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Cultivated Reef

FOTBC's LED propagation station


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Thank you sir! I wouldnt be complaining about your tanks.. they look pretty damn good as well

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet looking setup. What kind of filtration are you running. Is that just a regular hob filter. I have one on my daughters 30g cube and plan on adding a hob skimmer soon but things seem to be doing ok with just the hob and some carbon. I am skeptical about adding anything yet other than fish with this set up but whatever your using seems to be doing the job.

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Yeah just a penguin 350 w/o the bio wheels. I would like to get the HOB skimmer/ filter someday. I have to sell a few more corals first :) My 28 didn't run with a skimmer for a long time and I have SPS & LOTS of fish..

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So I went threw some ups and downs since the last time I have updated.


First of all this tank is the proud new owner of some LED's! :bowdown: I had to since eveything was turning brown due to crapy PC's


Now for the rest of the story. I have had my bouts with dyno's...and kicked their ass! I then had a bout with hair algae and am kicking its ass due to manual removal, LOTS of water changes, and and a long spine urchin that is a freaking BEAST! I wish I had gotten ones of these before. I always read that they where bulldozers, however my astreas knock over more then he does. He is cool as hell too.


I did make a huge mistake one day.. I put WAY to much Kaulk in there at once... I made the mistake of filling a 5g bucket for my ATO on another tank added Kaulk to it, filled off the top off like usual. Had a little bit left and as I was walking by I thought "well that one needs it too.....oppps.... I dumped the bottom of the bucket in. I usually mix its own separate gallon however i was lazy! :slap: It burned most everything in there... including my BN I brought back from the dead that I was kinda proud of... However zoas and mushrooms are making a full recovery, mushrooms are still a bit bleached.


Here are some updated pics.. I didn't straighten up house cause I didnt think about it before I took pics. so excuse the tiles scattered about.. I cant find the better camera as well crappy pics.






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watch outt. i had a "BEAST" once. i ended up stabing it. it killed 3 frags of zoas. just to let you know...


Thanks for the heads up.. I read about them taking out wanted coraline, but not zoas. I keep an eye on him.

It has already taken out nearly all the algae now I feed it a algae wafer once in a while.

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dude nice set up on the frag tank! seriously it looks really good. and a 10g doesn't take up that much room. lol hell its bigger than my display!



LMK if there is anything else in here that you may want as well.

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Wow very nice frag tank!!! makes me wish mine were nicer!!


Thanks! I'll have to take a look at your. You have a thread?


want to buy anything I'm trying to buy more parts for a tank upgrade for this. I picked up the 24x12x8 tank bonsi had up.. :P I have a 4sale thread up right now but most everything him here is negotiable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

got my new frag tank today.. I got the one that was posted on here by bonsi. 24x18x8....sexy... I may abandon this thread for new build I'll keep updated.

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So rather then abandoning this thread for another useless one I figured I would just redo this one a bit.


The tank is now a 24x12x8 advanced acrylic tank with an external overflow built in.


I took the 10g I had and made it a sump. I plan on trying something a bit different as far as sump goes. I am going to use xenia for nutrient export to see what happens. If it fails oh well I throw in some Macro's..


Flow is a 400gph pump going from the sump and I belive that it will be all the flow I am going to use for now. I like it. Seems to be strong enough for all.


Lighting is my 20" Coralife fixture that I retro fit 7 RB and 7 CW cree LED's into on separate dim-able drivers. Makes it nice and easy to aclimate new corals.


now for PIC's excuses the cloudiness I just swapped everything over to this about 20min before pics.

Some things still not open yet.








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Bunch of new pic! man I love being able to adjust between blues and whites! ENJOY!


























most of this stuff was under the PC's for a while so it browned out quite a bit. Since the new LED's colors on the zoas have come back considerably, but they still have a way to come compared to my main tank.


I have noticed after looking back at a couple pics from when I first put the new light on that a few monti caps have bleached a bit. Since that has happened I have dimmed it down a bit.


The tank is all cleared up since the last FTS. I may put one up later today.


Let me know what you all think.



Oh, I also am really excited to see how these browned out turds turn out. I picked them up a couple days ago.

(they have the hornet ring..)



Hard to see in that pic..

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New FTS with the light hanging.. Much cleaner look and I can get in and out easier.


All white LED only



All blue LED only



Now full white & blue..



I really could spend all day just playing with the settings between the blues and whites.


I was thinking about adding 1-RED and 1-cyan or UV..not sure on that yet. I was wondering your opinions on what string I should add it to.. whites, blues, or both. If both would you put red on white or blue string? Anyone with any expertise in this field please chime in.

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holy crap dude your frag tank is awesome! seriously wow! if i understand right isn't uv light what makes corals produce their flouresence so add something to stimulate the production of those proteins would be good? i don't know, but it'd be a cool experiment... mabe 1 uv bulb over a corner to have a test area is in order. and i think that a red or cyan would look pretty cool once you got it balanced in. anyways great job!

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How am I going to do that I already have to many plugs and I dont want to add one or two more for red & cyan

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Couldn't you use something like an arduino board a larger AC adaptor and combine 3 drivers over the board to that single power adaptor.


By the way your setup is looking really clean.

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Yeah I prob could do something like that... My LED knowledge is limited to this one fixture. I'll have to do some research.

Thank you for the idea.

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The more I do to this tank now that I have a bit more knowledge in reefing, I realize more and more that my frag tank is far more sophisticated & high tech then my display tank. Hanging light, LED, built in external overflow, Its kinda sad really. Especially since I was thinking of putting my RKL on it instead...

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