahaha!

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Mini I have the light you need, I hate you are in Oregon as shipping would be a killer!




Keep an eye out for someone selling on of those. They are pretty light, so easy to hang or you can use legs on them. You could go with a 14k or 20k MH and then do 50/50 bulbs on the side for better coverage and actinic supplement. Or a 10k bulb and full actinic PCs.

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