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75 Gallon Lagoon/Reef Tank


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So as very few of you may already know, I am starting a half lagoon and half drop off tank in the very near future. This build struck my curiosity when I saw Bird's 20L half and half and since then I have been talking to him and others along with my LFS about builder in a somewhat larger scale.


Of course the blank slate will be an AGA 75 gallon which is 48"x18"x20"

I picked a 75 because I like the height and I wanted a deeper tank so that I can place a lot of different things inside since the top of the tank is only going to be 48" off the floor.


Stand was custom made by a friend with 4x4s for main support. I purchased custom glass for this project as well which is 3/8 thick and I have 4 pieces.

- The vertical piece will be the dropoff which is placed about 17" from the right of the tank. It is 13" tall.

- The horizontal piece has a 5x5 inch cutout on the back right for an overflow and is 17" long.

- The other two pieces are small and are to build up the overflow so that the waterlevel reaches just under the lip of the plastic frame.


I plan on filling the overflow spot with a media rack made out of lexan that will also have room for cords to the pump sump light and heater.


For livestock I plan on keeping a pair of clowns, 50 lbs or more of live rock, anenome, maybe a pair of pipefish, many soft corals, a few acros, it will also contain many macros and a clam bed, and a few more things I have not decided on.


I hope this tank will be a learning experience for me and others and If it turns out well I might rebuild in an even bigger size.

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Cool. Was wondering when it would get started. And since talking to you about the larger tank I have considered doing one also. I have a 40gl 48"x16"x12".

Where you at now with it?

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Well I just siliconed all the glass in (messy but I think I completed the job). I am going to wait a week before trying to fill with water just to be safe. After that I have to build a rig for the overflow to buffer noise and then I will start the cycle.


For lighting I am picking up a 6 bulb tek elite. Currently I have the legs for it but later on I may want to mount the whole fixture because I want the tank to be more of a look down into than a side view.


p.s. Looking at it now, I wish I had made the lagoon portion longer, maybe half and half, but I wanted more room for a possible tang so o well, you can't have everything.

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No leaks!!! I will try my best to post a pic but my gf so conveniently cracked the screen on her new camera...


Next on the Agenda:

cut hole for return into main display portion

set up pump

start cycle!

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this is the best pic i could get.


I know the silicone is messy but no leaks and ill go over it where it matters and clean it up.

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this is the best pic i could get.


I know the silicone is messy but no leaks and ill go over it where it matters and clean it up.


nice! But how to you get those pvc tubes out from under there? Kinda a dumb question I know lol

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Through the overflow? I'm confused, is that the sump or is this the tank?


My bad, I open up about 20 tabs and then read them, by the time I reply its been 30 minutes.

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The overflow is in the tank! This is the display and the sump so to speak. Since I am making a third of the tank shallow opposed to 20 inches deep, I am using the empty space as a sump which recieves water from a corner overflow that is about an inch from the top of the tank in the back right corner.

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Thank you, planning and executing this was very difficult and I hope it turns out exactly how I have imagined it 4 months ago.


Now I must cut a 1/2 or 3/4 inch hole in the vertical pane seperating the deep end and the sump so that I can rig my mag 5 up to it and provide flow to the tank and pull water from the inside sump.


I will probably have the LFS take care of it because I don't have the necessary tools and since I work there it is on the house.

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looks like an optical illusion due to glass and water distortion. Looks to be the bottom "left" side trim and silicone.

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I think that is the reflection of something on the water looks like the reflection of the top trim.


Lol, it actually looks like I have another piece of glass siliconed in the tank from the reflections.

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where is the return pump going? I have mine in the wall separating the deep from the sump.

Is this where you are putting it? Drill a hole? Did you paint the wall? Can't tell in the pic.

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Same place pretty much, I will also be adding a Y split to spread the flow more evenly along the bottom of the tank. I have not drilled yet just need to get it over to my LFS and I will not be painting any walls, I like being able to see the equpment and water levels but I might add a cover if it becomes too much of a distraction.

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Finally got the tank over to the fish store, now just waiting on them to cut it and the cycle will start.


Painted the homemade stand yesterday, it is very green, i will post a pic of it soon.

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